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Turn 13 Down the Tunnels

Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 2:42 am
by Sgt_Cartwright
"You got it, lance corporal." Ward said, noticing the rank on the man's arm.

"El-Tee, permission to hang with Lance Corporal Pitt's squad?" Ward inquired while keeping his eyes peeled for movement.

Ward smiled when he heard Morse's voice. The guy was hilarious, sometimes. He was not going to reply to him until later. It did not really feel like a year had passed since Boot Camp, but in reality, it had. He had gone to Infantry School after boot and done several MOUT courses. They had definitely helped him, to say the least. He also learned that in a combat situation, to keep your guard up. And, he felt he was doing a good job of this.

(roll observation)

Turn 13 Down the Tunnels

Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 3:33 am
by Morse
Morse didnt like this situation anymore then any of the others, but he probably was more nervous than any a the others. He wasnt sure why, he had nothin waiting for him on return, his life was whatever he had with him at anytime. Probably just his self sentered prick personality getting in the way. God knew, Morse didnt. He had moved forward with Ward until Ward went to the back, Now Morse decided he would do best in the middle or closer to the front.

He advanced next to Erika, and watched the Vents, Those bugs would be crawling outa any whole they could fit in.

Wonder why they never mention giant bugs in the training manuals or at recruitment centers, maybe they just wanna suprise us. God i love corps Morse said quietly, not really directing it at anyone, just to anyone who could hear him

<tag anyone

Turn 13 Down the Tunnels

Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 3:45 pm
by gunstealler
"Why not we use some insect repellent and spread the shit out of the bugs why are we even here in the first place?"

Turn 13 Down the Tunnels

Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 6:27 pm
by Dire Wolf
This was Erik's first op out of boot camp, he didnt want to botch it, so he started to watch the hallway like a hawk. After about 5 seconds he realized that it was so dark that he wouldnt be able to see the giant roaches even if they had on a blaze orange jump suit with little dangly reflector peices hanging off so he flipped down his IR suite and scanned the area for the things that the Lieutenat spoke briefly about.

Turn 13 Down the Tunnels

Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 7:39 pm
by Sgt_Cartwright
Ward mimiced Schrodder's actions and switched on his IR and shoulder light for illumination. He did not like the scarce amount of intel he had been given, especially on his first operation.

'Guess this is what I get for joinin' the party late.' Ward thought, looking around.

He found nothing on his visuals. Though, he still had the incessant feeling something was watching him closely. Awaiting to pounce. It was something he did not particularly enjoy.

'Please don't be right... please don't be right...' Ward thought, his curse of being correct had to end sometime.

Ward awaited the lieutenant's answer. He really wanted to know if he could roll with Pitt's squad. They seemed to battle seasoned Devil Dogs who could kick the hell out of any whom tried to oppose them.

'They seem like they could win a war by themselves' Ward mused, grinning to himself.

He hoped the situation did not go FUBAR. The last thing he needed on his service record was a botched first mission. He really felt like this was going to be a bad situation for them to have dug themselves into.

"Lance Corporal now, huh? Well, I'd take a rifle over insect repellent anyday... just speakin' out loud." Ward said, giving a friendly wink to Hor.

(roll sense danger and observation. Oh, and IR)

Turn 13 Down the Tunnels

Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 8:27 pm
by Jocke
Sgt_Cartwright wrote:"El-Tee, permission to hang with Lance Corporal Pitt's squad?" Ward inquired while keeping his eyes peeled for movement.

Morrison's head snapped back to face Ward, "But ofcourse you can Ward, it's funny thou, I never figured you guys to be an item- I'll be a nice boss and make sure that you'll get bunked together once we get out of here."

Morrison had been in worse situations before, but those times his entire unit had been made up by seasoned veterans. That made it easier on him- this time, sweat was dripping down his face at the thought of having a bunch of cherries watching his back.

Well, they gotta learn somehow... he thought to himself as he spat out of the corner of his mouth.

"Yo, guys with trackers- talk to me. Don't leave me hangin' here, awright?"

