Turn 3: The Tour

The Fifth Devil Dawgs Campaign takes the Marines to new depths.
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Turn 3: The Tour

Post by Corporal Hicks » Sun Feb 14, 2021 5:06 pm

The two Russian Marines had a tendency to stick together; natural enough, but in this case unfortunate. Dmitri Barayev was an old sea-hand who had once been the captain of a sea-going vessel on the far off world of Ekylprillion. He went across the gangplank with no hesitation. Tanya Sokolova tried to follow him too soon and she lost her footing. Falling to the right side, she reached out in panic and pulled the rifleman down with her. There was a shout of apprehension and a metallic clank that could be heard by the Marines inside the sub.

Three sailors dove into the water before Sergeant Major Sykes could pull off his armor. He peered over the side and saw that Dmitri had struck the hull of the submarine, several meters down and just under the surface. His helmet was gone and small tendrils of blood washed about his head. Sokolova was nowhere to be seen. Sykes spun and looked over the other side where he saw two of the navy personnel grappling with her. She had slipped off the submarine’s hull and her armor was trying to sink her.

Fortunately, the navy guy and girl stripped her chestplate and helmet off and let them sink. Sergeant Major Sykes reached out a hand and pulled her up to the boat. The third rescuer had grabbed Dimitri and elevated his face above the water. His eyes were open but he appeared dazed as he was lifted up to the boat. By this time, some of the Marines had come back up the ladder to investigate the shouting. They could see Dimitri and Tanya sitting on the boat with no armor and blood streaming down Dimitri’s face.

“It might be superficial, but we had better get him to the hospital right away. I’ll do first aid on the way back; you’d better go aboard right now.” Sykes and the remaining Marines did not argue but made their way across to the submarine. The gangplank was hastily pulled back across the gap and the boat sped away back to land. “Well, fuck.” Sykes put it plainly. One accident and they were down two experienced Marines.

Ten minutes later, after the incident had been explained and accepted, Lieutenant Wolf spoke to the Devil Dawgs. “Okay, I know you hurried over here without losing a minute, but we need a couple more hours before we are ready to submerge. I’ll give you a quick tour of the sub and I’ll show you where you can stow your gear. This is what we call amidships. These are mini subs, known as mac tires but we call them Mickeys.”
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“Follow me astern. Stern is what we call the tail end. Here you’ll find the galley, that’s our word for kitchen. We will cook a meal soon but feel free to take whatever you want. I heard your medic mention HARDsuit work, and yes we have enough Mark 35 high pressure suits for all of you. Those are stowed back here too. Follow me.” As the Marines followed the X.O. one of the crewmen whistled a catcall at Samantha Hall from the galley. The higher ranks were all out of earshot.
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“This here is the engine room. Those blue and white tubes are air tanks. We fill the ballast tanks with water when we want to submerge. These air tanks have highly pressurized air that we release in order to rise back up.”
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Wolf led the Marines back past the mini subs to the head of the vessel. “This is the personnel section. This is the medical bay on your left. Down this hallway is most of the stuff you’ll need. These green hatches on the port side are bunkrooms. Eight crew to each room and we’ve emptied the first two for your team. Up ahead on the left is the armory where you can stow your gear. I’ll come find you in a little bit and show you how to operate the turrets. You won’t need to, but it’s better to be safe then sorry since we have the time.”
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ImageSgtMaj. Danny Sykes - Platoon NCO
USCM Special Forces Recon Team
Serial Number: D26/TQ6.3.48412E9
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Re: Turn 3: The Tour

Post by wargamer » Sun Feb 14, 2021 10:51 pm

As the platoon descended into the sub, Darren realized that this was the same model on which He'd completed his HARDsuit certification. He didn't need a guided tour. While most of the platoon headed off to gawp at the torpedoes and min-subs, Darren steered the bleeding and dazed Dmitri Barayev and the soaking wet and shivering Tanya Sokolova into the compact sickbay, sat them down on the nearest cots and popped open the medipack hanging across his shoulder, pulling out sterilizing wipes and an adhesive pressure bandage.

