CHAPTER 6 - All-In

The first Devil Dawgs campaign. The Marines travel to Fiorina 161 to respond to a distress call, but find much more than they bargained for.
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Re: CHAPTER 6 - All-In

Post by StConstantine » Thu Jun 13, 2019 3:20 am

Karl hustled to catch up with the squad, his shoulder still on fire from the gunshot. Reaching the rest of the dawgs he planted his back against some cover and took a second to catch his breath. After a couple of seconds he realised the heavy breathing had nothing to do with the running or the lugging, it was fear, fear of an enemy he didn't understand and the stories of the walking death machines other marines liked telling while safely deployed on a battleship, light years from the closest 7ft tall acid spewing bug monster.

"Christ sarge, I signed up to kill under equipped terrorists in the name of my country, this is getting a bit beyond my pay grade." Karl joked, trying and failing to stop his voice wavering. "Are we sure we can't just head back to the ship and rain some good old holy fire on this entire colony?"

Hiking his weapon up to his shoulder again he rolled off the cover he'd been leaning on, sighting down the corridor from where he could hear gun fire, ready to move up with the squad, his finger ready on the trigger to annihilate any perceived threat without prejudice.

<Sarafian is aiming towards the gun fire, trying to identify any non human shapes and opening fire with his pulse rifle if he sees anything, Karl's pretty scared so might want to make some kind of composure test to not try and kill a shadow?>
PFC Karl Sarafian
Combat Engineer

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Re: CHAPTER 6 - All-In

Post by Corporal Hicks » Fri Jun 14, 2019 1:19 am

eyeball wrote: Thu Jun 13, 2019 2:07 am "multiple contacts, i have friendlies moving toward our location be advised friendly you are tailed and flanked by unknown hostiles at this time." <tag squad approaching>
"3 friendlies 100m ahead all other signal hostile" <tag Grisham, honysett, pushkin, and ?Sykes>
Sergeant Major Sykes thought quickly as he heard the new information coming in. "Roger that Paulson, watch your fire people, we have friendlies up ahead! Move to close with friendly signals. Honeysett, watch the left side. Pushkin, watch the right. I've got the rear."
<Tag Grisham, Honeysett, Pushkin, Paulson>
ImageSgtMaj. Danny Sykes - Platoon NCO
USCM Special Forces Recon Team
Serial Number: D26/TQ6.3.48412E9
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Re: CHAPTER 6 - All-In

Post by Quinn » Mon Jun 17, 2019 6:35 pm

Sixtus took the information in with a glance and swore under his breath. System report after system report said that most of the prison was non-functional, which made most of what he could do from here fairly useless. He panned through command after command before striking upon the cameras. A lot of them were offline, likely corroded after many years of zero maintenance. But what he was able to see made his blood run cold.

”Romeo Actual, Romeo Three. Move down corridor Alpha-Two, link up with reinforcements.” his voice was cold, precise and measured. He tabbed over to the Dawgs frequency, addressing Sykes. ”Delta One, Romeo Three. Romeo Team moving to your location, in hard contact with xenos. Romeo Three is oscar mike to you.”

Shouldering his rifle, Sixtus moved from the tower to the stairs, finding the door locked. Lifting the bar latch, he shouldered the door open and rapidly moved down the two flights of stairs to the General Population floor. From his position, he could possibly link up with Romeo Team and give some much needed firepower.


Thinking rapidly, Sixtus sprinted through several hallways, moving to hit the xenos from their flank. Romeo Team would need some breathing space to link up with the Dawgs. It was a stupid idea that would likely get him hurt, if not killed outright if he was noticed or ran into xenos reinforcements on his own. But if it could be pulled off, it could give them some space to exfil properly.

Who dares, wins... wish I had my incinerator...
Current Gear
M42A Scope Rifle
M4A4 .45 ACP caliber Sidearm, Suppressed
Combat Knife
K52 Medical Kit
Flashlight, Flares (6)
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Re: CHAPTER 6 - All-In

Post by eyeball » Tue Jun 18, 2019 1:36 am

Paulson moved along with Grisham, alternately scanning with motion detector and covering area ahead for the friendlies, he gently called out the ranges as they began to close on the contacts.
<roll awareness, motion tracking>
<Tag Squad>
ImageLCpl. Robert Paulson
incinerator, 2 spare fuel bottles, motion detector, first aid kit, pistol, knife, 2 frag.
special weapons tech
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Re: CHAPTER 6 - All-In

Post by Pale Rider » Tue Jun 18, 2019 10:37 pm

James looked around taking in the exterior setup, knowing full well that any small crevice could be home to a Xenomorph in any of its life stages. "Dirk, I will watch the rear if you want to keep an eye on the front. He checked his counter and loosened the securing strap on his tomahawk and knife. In his off hand he gripped his handgun resting the barrel of the M42A on the back of his forearm.
<Roll Awareness>

"Okay, Marines so far all is clear still on the Top. Bishop what is your ETA?"

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Re: CHAPTER 6 - All-In

Post by Morse » Fri Jun 21, 2019 10:31 am

The explosion amidst the cryotubes was controlled but efficient. It blasted heat and sound that obliterated any sign of the Xenos within. Though a satisfying crackle and crunch came about as they burned and broke, Morse knew well how fiercely outnumbered those creatures tended to leave a group of human beings, and that was somewhat disheartening. They were like a strange virus, or fungal infection that was taking hold over human civilization in the stars. Billions of dollars of equipment, and thousands of manhours were routinely destroyed amidst these infections. All the while they continued to spread, hidden from the public eye. Though the worlds the infested were far from most truly civilized systems, those that were forced to deal with them became jaded with the apocalyptic inevitability that they were making little to no headway in the war against the Xenos... if anything they were simply fighting endless battles and skirmishes, becoming only slightly better at killing a machine that was a master at destroying humanity.

Morse and his compatriots caught up with the main group shortly there after. Unscathed and unruffled beyond the blood that was not his from the Marine he patched up earlier, Morse was at the ready for whatever they were to do next.

"Always ask." Morse said in regards to Sarafians question about orbital strike "Never gets approved.... till there's at least thirty percent casualty or higher." Morse's estimation was not wrong, but he also was in favor of the move. They were once again fighting in a pit of death that could get them killed for virtually nothing.

< Tag Sarafian

They had caught up with Dirk and James, and Morse noted his round count on his M41A. He was ready for more combat, but he was hoping they were not walking into an ambush... which may have been inevitable.

"On the right." Morse announced his placement aiming a weapon down range, ready to unload on anything moving to them.

<Roll Awareness
Image-SSG Allen Morse - Squad Leader
-3rd Bn, 2nd Reg, 1st Co, 8th Plt
- M41A Pulse Rifle - M4 Pistol - Med Kit
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