Turn 13 Down the Tunnels

Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 8:44 pm
by Dirk Pitt
Jocke wrote: Morrison's head snapped back to face Ward, "But ofcourse you can Ward, it's funny thou, I never figured you guys to be an item- I'll be a nice boss and make sure that you'll get bunked together once we get out of here."

"Yo, guys with trackers- talk to me. Don't leave me hangin' here, awright?"
Dirk had known what was coming, but he still laughed anyway.

"Gee thanks sir, I always wanted a pet." Dirk joked as he got to the door

"Tyler, report. Got anything?" Dirk asked

Turn 13 Down the Tunnels

Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 8:50 pm
by Sgt_Cartwright
"Yeah... think you can give me a bone and I'll chase it and you'll get a pretty little finger from me. The middle one." Ward said, chuckling at Pitt.

He moved to the rear of the group and crouched down, immediately scanning the area for hostiles. He was ready for anything.

(roll sense danger and observation)

Turn 13 Down the Tunnels

Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 8:51 pm
by Erika
Morse wrote: He advanced next to Erika, and watched the Vents, Those bugs would be crawling outa any whole they could fit in.
Wonder why they never mention giant bugs in the training manuals or at recruitment centers, maybe they just wanna suprise us. God i love corps Morse said quietly, not really directing it at anyone, just to anyone who could hear him
<tag anyone
Erika grinned... Morse had summarises very well her feelings.

She checked again her motion tracker... she was expecting anything... and she liked Jerome's joke.

She followed the Lt, since she had a motion tracker.

OOC: I had pb to access the wiki. If I remember right Erika has a motion tracker like all the smartgunners.

Turn 13 Down the Tunnels

Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 9:12 pm
by Jocke
Dirk Pitt wrote: Dirk had known what was coming, but he still laughed anyway.

"Gee thanks sir, I always wanted a pet." Dirk joked as he got to the door.

"Yeah, just remember; you break it, you buy it!" Morrison barked back to Pitt.

Looking over his shoulder, at Hoffman, Morrison spat again "Yo, Hoffman- keep an eye to the left here, would ya?" he thumbed towards the darkness.

(OOC: Erika, I believe that smartgunners have motiondetectors, but they aren't the kind that goes bleep-bleep-bleep and has a monitor- they are built into the smartgun, and helps you aim it.)

Turn 13 Down the Tunnels

Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 9:29 pm
by Erika
Erika thought that the Lt was disgusting to spat around all the time.

"No pb, Sir, WILCO" said Erika ...

she pause and she added

"Sir, do you mind to avoid to spat around, it deconcentrates me"

she knew that she should not do that... but it was too much disgusting for her... she really could not stand it...

Turn 13 Down the Tunnels

Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 9:36 pm
by Sgt_Cartwright
Ward winced when he heard Erika request the lieutenant to stop spitting. It was not that disgusting in his mind. He was a Marine. And an officer to boot. He could do it if he wanted to.

'Guess she's been around too many 'clean' people in her life.' Ward thought, shrugging.

He thought he heard a noise. But, was unsure. It could have just been his mind playing tricks on him. He never really could tell, sometimes.

(roll sense danger)

Turn 13 Down the Tunnels

Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 9:57 pm
by Dugan
Simovic was still unclear as to what the Lt wanted the men to do. He clicked his comms to the command channel "Morrison what the hell is going on? Are we leaving the station or are we going after the MIA's?"

[O.O.C are the squads being re-organised now? As if they are I'll need to update the roster to reflect this].

Turn 13 Down the Tunnels

Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 10:24 pm
by Kurosaki, Ichigo
Petrova looked at his surroundings, looking for things that were out of place.

Turn 13 Down the Tunnels

Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 10:29 pm
by Dirk Pitt
[quote=""Dugan""]Simovic was still unclear as to what the Lt wanted the men to do. He clicked his comms to the command channel "Morrison what the hell is going on? Are we leaving the station or are we going after the MIA's?"


Dirk listened to the question. He was going to keep in mission as long as he could. He wasn't going to leave those guys. Dirk got to the door leading to lower engineering.

"Ok guys, get ready." Dirk said as he opened the door. He threw a flare into the darkness, watching for any sound or movment

(Roll hearing sense danger and find hidden objects)