Turn 1

The 3rd Eightballs campaign. Terminated.
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Turn 1

Post by Nick » Thu Mar 15, 2007 3:06 pm

Date: 22nd October, 2080AD, 0700UT
Location: Lambda Serpentis
Operation: Thunderclaw
Mission timer: 00:00

The hangar deck was empty. The light was pale, just a vague ambience of pale white light. Above a few light panels glowed vaguely in the roof, they also dissipated heat so every third or so was kept on to keep the temperature over freezing. The lift support systems where kept at a minimal to save energy for the power starved faster than light drive.

Long chains dangled slowly back and forth, rocked ever so gently by the ships subtle movements as it maneuvered through space at speeds faster than light. The crew of the USS Costaguana as the ship had been christened ,some fifteen years ago, where all asleep. All except one.

Priest, the synthethic advisor, was up and preparing the for the awakening of the marines. The synthetic chef had to be booted up so they could get food, life support had to be brought online and a million other tasks the marines normally wouldn't worry or even be aware of.

With extreme speed Priests fingers flew across the keyboard in the command bay. Typing up to thirty characters per second no human could ever hope to rival an android in speedwriting. The tapping reached a crescendo as he finalized the last coordinates for their destination.

Lambda Serpentis - 11th star of the Serpens constallation. The snake.

They wouldn't be there for another twelve hours or so; but Lt Vincent had ordered him to wake them up twelve hours prior so they would have time for briefings. There had not been time for that at Gateway, they had just been rushed off - Like so many times before.

Priest activated the wake up procedure - The names flickered by, glowing in neon.

Lt Vincent - Priest appreciated her, as far as his robotic feelings allowed him too of course. One of the two woman in the crew she distinguished herself with high intellect and high integrety.

Sergeant Steele - A down to earth guy that would go through fire for his men. Appreciated by everone, he was the rolemodel for the US Colonial Marine Sergeant

Lance Corporal Bojan - A somewhat withdrawn person that performed his duties to the point. Some might underestimate his capabilities in combat.

Lance Corporal Screaming Eagle - Lethally skilled with his close combat weapons. Known to rush headlong into situations, completely fearless in combat.

Private Williams - A talented boxer, sleighs for fists. Part from that Priest didn't know much about Pvt Williams.

Lance Corporal Chappell - A veteran of the 8th platoon who got transferred to another platoon at his own request. Appearantly he missed his old crew because he returned to Priests delight. He appreciated Rednus, even though he found him a little rough around the edges at times.

Private McKenzie - A straightforward reliable guy, last mission he was brought along as a test pilot for a canine dog unit. The test is under evaluation and meanwhile he has returned to his Smartgunner position.

Private Skellen - The new medic, very intelligent and academically skilled. Priest looked forward to getting to know this interesting person more.

The last name that came up in front of Priest on the screen was

Private first class Bren - A guy that keeps to himself pretty much. Not much for socializing with the other Marines it seemed.

With that concluding thought Priest pressed the enter key. Moments later lights started to glow all over the ship. With a barely noticable shudder the ship slowed down from faster than light travel - Any human no in a cryo tube would have suffered horrible disorientation for several days.

The tubes started to open with a soft hum and the light panels above flickered alight - Piercing the eyes of the newly awakened marines.

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Turn 1

Post by Pale Rider » Thu Mar 15, 2007 10:24 pm

James Screaming Eagle, stretched and yawned. He almost began to bark out orders, but remembered the brass had reassigned him to grunt work after the past mission. He shambled off to the showers to get cleaned up and ready for what the new day awaited him.

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Turn 1

Post by pants » Fri Mar 16, 2007 12:34 am

Date: 22nd October, 2080AD, 0700UT
Location: Lambda Serpentis
Operation: Thunderclaw
Mission timer: 00:00

An endless blackness, that's what Nick thought of when he awoke from stasis. He was feeling melancholy at the moment having to consider all the changes within the platoon after it had been re-organised once again.

Morrison, whoops that should be Lieutenant Morrison, had been chosen to lead the newly formed 9th Platoon and several of the 'Easy Eights' had joined him there. Heck, Honeysett was the new Sarge in the 'Delta Dogs' and Green had been transferred over there as well, that crazy green eyed wildman!

He'd miss them all, especially the members of his old squad, but that was just the way of it in the Marines. You went where they needed you and you listened to the orders once you got there.

There were a few new faces in the platoon, as well as an old one newly transferred back into the platoon. It'd be good to have Chappell back leading second squad. His experience would be of great help in getting this new look 'Easy Eights' working together like a well oiled machine.

Bojan was the new first squad leader, and Nick looked forward to seeing how he'd perform in his new position. With Eagle in his squad he had a lot of command experience to call on if he got himself into a situation that he hadn't handled before but Nick had no worries that he'd do a good job.

Getting out of the cryo pod, Nick realised he could see a few other members of the platoon stirring.

"Wakey, wakey marines! Everybody is to shower, shave and shit and then grab some chow. We'll have a briefing when the LT is good and ready, so you've got some time to get yourselves feeling human again. Squadleaders make sure you get a head count of your marines."

"Ain't it a great life in the marine core! HOORAH!"

