Turn 13 - Sphere

The 11th campaign
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Turn 13 - Sphere

Post by Nick » Sat Jul 02, 2011 12:42 pm

Unidentified Asteroid, near space trade lane, In vicinity of communications relay
Mission timer: 01.39.22

Lt Ericson neared the orange glow, whisks of mist swirling around her legs as she moved closer. The door was square in shape and the light beyond it sent a shaft out through the mist. Lt Ericson waited for the marines to catch up and then she nodded towards the nearest one, and waited until the marine entered the room until she followed suit.

There was a small corridor until the emerged in what one of the marines described as an engine room. Lt Ericson didn't know what to think, she was simply amazed. The room was spherical, perfectly spherical, with two entrances. Around the room a circular pathway was cut right into the walls. Spinning in the middle was a glowing ball of bright yellow light. The pebbles were seeming fed into it by some gravity force of the ball. A constant stream of pebbles floated in towards the ball in a discshaped pattern as it rotated around the room. Shooting from the poles of the ball were two bright rays of pure energy - These disappeared into shafts in both directions.

Lt Ericson looked in pure awe for a few seconds before she jerked her gieger meter up in panic, they were next to a free floating reactor core plasma ball the radiation should be lethal. The geiger meter showed zero. The ball rumbled deeply and the whole room shuddered slightly from the raw energy being produced.

"The whole asteroid must be a spaceship..." Lt Ericson said. "We will head around this and see were the other pathway leads. Lt Ericson started to move around the room, the shadows cast from her and the rest of the marines were knife sharp.

Then she halted mid step. From the side they came from a spindly shape reared its head in the door. "We got company...keep them at distance and conserve ammunition!" Lt Ericson said shifting grip on her pistol.


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Re: Turn 13 - Sphere

Post by Rascal » Sun Jul 03, 2011 12:32 pm

Nick wrote:"The whole asteroid must be a spaceship..." Lt Ericson said. "We will head around this and see were the other pathway leads. Lt Ericson started to move around the room, the shadows cast from her and the rest of the marines were knife sharp.

Then she halted mid step. From the side they came from a spindly shape reared its head in the door. "We got company...keep them at distance and conserve ammunition!" Lt Ericson said shifting grip on her pistol.
"Now who do you suppose neglected to mention that?" Rascal muttered aloud, shifting his pulse rifle in the direction of the reactor. He scanned the sphere for a moment, feeling a slight chill in the air, his instincts flaring in distress. Day just keeps getting worse and worse. Is it ever going to end?, he thought to himself, popping a crick in his neck before focusing back on the mission.

He lifted the rifle to his shoulder at the el-tee's report, cursing himself for jinxing the situation. As he stared down the eyeless monstrosities, he felt the urge to shout what noone had yet to say, "Watch your fire. That sphere'll take us all out." He knew it wasnt his place to make orders, but he sure as hell didnt come this far just to be obliterated in a radioactive blast.

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Re: Turn 13 - Sphere

Post by Nick » Mon Jul 04, 2011 3:15 pm

"Now who do you suppose neglected to mention that?"
"Yeah some pencil pusher dropped the ball on this one..." Lt Ericson said without looking away from the creatures.

"Keep moving...for whatever reason they seem hesitant to follow us in here. And watch the sphere as Rascal said..." she muttered while moving slowly towards the exit on the far end of the room.

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Re: Turn 13 - Sphere

Post by kbeir » Tue Jul 05, 2011 9:30 pm

What in the He-

Joe couldn't hold it in any longer.

"Just what exactly is going on. I mean I joined for the travel and shit but this is ludicrous." he said as he swept his Pulse Rifle about as the platoon moved onward.

This is too unreal.

Just as he was letting his mind try and comprehend what the Hell was going on,
"We got company...keep them at distance and conserve ammunition!"
Joe wheeled himself over to stay with his squad but to help cover an area. He waited for a target to show itself as he steadied his finger on the trigger.
"Keep moving...for whatever reason they seem hesitant to follow us in here. And watch the sphere as Rascal said..."
This didn't sit with Joe well as he kept himself moving with the platoon but keeping an eye on the things just in case they decided they did want to come in.

<Tag All>
<If its appropriate, Roll: Gun Combat>
Game Time. No freezing.

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Re: Turn 13 - Sphere

Post by Duncan » Wed Jul 06, 2011 12:34 am

Duncan hustled into the and brought his rifle to bear on the aliens. He immediately began to join his platoon in laying down controlled bursts at the approaching creatures.

<Roll Gun Combat>

Beyond the shooting, he was uncertain what the hell he was supposed to do. His squad had literally been cut in half, and the SNCO was dead. Doesn't matter. Not getting killed is enough of a mission objective for right now.

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Re: Turn 13 - Sphere

Post by Obi » Sat Jul 09, 2011 6:48 pm

"Keep moving...for whatever reason they seem hesitant to follow us in here. And watch the sphere as Rascal said..." she muttered while moving slowly towards the exit on the far end of the room.
Obi moved slowly forward with the rest of the platoon, his pulse rifle at the ready. "Do they seem hesitant to follow or are they pushing us foward? These bastards are a lot smarter then we give them credit. I wouldn't put it past them to push us into an ambush." Obi muttered into his headset. I have a really, really bad feeling about this.
CPL Mike "Obi" O'Brien
Communications Operator


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