He called over to the surprised looking corpsman whose' lunch he had just interrupted "They fell in and he hit his head on the hull, possible concussion. I need space blankets and thermal gel-packs, for both of them now!" As the corpsman ran to a wall locker, Darren stripped open a sterilizing wipe and began to swab Dimitri's head wound clean. He finished just as the corpsman finished wrapping the shivering Tanya in a silvery space blanket and turned his attention to Dimitri. The corpsman efficiently gave the second marine the same treatment, cocooning him in heat-capturing silver, while Darren began applying the adhesive dressing to Dimitri's Scalp. He was just completing his work as the tour group arrived in the doorway.

"Hi guys, how are the new digs?"

<Roll Medical - Expert>
<tag anyone>
ImagePFC Darren 'Doc' Kelly - Medic
USCM Special Forces Recon Team
Serial Number: D44/TQ9.21.47645E2
Current Equipment
M-41A Pulse Rifle w/ 4 Mags
M4A3 Pistol w/ 2 Mags
K-52 Field Medical Pack
2x M-18 Smoke Grenades (Red)
6x M-94 Flares
2x K-Bar Combat/Survival Knives

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Re: Turn 3: The Tour

Post by LT_Chun » Mon Feb 15, 2021 11:10 pm

Henniger had poor portents for this Op after two of their Marines had gotten hurt within hours of the initial briefing outside enemy contact. But then again, he personally couldn't wash his motorcycle without bleeding from some cut, same for most operations. He just hoped his platoonmates weren't damaged beyond minor injuries.

Henniger led his Marines last in the winding snake that was the platoon on their tour. When they entered sickbay, he saw the Marines under good care and relaxed a bit.
ImageLCPL. J. Henniger USCM
U.S.S. Chimera
Recon Rifleman, Comtech electronics secondary
3rd FTL, Call Sign Devil Dawgs.

Armor and webbing
M41A Pulse Rifle + 7 mags
M40 Grenades x 10
Hand Welder
Service Pistol + 2 Mags
Mk. 1 Combat Knife
Com-Tech Bypass Device
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Re: Turn 3: The Tour

Post by Morse » Wed Feb 17, 2021 5:15 am

An accident. They were down personnel all because of an accident. This was how regulations to wear helmets all the time came into play. Morse could already smell the datapads spewing new regulations that they would have to find a way to enforce. Two hands on a railing and a new training even to ensure that they did it. The thought made him sick because of how miserably boring they were and unhelpful. Just some higher up covering their ass because they neglected the one and only true rule of the galaxy.

'Shit happened.'

Barayev and Sokolova were hard to understand, but they were hard losses for something so stupid. Though the current circumstance didn't say they'd need them, and Morse was almost willing to put money that death would be found here due to rapid decompression. The agony of your bread imploding and blood coming out of every place it could. There were worse deaths, but that was not the first that Morse had in mind.

They were given the tour. It was a tight fit, but at least they were not going to be in hypersleep. Morse wouldn't have to worry about sweating, vomiting, and feeling weak for hours after waking up. Here he might feel alright and get food. That was a plus. Maybe the underwater life was better than the one in space? Only time would tell.

"I snore." Morse said. "Pretty fuckin' loud, so if any of you hear it... fuck off... I'm sleepin'." Morse noted looking at the racks that they would be occupying.

<Tag Anyone
Image-SSG Allen Morse - Squad Leader
-3rd Bn, 2nd Reg, 1st Co, 8th Plt
- M41A Pulse Rifle - M4 Pistol - Med Kit
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Re: Turn 3: The Tour

Post by LT_Chun » Wed Feb 17, 2021 2:14 pm

Henniger saw his old squad leaders face and could almost hear the gears grinding in the staff nco's head. Not only was the man friends with both of the Marines who'd gone down in the accident, but he'd banged around the deep end of the USCM swimming pool long enough to know how much data this incident would cause. Because it happened in front of the US Colonial Navy.

