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Turn 13

Posted: Tue May 02, 2006 2:38 pm
by Nick
Natachya was half dragged, half carried to the airlock by three of the marines. Despite her having relatively small statue it was cumbersome work as her body was totally limp - As soon as someone accidently came to close to the "facehugger" it tightened its grip around her throat with its tail and a soft gurgling noise could be heard as she struggled to breathe.

The other Marines began the dire work packing the crew of the WY-109 into body bags.

The Dropship carried Natachya over to the WY-109 under the watchful eye of the android Priest. Minuteman and Copperstone came with the dropship on the return trip.

Everyone were now gathered outside the access pylon. A few marines were packaging the last of the crew and Copperstone did her best not to look at the corpses.

Minuteman approached Caden looked down into the floor and said, with what seemed like upright sadness: "Sorry about Shirak...I...really...Didn't see that coming"

Turn 13

Posted: Tue May 02, 2006 8:20 pm
by logician
Sgt Caden kept his military bearing, nodding at Lt Minuteman's condolence. Still, he bit his lip at the sight of Copperstone's repulsion at the bodies. She signs up for wetwork and can't stand getting her hands dirty, huh? A Marine got waxed under my command! Caden knew that part of his anger was directed at the Corporation in general, but he felt he had a genuine complaint.

Caden snapped to attention and saluted Lt Minuteman.

"Permission to speak freely, sir?"

Turn 13

Posted: Tue May 02, 2006 8:49 pm
by Nick
"Permission granted Sergeant" Minuteman replied with a curious look on his face.

Turn 13

Posted: Wed May 03, 2006 8:40 am
by rednus
"Permission to speak freely, sir?"
...this caught Chappells attention, and, as he overheard it , he zipped up the last of his assigned corpses. -do not get emotional for the dead, for they weep for you- he was thinking. It was the only thing he could do not to yell out 'permission granted' himself...

His view turned to Minuteman and Caden and he watched intently, as if trying to put words into his sargeants mouth.

'This HAD to happen, and the sooner, the better'
, thought Chappell standing with crossed arms , and at this point not hiding the fact he was eavesdropping. God I hope he takes it out on Copperstone...

When minuteman saw Rednus partaking in this conversation from afar, Chappell looked back over his shoulder at his squad, "How we doin' , marines?'

Turn 13

Posted: Wed May 03, 2006 9:41 pm
by logician
Lt Minuteman: "Permission granted Sergeant" Minuteman replied with a curious look on his face.
Sgt Caden fell at ease and eyed the Lieutenant.

"Things didn't go so well in there today, sir", Caden remarked with more than a hint of sarcasm in his voice. "We've got a dead Marine and mutnieer synthetics. I'm no robotics expert, but I doubt "kill humans" is S.O.P.... and now we've got this thing..." Caden frowned as he pointed towards the "facehugger".

"I know what I signed up for when I joined the Corps, but with all due respect, " Sgt Caden paused, glanced over at Copperstone, and then continued, "... I really don't appreciate my command being placed in jeopardy without the proper intel. I consider that 'need to know'."

Turn 13

Posted: Thu May 04, 2006 12:51 pm
by Nick
"Point taken" Minuteman said.

He glanced over his shoulder: "Copperstone is hiding something...I think she know more than she admits to"

The conversation was overheard by some of the marines nearby, for an instant they stopped working and then carried on as nothing had happened. Minuteman noticed, but instead of lowering his voice he moved closer to the marines.

"...Also, one capsule is missing from the cargo bay according to Copperstone. Worse yet, Priest was going through the logs of the ship and he detected radio traffic between WY-109 and an unidentified trader just minutes before the emergency pod were launched..."

Minuteman concluded "What do you suggest Sergeant..."

Turn 13

Posted: Thu May 04, 2006 1:18 pm
by logician
Lt Minuteman: "What do you suggest Sergeant..."
Sgt Caden relaxed a bit. ... felt good to get that off my chest...

"Well, no point in letting anything slip through our fingers, sir. I say "Charlie Mike"--Continue the Mission. We get Priest to run an intercept course with that trader ship and rain fire down anybody who resists the long arm of the Corps."

It wouldn't make things any cleaner, but snagging that last mutineer and container would give me some personal satisfaction...

Caden turned to the Section on tag-em and bag-em detail, raising his voice to a drill instructor's growl.

"Which of you certified bad asses are with me?!"

Turn 13

Posted: Fri May 05, 2006 3:48 pm
by HeavyGlenn
"Like we got another choice..." Ronald muttered as he finished the bodybag at last and gave it a kick before he turned to Caden.

"Im always with you Sir." Said Ronald with a smile as he saluted.

Turn 13

Posted: Sat May 06, 2006 12:09 pm
by rednus
Rednus looked up from his cigarrete, (this one actually lit), and scanned the makeshift mortuary. He caught a glance at Greens attack on the dead, and shook his head.
"Which of you certified bad asses are with me?!"
Barely half an hour had passed , and with this new offer of bloodshed came the promise of vengeance. A promise which warmed the hearts of some present, but that was not the reason he offered his squad.

"Squad two's got your back, and Carters arse is pretty bad,...sir!"

He searced his cargo's again, clipping the Welcome-Bear to the end of his Pulse Rifle, and spat an unholy amount of phlegm on the floor.
He gathered his equipment,lit another smoke and awaited his squad.
"Lets finish this. Now."