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Absent GM has returned.

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2008 1:32 pm
by Nick
I don't know how well You follow current events in the little land of Sweden , but the last week there have been some rioting in southern Sweden in Malmoe.

The rioting is taking place in the heavily segregated Rosengaard district. As I am part of the specialized riot police, or division units as we call them I was called in with 15 minutes to pack my gear before leaving for Malmoe in a hurry as things had escalated and gone completely out of hand Thursday at 2300 hours. I got home just now after serving for three days and nights with a combined sleep of 10 hours.

Thing were calm when we got down, then it escalated really bad for a while but now things are back to normal. No hurt policemen, although they destroyed two lightly armored trucks with pipebombs. We got three thrown at us but the closest was a few meters away and we were inside our armored truck so no damage, except ringing ears.

Tired as hell, no christmas presents bought yet and the whole family is coming for x-mas. I hope that You understand that I can't post for a day or two. I will try and get a new turn out day before x-mas or x-mas eve.

Thanks for Your patience dear players.


Re: Absent GM has returned.

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2008 3:16 pm
by Raider65
Glad you are safe and that no one in your unit got seriously injuried. I know how that can be as I was in the US military and got sent out during the L. A. Riots in the US a long time ago. Also before that the Virginia Beach Riots in the late 80's. Sry I hadn't heard about the riots in your country but I had been following the riots in Greece.

Re: Absent GM has returned.

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2008 5:21 pm
by Jocke
Had no idea. Guess I am going to have to flog my friends back home for not keeping me up to speed. 

Good to have you back in one piece.

Re: Absent GM has returned.

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2008 7:48 pm
by Dugan
Glad to hear your ok, I didn't know there was riots in Sweden. I too have been following the riots in Greece as i'm half Greek. Is it because of the same reason i.e social unrest caused by low wages and government coruption?

Re: Absent GM has returned.

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2008 8:45 pm
by Quinn
Shit man, I had no idea. I have no experience with riots (except for getting the hell out of the area) but damn dude. At least you were in your truck when the bomb went off.

Good to have you back man, and I for one completely understand why you haven't been around.

Re: Absent GM has returned.

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2008 9:30 pm
by Dirk Pitt
Just glad you are safe and back...

Re: Absent GM has returned.

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2008 10:29 pm
by Nick
Dugan wrote: Glad to hear your ok, I didn't know there was riots in Sweden. I too have been following the riots in Greece as i'm half Greek. Is it because of the same reason i.e social unrest caused by low wages and government coruption?
The Rosengaard uprising is inspired by the Greek riots for sure. However the reason for the rioting is slightly different. A radical Islamic center was evicted from their locale since they had not payed their rent for over two years. This caused some uprising amongst the Islamic population, which carried over to the kids and diliquent youth of the area. Rosengaard is likely the most segregated area of all of Sweden - It is pretty worn down and many refugees, huge unemployment rates and high criminality. The Islamic uprising spurred all kinds of troublemakers who likes to fight the police to come from all over Sweden. The left extremist also arrived and attacked us fiercly until they realized they were supporting a fundamentalistic Islamic movement...then they disappeared.

We've had riots in Rosengaard before, however not this serious. This time it was warfare at times. When they started throwing pipe bombs it was critical for the local police a while, but when we arrived (the specially trained and equipped riot police) things calmed down pretty quick - Although we were also attacked fiercly at first. After that it was many, many hours of waiting in the trucks. Boring and very uncomfortable in our 25 kgs of steel plated armour if You're not unlucky and become the appointed fire extinguisher. Then You carry a total of 37 kg's of equipment, including a 12 kg fire extinguisher.

A few videos from the riots (not filmed by the police evidently):

Here are how pipebombs sound in movie below:

In addition to pipebombs; fireworks, molotov cocktails and rocks where also thrown.

Take care people I'm hitting the bed now.


Re: Absent GM has returned.

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2008 12:13 am
by Quinn
Good thing we're not rich, we'd have grabbed our shit and flown over to give you some reinforcements.  ;D

Re: Absent GM has returned.

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2008 7:17 am
by pants
Glad to hear you are safe Nick! 

Sounds like it got exciting for awhile there.  You riot guys get paid danger money? 

Oh yeah and Merry Christmas everybody!

Re: Absent GM has returned.

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2008 10:30 pm
by Bullet42
Glad your safe. Only thing close to a riot in New York is a baseball game or football game. Or maybe just a traffic jam. New Yorkers are always angry including myself lol.

Re: Absent GM has returned.

Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2008 1:57 pm
by Erika
I am happy that you are safe... in France the news do not speak about Sweden... MMMMMM...

Re: Absent GM has returned.

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 2:02 am
by Ranger2011
Really? Riot police? Didn't know that. Course I am the new fresh guy lol. Good to hear you're safe. Would've been bad without the big guy. With my enlistment into the United States Air Force i'll probably be going to Germany or Afghanistan. But I will be gone for awhile as i'm going to the pipeline for Combat Control.