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Hi All

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2016 9:50 am
by JuanPerez
Hi Marines,

i joined up this site a few days ago. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Martin, i am 41 years old, and work as a software-engineer. I am a passionate fan of the alien franchise, since i saw the first alien movie (that was about 1988). In addition to watching all the movies, i played most of the computer games, currently i am "working" on "Alien:Isolation", which scares the shit out of me (, at least sometimes).

Also i knew, that there is a pen-and-paper role-playing-game, set in the "Aliens" szenario. Pen-and-paper RPGs are another passion of mine, playing now for round about twenty-five years on a regular basis, mostly "The Dark Eye", which is "number-one-rpg" in germany. And so i was glad to find this site, after doing some internet research.

i am looking forward to play with you guys soon. PaleRider was so kind to grant my request for playing a smartgunner. My char is uploaded already, named "Juan Perez". Not to difficult to figure out, since this is also my login :D


Re: Hi All

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2016 1:11 am
by Morse
Dang Man, we got so many smart guns in here I don't think anyone's gonna be able to get within 2 miles of the eights soon. Maybe I'll have Morse shift over to rockets more if this trend keeps up.

Anyway welcome to the USCM. Hope you don't die on your first op..... that happens a lot..... but I'm sure you'll be fine XP

Hi All

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2016 6:20 am
by JuanPerez
Hi Morse,

well, i asked PaleRider about the smarty and he said, that there is a need for a smartgunner at the moment. If there is a need for some other kind of marine class, just talk to me.

My first thought was to create a "hacker" type marine, i.e. Security/Comm/Surveillance operator. I would also be fine with a corpsman/medic. Or whatever fits in best.

unfortunately i did not found a page in this forum, where "most needed marine classes" are listed. Is there one?

After doing that rpg stuff for a quarter of a century, first-mission-character-death is not realy a new experience anymore. dice rolls can be pretty bitchy.


Re: Hi All

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2016 1:09 am
by Morse
Oh, by all means do what you feel. It really doesn't make much difference to me. I say go with whatever you want, we can fit whatever in I'm sure. I just saw that my squad had 2 smart gunners, but I wasn't sure if that was legit or not.

Doesn't matter, we can probably use whatever you wanna do. - Hell sometimes its fun to do both. Hacker and gunner, or hacker and flamethrower, or infiltrator and hacker. Whatever you feel, as long as you got the points, you can make it happen.

Re: Hi All

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2016 6:32 am
by Corporal Hicks
Hey we can always use another smart-gunner. I've been type-cast in the role since 2007, never because I wanted it. I suppose I don't mind it or I would have switched, but if I get forced out of it into say a leadership role, I wouldn't be too crushed. ;D

Welcome to the site bud. We already have a hacker who is basically a savant so not sure how much use there is of another. We can always use more muscle, though.

Re: Hi All

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2016 6:14 pm
by Morse
It seems I misread the 'Assistant Smartgunner' thing. Looks like we need some more heavies.

Re: Hi All

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2017 2:28 am
by Corporal Hicks
Juan Perez, you are in the game. You are the smartgunner for Third Squad. It will take me a few minutes to get it set up as I need to log in as Pale Rider to make you a player. Just skim the campaign so far if you haven't already.

Basically, we got some weird motion tracker readings that led us to a building. We found a big hole full of nasty armadillo-things. Morse fired a rocket at them which caused the floor to collapse and we all fell in the hole. One of the things grabbed Corporal Dirk Pitt and dragged him away down a tunnel. First and Second Squad are following it, and Third Squad is staying behind to watch the entrance. Now you're caught up.

Anyway, I look forward to playing with you.