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Turn 31

Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 3:30 am
by pants
[quote]“Change of plan, Sergeant. I need to talk to everyone now.â€

Turn 31

Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 3:43 am
by HeavyGlenn
Ronald looked over Steel and laughed at his joke, but then he stopped, knowing what this meant. He groaned and slapped his forehead, he seriosly thought the last minutes he had he could do some fun but noo! He slapped at his empty mug while his throat ached like hell. He glared over at Steel but couldnt feel angry at the red haired girl, the beau.. He shook his head, he didnt think on girls. Or did he?

Turn 31

Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 10:05 am
by Apachetear
Jacob wandered over to Steel and leaned against one of the tables waiting for the new information to spill forth.

Leaning in, he stage whispered "Sir, how feels the power of wielding a platoon?"

Turn 31

Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 10:52 am
by AstroBoy
Relieved at the fact that he got ready soon enough to have a good meal, Bojan assembled feeling satisfied. He was always ready to go and felt uncomfortable if he wasn't.

While paying attention to the sergeant, in the back of his mind, Bojan was wondering where Gagarin and Morrison were.

Turn 31

Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 1:32 pm
by Pale Rider
James finished doing the standard S-Cubed duties of every morning. He quickly slipped his combat gear on, and then kneeled before the open view port. He prayed a solemn prayer to the Great Spirit in the Sky for the safety of his new found family. He rose up and crossed himself before exiting the barracks.
Walking down the corriders that were silent except for the stepped thrumming of the engines and other machinery that helped keep the ship alive and running his thoughts kept turning back to something his drill sergeant had said, "Most of the things worth doing in the world have been declared impossible, before they were done." He would have to do his best to replace the marine's shoes that he had been given the responsibility of doing. So far most of the squad didn't think to highly of him and their attitudes and actions displayed that, he didn't want to fight or antagonize any of them but, he had a job to do and he was going to do it to the best of his ability.
"Now hear this! All marines are to report to the mess immediately. I repeat again. All marines to the mess! The last person here will be on latrine duty!"
James picked up his pace and slid into the commissary. He grabbed a steaming mug of coffee black and a platter of food. He slid in across from Ronald and carefully began to eat and drink while he waited his orders for the day.

Turn 31

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 5:55 am
by pants
Jacob wandered over to Steel and leaned against one of the tables waiting for the new information to spill forth.

Leaning in, he stage whispered "Sir, how feels the power of wielding a platoon?"
Grinning at Jacob, from where he stood next to the intercom, Nick had a little chuckle to himself before answering his fellow marine.

"Well Smiles, you know that old saying 'absolute power corrupts absolutely'? In my case it's true!"

Lt Cpl Screaming Eagle had entered the mess and had grabbed some chow before sitting down to eat opposite Pvt Green. Ok, Nick thought to himself, that's one down another four to go. Lt Cpl Morrison, Pfc Gagarin, Pvt Pyro and Pvt Alexander weren't there. He'd give them another few minutes then he'd go looking for them. Probably the new guys had got lost and Lt Cpl Morrison was showing them how to get here.

Turning back to Pfc Honeysett he looked over the tall, ginger haired, marine.

"How's the new guys fitting in? I saw that Lt Cpl Screaming Eagle had you guys checking over your gear. Good to see he's got his priorities straight, must have been a wake up call from my laissez faire style? Have you had a chance to talk to Pvt Alexander?" Nick asked Honeysett as he waited for the rest of the platoon to filter in.

Turn 31

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 8:23 am
by Apachetear
pants wrote:
"Well Smiles, you know that old saying 'absolute power corrupts absolutely'? In my case it's true!"
"I knew it! Next it'll be general, and then...well - nobody'll be safe sir..." Jacob laughed back, taken on a little flight of fancy.
pants wrote:"How's the new guys fitting in? I saw that Lt Cpl Screaming Eagle had you guys checking over your gear. Good to see he's got his priorities straight, must have been a wake up call from my laissez faire style? Have you had a chance to talk to Pvt Alexander?"
"Aye, it was a damn shock being talked to as if I was still in boot camp...Still, I'll put up with it if he's a decent combat leader...though, if you want to put me on a superior ranking, but so I remain a squad member not leader - I'd be just dandy."

