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StConstantine (anyone remember me?)

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 12:27 pm
by StConstantine
hey guys, uhm, i used to play on this site a long time ago (maybe 3 years now). I dont know if any one remembers, but i was thinking of possibly rejoining the game... i was just wondering if the whole rpg is still fairly active or whats been happening i guess, i'm assuming Palerider isnt GMing anymore :P

Re: StConstantine (anyone remember me?)

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 1:11 pm
by Nick
Hello StConstantine!

Yeah of course i remember you. Palerider has been checking in every now and then but since then we have had a few GMs. The game is still active and a few oldtimers checks in every now and then, which is really nice.

Welcome back!


Re: StConstantine (anyone remember me?)

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 9:57 pm
by StConstantine
HEY NICK! i thought u were doing something for work and left this place :P,

Uhm, i was also wondering some stuff about character generation, i cant seem to find a character sheet of any sort which may not exist but i thought there was one, i dunno, also, if were to write a character, id like to not step on other peoples toes as far as jobs and stuff, i was kind of thinking a combat welder/combat engineer type guys, let me know what people think

Re: StConstantine (anyone remember me?)

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 11:18 pm
by Duncan
Welcome back!

I think that's a nifty idea. I actually toyed with the idea of making up a SeaBee (CB) myself when I was thinking up character ideas.

Re: StConstantine (anyone remember me?)

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 6:49 am
by StConstantine
Yeah, but CB are more like combat civil engineers, they are all about putting things up, i was thinking more like some who takes them down, so have some explosives skills, and some welding skills (for door/ tank and vehicle repairs) and then some mechanical based skills

Re: StConstantine (anyone remember me?)

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 12:28 pm
by Nick
Follow the steps in this:

And enter the values on this:

Then upload here:


Good luck, just ask if there is anything unclear I am here to help.


Re: StConstantine (anyone remember me?)

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 2:31 pm
by rednus
Hey Saint !

Long time, no see!

welcome back, man.
I'd been hoping some of the year one vets would return.
yes, the game is running well, and the fresh blood have some great writing skills.
I've been extremely impressed with the quality of players around these days and look forward to mashing some xeno skull with you soon. Contact Quinn to see if he can squeeze you in the upcoming game.

good to have you back,

Re: StConstantine (anyone remember me?)

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 1:20 am
by StConstantine
Ok so, the character will hopefully be a combat engineer, I was thinking the sort that likes his tools and he likes lots of them, but as far as listed tools are concerned the only 2 that i could find are entreching tool (which could be used as a pry bar in a pinch i guess) and portable welder.

The other thing is that my character would probably be pretty good at both disarming and the use of most kinds of explosives, however i cant for the life of me find the skill for that sort of thing, except under the heavy weapons group thing, so im not sure how that would work. Also the only listed explosives are the demo-charges which seem kind of heavy, is there no C2 or C4 type things? just for basic door breaching/building removal?

From this it says that a average strength marine couldnt even carry a pulse rifle and demo charges... does that mean i need to like take a submachine gun or something?

Re: StConstantine (anyone remember me?)

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 8:52 am
by Darkblade Bug
I remember you. Welcome back.

Re: StConstantine (anyone remember me?)

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 10:53 am
by Nick
StConstantine wrote:Ok so, the character will hopefully be a combat engineer, I was thinking the sort that likes his tools and he likes lots of them, but as far as listed tools are concerned the only 2 that i could find are entreching tool (which could be used as a pry bar in a pinch i guess) and portable welder.

The other thing is that my character would probably be pretty good at both disarming and the use of most kinds of explosives, however i cant for the life of me find the skill for that sort of thing, except under the heavy weapons group thing, so im not sure how that would work. Also the only listed explosives are the demo-charges which seem kind of heavy, is there no C2 or C4 type things? just for basic door breaching/building removal?

From this it says that a average strength marine couldnt even carry a pulse rifle and demo charges... does that mean i need to like take a submachine gun or something?
The average marine could surely carry it together with a pulse rifle, but not without overload penalties.


Re: StConstantine (anyone remember me?)

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 3:04 pm
by Duncan
Also, if my reading of the player guide is accurate, stuff can be carried on the framepack in excess of weight limits. The drawback is those framepacks are presumed to be dropped when we enter combat, and thus takes longer to retrieve items from them. However, given the setting of demolitions is usually very deliberate, I don't think explosives are something you'd necessarily need to have available on the fly.

Re: StConstantine (anyone remember me?)

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 10:14 pm
by StConstantine
ok thats logical, what about the skill used for demolitions?

Re: StConstantine (anyone remember me?)

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 11:39 pm
by Quinn
You could take a shotgun as a combat engineer if you want.

What most combat engineers carry is a sledge, basic tool kit, duct tape, cardboard, detcord and C4. After that, it's just knowledge of tieing them all together to do what you want them to do. It is all pretty heavy, as your demo kit takes up roughly half of your backpack.

And it would be pretty easy to work you into the campaign at this point.

Re: StConstantine (anyone remember me?)

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2011 2:28 am
by StConstantine
See my problem is however that, in the old rules set that we used to play with, it seems the GM just gave you what you needed as part of your character, however now things have to be picked from a list. So i mean i know what id want a combat engineer to character, which is as you said, some C4 and detcord, some basic tools/tape etc, a combat welder, probably an axe or sledge and these things would be carried on him not in a pack that he may not have on him.

So the problems are
1. For the listed gear, what are their weights and how do i implement them into the character sheet?
2. Is it ok with the GM that i take this sort of gear or is it too unlikely for a USCM character to have them
3. If i am taking this stuff and need a Demolitions skill to use them, where is this skill and once again is it okay with the GM if i take it?

I'm happy to write up a complete unremarkable Grunt if that is what the GM would prefer for the campaign, in fact, if any spots in the roster need to be filled ill make a character for those specifically (its the military so they assign what they need). The combat engineer was just a character i was toying with as an idea, i dont HAVE to do it.

Sorry, to ask so many questions, i just dont want to do whatever i like with it and then risk pissing people off :)

Re: StConstantine (anyone remember me?)

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2011 6:04 am
by Quinn
1.) For the sake of the game and knowing what the real combat engineers carry in the field, I'll just say that you can carry the basic gear, plus your demolition kit, a main weapon and a sidearm. But that will be it.

2.) It's perfectly fine to have a demolitions oriented character within the platoon. I'm surprised that the game didn't take that into account to begin with.

3.) If the skill isn't present in the book, then just type it into your character sheet and assign it points out of your starting points like you would with any other skill.