As SSG Morse ran a hand over his face, Henniger caught his eye and offered a sympathetic look.

<tag Morse>
ImageLCPL. J. Henniger USCM
U.S.S. Chimera
Recon Rifleman, Comtech electronics secondary
3rd FTL, Call Sign Devil Dawgs.

Armor and webbing
M41A Pulse Rifle + 7 mags
M40 Grenades x 10
Hand Welder
Service Pistol + 2 Mags
Mk. 1 Combat Knife
Com-Tech Bypass Device
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Re: Turn 3: The Tour

Post by lordstrand » Tue Feb 23, 2021 8:03 am

Davros followed their tour guide like a good little duckling, taking note of cabins, and various room arrangements. He could probably describe what more than half the rooms looked like when all was said and done, but ask him someone's name...Yeah right. The sub was tight, efficient and no nonsense when it came to layout and crew. He decided it was probably best to keep his mouth shut around the seamen and women, they may not get his particular brand of humor, his fellow marines had already learned to ignore it.
The tour of the sub ended at the sickbay, guess they wanted that area to be pretty firm in their mind if no where else. He heard Doc say "Hey guys, How are the new digs?" Davros went over to where Doc was working on his fellow marines and sat his med pack on an available space. "How they doen Doc? They decide to stop holding hands while ice skating over a gangplank?
<tag Doc>
"If they wanted more shore leave I don't think they had to gulp a gallon of seawater to get it. Need any help?"
<tag Doc>
"When you get the chance man, I brought the bigger trauma pack along and divvied it up amongst us all. Our little packs are gonna be a tiny bit bigger but I don't know how possible its gonna be to get back to the little subs with patients. It should be compact enough that we wont have to worry about tight spaces, cause god knows what the depths are doing to a space ship. Space ships are meant to hold together when its trying to pull you apart not keep pressures from crushing it like a tin can....Right??"
Davros helped out Doc with whatever he needed, and decided if they were dismissed until the sub was underway he would take a nap.
Image LCpl. Strand Davros - Medic
USCM Special Forces Recon Team
Serial Number: S35/TQ9.4.48100E2


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Re: Turn 3: The Tour

Post by wargamer » Tue Feb 23, 2021 8:29 pm

"How they doin' Doc? They decide to stop holding hands while ice skating over a gangplank? If they wanted more shore leave I don't think they had to gulp a gallon of seawater to get it. Need any help?"

Darren was glad to see see his fellow medic push his way through the pack ready to pitch in. He grinned as he replied;

"Tanya decided to try out for a new career as a mermaid, I think she got a lungfull of seawater. Can you check her breathing for me?" He gestured to Dmitri "This one forgot to wear his hard cover and whacked his head on the hull, probable concussion. Reckon their both going to be sitting this op out."

"When you get the chance man, I brought the bigger trauma pack along and divvied it up amongst us all. Our little packs are gonna be a tiny bit bigger but I don't know how possible its gonna be to get back to the little subs with patients. It should be compact enough that we wont have to worry about tight spaces, cause god knows what the depths are doing to a space ship. Space ships are meant to hold together when its trying to pull you apart not keep pressures from crushing it like a tin can....Right??"

Darren nodded thoughtfully. The close confines could be an issue, depending on how badly the target vessel was wrecked, but the unique threats of the mission environment would require the medics to carry extra gear to deal with them.

"Yeah, that's good thinking. Remember we're going deep and cold. we should be prepared for hypothermia and decompression sickness. We'll need extra thermal gel-packs, space blankets and Transsodium Crocetinate shots"

<tag Davos>
ImagePFC Darren 'Doc' Kelly - Medic
USCM Special Forces Recon Team
Serial Number: D44/TQ9.21.47645E2
Current Equipment
M-41A Pulse Rifle w/ 4 Mags
M4A3 Pistol w/ 2 Mags
K-52 Field Medical Pack
2x M-18 Smoke Grenades (Red)
6x M-94 Flares
2x K-Bar Combat/Survival Knives

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