Laughing Jacob looked over at Alexander

"In honesty sir, no, I haven't...seems nice enough though - hopefully be able to have a chat before the mission starts proper."

Smiling happily Jacob looked around, it was nice he'd found friends in the platoon now - it's nowhere near as awkward as when he himself was 'fresh meat'...

Turn 31

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 3:32 pm
by Pale Rider
James swallowed some of the steaming coffee, enjoying the feel as it burned its way to his stomache. He glanced up a Pvt Green, "Hey Ronald, what's the sarge like? Is he a real ball buster or easy to get along with? Sorry, if I pissed you off earlier, but look at it this way, other than con our squad is all but here and he should be here shortly." James extended his right hand out to the man, "No hard feelings, huh, I was simply doing my job."

Turn 31

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 4:24 pm
by Zafubern
pants wrote: "Now hear this! All marines are to report to the mess immediately. I repeat again. All marines to the mess! The last person here will be on latrine duty!"
Zarb nearly choked on his toast when he heard this and he knocked into the table as he got up hastily, nearly spilling the coffee over.[/quote]

"Damned, when will they ever stop this crappy nonsense? I hadn't had a good breakfast during my trainings days and all the more not so now. Morever, this is my first mission and they have to do this to me, f*** it!" Zarb muttered inaudibly to himself.

Turn 31

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 5:19 pm
by HeavyGlenn
Ronald looked over to James and watched his hand carefully, Ronald didnt like the man but one thing was sure and that was that Ronald would not act like some baby, he stood up and grabbed James hand a shoke it a few times then he pulled the small up standing (Or at least tried!) and then leaned forward giving him a friendly hug and a pet on his back.

Im sorry sir but im used to be being fed and have energy to fix my equipment afterwards, that makes sure everthing will be perfect and done. And you mean Steel right? Steel is cool as iron, if he was a red haired girl I would marry him. He is easy to get along with, he knows whats best but sadly he can be.. Ronald leaned forward and whispered "Sissy" to James

Turn 31

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 5:44 pm
by Pale Rider
James accepted the hug and pat, he was pretty sure that things were better, but still far from being where he wanted them to be with his new squaddies. "So the sarge can be a little 'sissy,'" he whispered back to the larger man, "How so?"

Turn 31

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 10:27 pm
by HeavyGlenn
"He just feels like one, a lovely sissy. He sure know how to handle things though" said Ronald and nodded. Ronald thought he was wise but sadly he was just plain dumb.

Turn 31

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2006 7:25 am
by pants
"In honesty sir, no, I haven't...seems nice enough though - hopefully be able to have a chat before the mission starts proper."
"Getting to know your fellow marines is a good idea, but you might want to hold off on telling him how you got your nickname 'Smiles'. Don't want the new fish to throw up his breakfast all over your nice shiny boots, do you?"

Laughing, Nick looked around as the new Private, Pyro was his name Nick remembered belatedly, hurried into the mess.

Turn 31

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2006 9:07 am
by Apachetear
Laughing, Jacob moved away from Steel slightly and pointed at his armour, where dozens of faded smiles still remained "I'd appreciate my boots clean sir...but they aren't coming off. Not that I've tried you understand, I like to think of it as my own unique brand of urban camo..."

Chuckling to himself, Jacob looked at Steel "I'm thinking of starting a pool on how many smily faces I add to my armour this mission coming...see if you and Green can stir up some interest, could be a big win" Laughing and winking at the sergeant, Jacob began to roll himself a cigarette as the others made their way to the canteen.

Turn 31

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2006 1:32 pm
by Pale Rider
"He just feels like one, a lovely sissy. He sure know how to handle things though" said Ronald and nodded. Ronald thought he was wise but sadly he was just plain dumb.
James nodded his head sagely, "Well let's just hope its only how he appears." I wonder what Ronald really thinks of me if he thinks the Sarge is a sissy. Oh well, only time will tell either way. "Well, Ronald, go a head and sit down and enjoy the rest of your breakfast; it sounds like we might be heading into action much sooner than expected."
James turned and walked over to Sergeant Steel. "Excuse me sir," he saluted like the good marine he was and awaited the Sarge's acknowledgement. He glanced over at Jacob and nodded his head at him.