2nd Squad and the APC

The marines find themselves on LV-426 where it all started.
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2nd Squad and the APC

Post by Pale Rider » Sun Jul 02, 2017 6:35 am

Somewhere deep within the stygian darkness, she moved in her haven. Her body adjusting to its new form and enlightenment. At one point she was simply a Praetorian Warrior destined to guard the mother. But things had changed and survival instincts for the formicary had kicked in as they watched the Queen tear her ovipositor free and abandon the remaining clutch of eggs to chase after the small life form that had brought heat and pain to the colony. She sensed the approaching quarry through the many drones that she had scattered across the surface of her domain. Its rumbling and vibrations as it drew nearer to one of the drones current location intensified. Her young Ovipositor began to quiver as she anticipated the potential for creating Warriors from her own DNA stock. The DNA memories from the digestion of the former Queen’s ovipositor and the strange jelly like substance within in it had elicited the metamorphosis that had transformed her from a Warrior to a Queen. She had managed to escape with fifteen of her clutch mates into the wilderness to establish a new nest.
She reached out to the three minds that were nearest to the approaching prey. It rumbled to a stop approximately twenty seven meters from the one that lay within the darkened interior of the unnatural cavern. She urged the two furthest to come and aid the one within range of the prey.
A softer vibration reached the sensors of the drone as the air pressure changed sending pulsations down the lateral grooves on either side of the domed head. The changes in air pressure told it that six smaller prey had left the safety of the larger beast and were moving closer. The ever present saliva began to drip even more intensely as the inner jaw slipped out from between the parted jaws, sensors akin to the buds found on a snake’s tongue drew in the scent of the prey and it recognized them as the same kind as the one it had grasped that was wielding the thing that burned. These creatures were soft and easily killed. The drone hissed in anticipation as the prey drew near, its tail flicked casually from side to side as muscles bunched preparing to spring forth.


The Lieutenant dropped into a crouch at the hissing sound. He raised his hand up motioning for the group to stop. “Did anyone else hear that sound? Sounded like steam escaping from a pipe to me. Not sure that anything would still be leaking from pipes within so please tighten up the ranks. Perez take Point, Nicole and Honeysett take his 3 o’clock and 9 o’clock. Sykes and I will take their sixes and Sarah you will be the Tail Gun Charlie. Okay let’s move out team!”

<Tag 2nd Squad>

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Re: 2nd Squad and the APC

Post by JuanPerez » Sun Jul 02, 2017 1:08 pm

<Location: Area outside Hadley's Hope, near downed APC from the USS Sulaco>


Perez copied the order and approached the APC as pointman. He had heard that weird sound from inside the APC, too. Although he was not an expert on APCs, he was pretty sure, that absolutely nothing of the interior was steam-powered. But he was not sure about the engine. That could be an explanation, but nevertheless, he was alerted as ever, while closing in. The L-T had said nothing about it in particular, so he went for the starbord main sliding door entrance and not the portside driver's hatch. As there was no need to rush, he moved slowly and carefully, eyes on target.

<Roll Awareness - Level Professional>

OOC: If nothing happens during closing in and lest further orders, Perez will move up within 5 yards in front of the APC's side entrance. He assumes, that someone else will open the sliding door
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Image 1st Lt Daniela Harper - Platoon CO
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Serial Number A08/TQ3.0.45013E2
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Re: 2nd Squad and the APC

Post by - JR - » Sun Jul 02, 2017 3:25 pm

Pale Rider wrote:“Did anyone else hear that sound? Sounded like steam escaping from a pipe to me. Not sure that anything would still be leaking from pipes within so please tighten up the ranks. [...] Sarah you will be the Tail Gun Charlie. Okay let’s move out team!”
"Yessir!" Sara quickened her step, falling into the rear of the new formation. She continued staring at the motion tracker. Distracted, she walked right into Sykes. "Whoops! Sorry there!"
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Re: 2nd Squad and the APC

