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Turn 25 pt2.

Posted: Fri Jul 14, 2006 10:01 am
by Nick
Cedar Groove, NY
Top floor, Cultist HQ
Mission timer: 00:13:15

Voices could be heard from the upper stairs. The Marines waited. It was eerily silent, except for the merely audible moaning from one of the wounded cultists. Suddenly some kind of command was given and the door was pulled open, four black objects came bouncing down the stairs and came to an halt all around the marines. Grenades.

Someone screamed "Grenades!" but it was unecessery everyone was already running down the stairs, running as fast as they could. One stair, two, three, four, five then came the explosion. The pressure wave was immense, the ear drums of the marines bulged and a stinging pain shot into their heads from the extreme noise. Shrapnel clattered on the walls around them, debris and body parts fell from above between the stairs.

Shots where fired above, most likely in blind to supress any survivors. There had been no doors on the way down. The Marines continued all the way down. A thick steel door marked the end of the staircase. It was dark down here, only the faint light from the stairwell trickled in and disclosed the outlines of the marines. Curses and orders were heard from above and the sound of rushing feet increased in volume.

Turn 25 pt2.

Posted: Sat Jul 15, 2006 9:42 pm
by Jocke
Cursing lowly to himself, Morrison looked around quickly, checking that his squad members were still in one piece. The sounds of gunfire and rumbling of footsteps from above made his skin crawl- ofcourse the surrounding gore added to it as well.

They've got us pinned down here... Like in our own little Alamo...

Shaking his head to get rid of the ringing, he turned to his squad:

"Gagarin, Carter- you two cover that staircase- Bojan, you help me get that door open!"

Morrison then did a quick sweep of the door, looking for any kind of lock, or hinges, while reporting back to Lance Corporal Steel over the radio.

Turn 25 pt2.

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2006 9:35 am
by AstroBoy
Bojan tried to help Morrison to find a way to open the door. He didnt think it possible to blast through even if they had the room. Wondering how they were to get out of this mess, Boja continued with this puzzle.

Turn 25 pt2.

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2006 9:52 am
by pants
Lt Cpl Morrison's commset burst into life as Lt Cpl Steel replied to his message.

Code: Select all

"Lt Cpl Steel to Lt Cpl Morrison. Received your communication and we are preparing to come inside. Will check IFF's and suggest we have all marines confirm target visually before opening fire, until we are able to integrate our squads. Also we will ensure to use the correct code phrase to identify ourselves when challenged. Steel out,"