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Character experience

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2020 6:37 pm
by Corporal Hicks
Here is something we haven't addressed for a while. In my opinion, your characters should be leveling up each mission. As GMs we may not have lived up to this for a while, but it's about time I make it right. Between this campaign and the next, I want to make sure we give every character a fair shake based on their campaign experience. In by far the most extreme example, Allen Morse should be the equivalent of level 24 or however many combat drops his character has. I am going to give points retroactively.

I want to give players an incentive to keep playing. When I was starting out, I was always pushing for that next skill point, that next promotion, that next post count upgrade. What better ways to reward loyal players than by giving them a level up, promotion, medal, commendation, etc?

This all raises further questions however.
1) What constitutes as a combat drop? For example, the Monsoon Campaign lasted maybe 4 turns. Gothic Serpent Campaign was three missions totaling 52 turns or something ridiculous like that. I want to iron out what exactly qualifies for a combat drop. Don't worry, I can handle that tedious task myself.

2) What about players who have switched characters? Myself for example, I have 8 campaigns on my former character. Poor Eyeball has at least two dead characters now, and Barbarian's first character is still in a coma. Maybe we can give half experience or something to compensate them?

Medals and commendations would be awesome, it's just a matter of sitting down for sixteen hours and ironing out the details lol. I'll consider this matter. Please let me know your thoughts.

EDIT 9-13-20:
I have done the work for the medals and commendations. I hope you are all pleased with the results! I am pretty excited about it!!!

Re: Character experience

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2020 4:33 am
by taimdala
Ooh, hey, I have ribbons! They're beautiful! Thanks, Corporal Hicks!

Re: Character experience

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2020 7:42 pm
by Medic Guy
The hard work you put in is greatly appreciated Hicks.