Post by Corporal Hicks » Sun Jul 02, 2017 3:37 pm

Corporal Sykes heard the soft hissing sound and stopped. He was still inclined to believe there was no threat, but something in the Lieutenant's voice convinced him to stay alert. Maybe the LT knew something they didn't. Danny raised his flamethrower to a ready position and fell in with the new formation. Then Private Wang stumbled into him, causing him to startle. She was quite a bit bigger than him and almost knocked him over. He let out a nervous laugh as he felt some of the tension dissipate. "Watch where you're going. Don't make me kick your ass, Private," he said in an obviously joking manner. "You see anything on that motion tracker?" he asked, thinking he knew the answer already.
<Tag Wang>
ImageSgtMaj. Danny Sykes - Platoon NCO
USCM Special Forces Recon Team
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Re: 2nd Squad and the APC

Post by - JR - » Sun Jul 02, 2017 3:48 pm

Corporal Hicks wrote:"Watch where you're going. Don't make me kick your ass, Private," he said in an obviously joking manner.
Her large eyes got even larger. Perhaps his joking tone had gone over her head.
Corporal Hicks wrote:"You see anything on that motion tracker?" he asked, thinking he knew the answer already.
"Uh, well. That's the thing, innit? It just started blippin' just a li'l bit here and there, real subtle-like. Might be that's the thing makin' the snake sound." She squinted at the device again . "Living thing couldn't sit that still, I reckon, but it might be a steam hose or somethin' whippin' around, so be careful all the same."

<Tag 2nd Squad>
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Re: 2nd Squad and the APC

Post by Apachetear » Tue Jul 04, 2017 7:15 am

Jacob's mouth was uncomfortably dry. The hissing sound was unsettling. He held his gun to his shoulder, ready to react, as the squad moved in. He settled into the 3 O clock position.

It didn't feel like it would be a waving pipe. He made himself sure it wasn't. You couldn't relax and think it was a mundane thing like that, otherwise you'd let your guard down.

"we're walking into an ambush, right? It feels like a good place to have one..."

<Tag 2nd>

<is overwatch a thing? I'd like to do that if it is>

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Re: 2nd Squad and the APC

Post by Nicole Grayham » Tue Jul 04, 2017 12:09 pm

location: near the apc

„Aye Ma´am.“ Nicole took her position at 9 o'clock beside Perez. She watched the apc, ready to fire if this was needed.
Something was wrong here but she could not put her finger on it. Maybe she heard something but she was not sure about it.
In her opinion it sounded like a snake, but how should a snake survive here. She lifted her weapon and walked forward with the squad.
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Re: 2nd Squad and the APC

Post by JuanPerez » Tue Jul 04, 2017 1:51 pm

<Location: Area outside Hadley's Hope, near downed APC from the USS Sulaco>

Perez approached the APC of the Sulaco carefully, even more so after Private Wang mentioned 'bout movement inside, and came to halt in front of the closed sliding door some 5 yards away. The barrel of the M56 smartgun pointed straight to the door. The mumbling of the guys revealed the tension and nervouseness all around.

"Ok, i got that sliding door covered. L-T, i suggest, that somebody checks the driver's hatch entrance on the other side."
Game Master
Image 1st Lt Daniela Harper - Platoon CO
USCM Special Forces Recon Team
Serial Number A08/TQ3.0.45013E2
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Re: 2nd Squad and the APC

Post by Corporal Hicks » Wed Jul 05, 2017 8:10 pm

As he always did in uncertainty, Sykes responded with decisive action. The LT had made him nervous, but he could overcome it with rash action. Besides, he still assumed nothing was dangerous, because why should it be? As of yet, the marines had no indication that there could be anything dangerous besides a boogy-man invented by some nut-case 60 odd years ago.

"Careful, Perez. There could be marines in there," with that he strode forward, and holding his flamethrower in his right arm, he pulled the heavy sliding door open with his left. He stepped aside with it to allow Perez a clear line of fire in case there was trouble.
<Tag Perez>
ImageSgtMaj. Danny Sykes - Platoon NCO
USCM Special Forces Recon Team
Serial Number: D26/TQ6.3.48412E9
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Re: 2nd Squad and the APC

Post by Nicole Grayham » Thu Jul 06, 2017 10:05 am

Nicole watched the scene and held the finger on the trigger her weapon.
Surprisingly she was not nervous but curious what would happen now.
Something was inside and her feeling said: nothing good.
Private Nicole Grayham

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Re: 2nd Squad and the APC

Post by Pale Rider » Thu Jul 06, 2017 12:28 pm

Almost as soon as the door rolled open the motion detector began to scream as it picked up two income targets from opposing sides. Rocks crashed from both sides of the ravine as dark shadows seemed to emerge and merge from darker shadows. As quickly as the motion tracker sent out its proximity warnings they stopped. The hissing from within the APC also stopped.

