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Turn 3 Recon squad

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 1:04 pm
by Nick
Date: 17th August, 2080AD, 2100 UT
Location: Barnard's Star, PT-554 (In Bush)
Operation: Training Op
Mission timer: 03:12:05

Dar inched forward, squeezing his way under a twisted root. The rainfall was incredidle and even seemed to have increased in instensity. It was hard to hear Eagle through the headset in the crescendo of rustling leaves and droplets splashing to the muddy ground.

He heard something. His senses screaming that something was wrong. He heard it again. A faint hydraulic whine to his left. Slowly, slowly he turned his head. Three meters away he saw an UA 571C remote sentry gun, craftily camouflaged by a piece of shrub. The barrel was pointing away from dar. As it was twisted to its far right Dar saw the belt that fed into the gun.

The ammo container had a faint text written upside down on it: "500 rounds // M250 10mm x 28 HEAP". That was not training ammuniton.

Suddenly the gun started swiveling towards Dar with a menacing hydraulic whine.

Turn 3 Recon squad

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 6:27 am
by Grambo
He heard something. His senses screaming that something was wrong. He heard it again. A faint hydraulic whine to his left. Slowly, slowly he turned his head. Three meters away he saw an UA 571C remote sentry gun, craftily camouflaged by a piece of shrub. The barrel was pointing away from dar. As it was twisted to its far right Dar saw the belt that fed into the gun.

The ammo container had a faint text written upside down on it: "500 rounds // M250 10mm x 28 HEAP". That was not training ammuniton.

Suddenly the gun started swiveling towards Dar with a menacing hydraulic whine.
"Holy..." Dar moved as his brain played catchup. He had learned to trust his instincts, and again they woke him up just in time. Three meters was WAY too far in this muck to get to the weapon before it turned him into a puree of scout. Instead, Dar flattened into the muck, trusting his lack of heat signature and lack of motion to keep him from being blazed. He knew if he blew either, he was dead meat. Dar knew the rain and the suit gave him a good shot at avoiding IR signature... so if he just didn't move...

He still had a warning to get out, and the shotgun mic on the gun wasn't on him yet. Dar quickly shouted into the mic...

"Live sentry guns, everyone down NOW!" before proning out... and holding his breath to see if once the gun turned on him, it decided he wasn't a target...

Turn 3 Recon squad

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 1:45 pm
by Nick
The gun swept towards Dar and stopped. Freezing its motion. For several painstaking seconds it did nothing. Each second felt like an hour. Then, finally, the gun swept away, continuing its 180 degree search of the terrain in front of it.

{tag dar/recon}

Turn 3 Recon squad

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 5:40 pm
by Grambo
The gun swept towards Dar and stopped. Freezing its motion. For several painstaking seconds it did nothing. Each second felt like an hour. Then, finally, the gun swept away, continuing its 180 degree search of the terrain in front of it.
Dar stayed frozen until the gun was 90 degrees away, before speaking again.

"Alpha to Beta. UA571 Sentry... live ammo. Use extreme caution, there are likely more. Will attempt to disable this one."

Dar slowly started scanning around him. Whenever these guns were set up, they usually were posted with killing zones, so they covered a full area. He needed to spot the next one before he tried to disable this one, or he'd get hashed moving on it. Dar looked carefully around, and kept an ear and eye on the one he was near to be sure it didn't start pivoting back.

Turn 3 Recon squad

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 6:16 pm
by Nick
Not even with the powerful BiMEx M3 goggles does Dar manage to see any other Sentry gun.


Turn 3 Recon squad

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 7:20 pm
by Pale Rider
"Live sentry guns, everyone down NOW!"
James heard the words before it registered in his mind what the words were actually saying. “November-Five-Five, we have live sentry guns in our vicinity. Remain calm and do not move.â€

Turn 3 Recon squad

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2007 8:16 am
by AstroBoy
Gamma and Omega put your heads together and see if you can’t come up with the best solution for disarming the gun without notifying the enemy of our whereabouts.
"Ive got nothing, what about you Yonman. All I can think of is if we disable the sensors", said Bojan.

Turn 3 Recon squad

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2007 5:32 pm
by Grambo
[quote]“That’s a negative Alpha that is not your area of expertise. I would rather not risk compromising the mission or your life. I will locate you using your radio signal.â€

Turn 3 Recon squad

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2007 9:00 pm
by tashw
[quote]“November-Five-Five to Papa Bravo, we have a situation here we have encountered a UA571 Sentry gun with live ammo. It will either open fire on us or it will give our position away to our ‘enemy.’â€

Turn 3 Recon squad

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2007 10:17 pm
by Nick
Will do Priest replied and hurried away towards the bridge of the Costaguana. After a few minutes his voice came in over the intercom. "Lieutenant Vincent...please come to the Bridge"

When Vincent arrived Priest sat by the communications officers desk with a headset on him. "...over" she heard as she entered.

He turned half-way towards her, his android face completely free of emotion. "I can't raise the field HQ" he said shortly.

{tag vincent}

Turn 3 Recon squad

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2007 11:13 pm
by tashw
He turned half-way towards her, his android face completely free of emotion. "I can't raise the field HQ" he said shortly.
"Nothing?" Eileen blinked in surprise, "How's that possible? Has there been any communication from them since we approached?"

Turn 3 Recon squad

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2007 11:49 pm
by Nick


Turn 3 Recon squad

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 9:12 am
by Wolfy
"Only way I can think of, is removing the motion cord. It's about the only thing we have access to without crackin' it open. It won't disable it, but it'll stop it tracking anything outside it's basic firing line. Course that's just a guess." Bob says over his com quietly as he thinks about anything else they could do to stop the sentries. It had been a while since he had even seen one, and that was only in training. He sighed and looked up at the dark cloud, the rain pouring onto his face, it would have been almost refreshing if it wasn't for the ammount it had already poured down. He rubbed his forehead as he strained to remember any other way to disable the Sentries. "I'll keep thinkin', I'll keep you informed."

Turn 3 Recon squad

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 11:45 am
by Pale Rider
Date: 17th August, 2080AD, 2100 UT
Location: Barnard's Star, PT-554 (In Bush)
Operation: Training Op
Mission timer: 03:20:00

James listened to his squads equivalent to a computer tech tell him that he didn’t really have a clue. His face muscles tightened slightly as he heard the marine using his squad mate’s name. Protocol demanded that they use call signs not actual names and James had chosen the call signs because it would allow them to swap positions as well as call signs and anyone listening in would not know who was who based on those designations.

“Okay, thanks for that info, keep mulling over the idea, I have not heard back from Papa Bravo yet. Gamma, please don’t forget mission protocol requires us to refrain from using our names thus the call signs. If I hear anybody calling anyone by their names it will be an additional fifty pushups, no make it a hundred we are not a bunch a pansies like the standard jarheads. We are the best of the best we are the elite!! So again watch protocol and we should all come through with flying colors.â€

Turn 3 Recon squad

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 4:48 pm
by Grambo
[quote]“Roger that Papa Bravo. We will maintain our positions. This November Five-Five out.â€