Zoe Barr
Chief Petty Officer

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Turn 1

Post by rednus » Fri Mar 16, 2007 1:31 am

As white light pierced his eyelids and retinas, a sigh was granted a temporary existence.
Words were being barked by a familiar voice, one he'd remembered a long time ago, and a wry smile crept upon Rednus's still half-asleep face.

sit up...

He did so, and the sounds of other marines waking filled his ears.

now, open your eyes..

He fought with this for a short period , but figured he had to do it sometime.
Rednus's first sight was a grinning Synthetic he had once known. With glacial eyes he returned the smirk, and glanced around the other pods.

my new unit , containing bodies from my old...

He pondered on each of them, wondering what they'd been through while he had been transferred. He noted many faces were not here... but there were replacements, and he'd make an effort to know these a.s.a.p

An uncontrollable spasm wracked Rednus's gaunt frame , followed by an ungodly cough, and , absent-mindedly, he spat ...downward...into his pod.

Wow, he thought, looking at a now phlegm spattered knee
that was.....disgusting.

He looked up, hoping no-one else saw that...

A couple of them did, and he flashed them a smile.

Well, thats ONE way to make an impression... he thought, and attempted to get out of his sleeper.

.Cpl Rednus Chappell
U.S.C.M Rifleman
Eightballs, First squad.

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Turn 1

Post by Huey » Sat Mar 17, 2007 6:11 am

Date: 22nd October, 2080AD, 0700UT
Location: Lambda Serpentis
Operation: Thunderclaw
Mission timer: 00:00

Old injuries in Huey's knees and wrists groaned, clicking as he stretched. Shaking his head and slapping his cheeks, trying to get of the post-cryo jitters. He missed the guys in his old platoon, even his old squadmates in Basic Training. He'd heard that Khan and Altair were in his sister platoon. Imagine that...not just guys from the same class or Recruit Company, but from the same squad and platoon. The Corps was indeed a small world. Even smaller for the veterans, the 2nd Squad Leader was an old favorite in the platoon as far as he could tell. And in his squad there were already two Lances in it. It made the young Marine feel better have guys that had been through the shit together. Now it'd be his turn to earn his spot in the squad.

"Wakey, wakey marines! Everybody is to shower, shave and shit and then grab some chow. We'll have a briefing when the LT is good and ready, so you've got some time to get yourselves feeling human again. Squadleaders make sure you get a head count of your marines."

"Ain't it a great life in the marine core! HOORAH!"

"Oh Amen Sergeant" Huey said
pl. Huey Williams
8th Platoon, Section A, 2nd Squad
Squad Leader

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Turn 1

Post by Pale Rider » Sat Mar 17, 2007 10:44 am

Date: 22nd October, 2080AD, 0702UT
Location: Lambda Serpentis
Operation: Thunderclaw
Mission timer: 00:00
"Wakey, wakey marines! Everybody is to shower, shave and shit and then grab some chow. We'll have a briefing when the LT is good and ready, so you've got some time to get yourselves feeling human again. Squadleaders make sure you get a head count of your marines."

"Ain't it a great life in the marine core! HOORAH!"
"Sarge, it's always peaches and cream when your a marine. I mean after all we have the best chow, the finest equipment, " looks around eyes the LT stepping out of her pod, "and only the finest women want in to play with the big boys. What more could we ask for?"

He rolled his towel up and snapped it playfully at his squad leader. The flexing of his pectoral muscles made the long jagged scar flex and pull, a fresh reminder of their encounter with the Xenomorphic species. Life was strange that way, some good people died from that encounter, Private Pyro had been the first to feel the sting of the giant bugs tail, the experience played through his mind like a 20th century video:
That was his last call. From the mist and darkness a towering creature appeared - It resembled the other Aliens, but this one was three times as large. It was crowned with a majestic head shield, and towering spines portruded high aloft towards the roof. The thing was so immensly big that it must have spent it entire life in this chamber, it was no way it could get out through the corridors. Behind it, scuttling from both the walls, floor and roof were over a dozen of the Alien creatures in an all out charge.

Pyros scream was cut in half as the large creature simply smashed his head with its long whiplike tail. Pyros helmet and skull united in a shower of plastics, metal and pieces of bone and brainmatter. The body slumped to the floor and his weapon fell through the air tumbling end over end, the creature didn't even slow down - It was bearing down on Eagle.

Reaching up, he absently ran his finger down the eight inch scar, that stood out, his reminder of the first encounter and his first command experience. Glancing over at Bojan, he nodded at the man, his face and eyes showing his concern and understanding of what it was like having the concern of fellow Marine's lives in your hands. Daniel would do fine though. He had received the Recon training like the rest of them and there was no reason to think he wouldn't make the grade.

Eagle, turned to his locker and quickly dressed uncertain that the moisture running down his body wasn't simply condensation from the bath or a fresh sheen of prespiration. Two minutes later and he was dressed, eating the plastic and cardboard tasting food the machine produced for them.

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Turn 1

Post by AstroBoy » Sun Mar 18, 2007 12:24 am

Glancing over at Bojan, he nodded at the man,
Bojan nodded back to his old squad leader. It was now Bojan's turn to fulfill that role. He got up, got changed and headed out to have something to eat. He hoped that he'd be able to keep his squad together in their upcoming mission.

His squad wasn't full size with only James and a new man, Huey. Bojan decided to let Huey settle after waking up from the long sleep before talking to him.
William Jones


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