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Re: 2nd Squad and the APC

Post by - JR - » Thu Jul 06, 2017 2:34 pm

Pale Rider wrote:Almost as soon as the door rolled open the motion detector began to scream as it picked up two income targets from opposing sides.
Sara stepped back. "Whoah whoah whoah, we've got incomin' on both sides!" she announced, perhaps unnecessarily, as the rocks began to tumble.
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Re: 2nd Squad and the APC

Post by Corporal Hicks » Thu Jul 06, 2017 2:40 pm

At last, Sykes began to see the danger that they were in. Making eye contact with Perez, he said "Perez, hold fire," just to make sure he didn't get torn to pieces. Of course the smart-gun was unable to shoot friendlies, but in the moment he had forgotten that fact.

Sykes swung himself around so he was facing directly into the APC door. Then he squeezed the trigger and didn't let go of it. He swept the flamethrower slowly back and forth to burn anything that could be alive inside the wreckage. He hoped the other marines could handle the other contacts.
(Roll Gun Combat)
ImageSgtMaj. Danny Sykes - Platoon NCO
USCM Special Forces Recon Team
Serial Number: D26/TQ6.3.48412E9
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Re: 2nd Squad and the APC

Post by JuanPerez » Thu Jul 06, 2017 8:53 pm

<Location: Area outside Hadley's Hope, near downed APC from the USS Sulaco>

Perez prepared himself and the gun of course, too, as Sykes opened the sliding door. Then the party got started. As soon as the door slid, the motion tracker proximity alert came to life. Wang reported two incoming boogies from opposite sides. Then, Sykes got him by suprise as he did not back up besides the entrance, but brought his flamethrower into the entrance of the APC and unleashed hell. He started to torch everything inside. Didn't he mentioned seconds before, that he should be careful, because there could be marines inside?

Anyway, this was a serious situation, he had no time to dwell on it, and nothing would survive this kind of flame thrower heat at this close-up range. There were two incoming signals, with which they had to deal with, so he turned away from the sliding door, pointing the gun's barrel towards the area, where he thought, he had heard a kind of noise.

"Steady, guys. Stick close. Grayham, cover 9 o'clock, i got the 3 position covered. Wang, talk to me, where is it."

His eyes followed the barrel from left to right and back, trying to pick up a target. He held up a high level of concentration thanks to the energy drink, that worked inside.

<Roll Awareness - Level Professional>
<Fire Smartgun, if necessary - Level Expert>
Game Master
Image 1st Lt Daniela Harper - Platoon CO
USCM Special Forces Recon Team
Serial Number A08/TQ3.0.45013E2
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M10 Pattern Balistic Helmet
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M41A Pulse Rifle (6 Mags, 20 Grenades)
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Re: 2nd Squad and the APC

Post by Pale Rider » Thu Jul 06, 2017 10:52 pm

Corporal Hicks wrote:At last, Sykes began to see the danger that they were in. Making eye contact with Perez, he said "Perez, hold fire," just to make sure he didn't get torn to pieces. Of course the smart-gun was unable to shoot friendlies, but in the moment he had forgotten that fact.

Sykes swung himself around so he was facing directly into the APC door. Then he squeezed the trigger and didn't let go of it. He swept the flamethrower slowly back and forth to burn anything that could be alive inside the wreckage. He hoped the other marines could handle the other contacts.
(Roll Gun Combat)
Something long and black ending in a silvery spike slices out of the darkness penetrating Sykes thigh as he squeezes the trigger bathing the interior of the APC in flames. A hellish scream fills the air as the appendage is jerked back into APC. A form straight out of the depths of hell can be seen writhing in agony.
<Tag Sykes>

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