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Turn 1 Recon Squad

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 6:18 pm
by Pale Rider
Date: 17th August, 2080AD, 1745 UT
Location: Barnard's Star, PT-554 (In Bush)
Operation: Training Op

James looked back down the line at his unit. They were sitting deep in the boonies awaiting the arrival of the rest of the Eights. They had been inserted here two standard days earlier and had scouted out the terrain. One thing was sure, it was annoyingly humid. So far they had functioned quite well together as a unit. Each one had taken the necessary skills to fulfill the positions needed. He signed to Bojan using the hand signals they had been taught. This would allow them to talk while in mixed company as well as enable them to communicate silently while in the bush.
"How long before the rest of the Easy Eights arrive," his fingers flew with subtle movements.

When he received the answer, he motioned the squad forward. "Okay men, we have approximately three hours to secure the LZ for the rest of the Squad. Dar, I want you to take point. We will run a quick patrol over the site that we have designated as the LZ. So far, we have been unable to locate any signs of resistence, but that can change at anytime. Especially since we are in a training op. Bob, you will bring up our rear, I want you to make certain we have left no traces behind. Remember, that what we bring into the bush we take out and that includes all bodily wastes, thats what these little canisters are for. He held up a small canister about the size of a sardine can, maybe a little thicker. All waste products are bagged and stowed in these. Okay let's head out ladies, we have a days work a head of us and we wanna draw our pay."

Turn 1 Recon Squad

Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2006 2:27 pm
by Grambo
"Okay men, we have approximately three hours to secure the LZ for the rest of the Squad. Dar, I want you to take point. We will run a quick patrol over the site that we have designated as the LZ. So far, we have been unable to locate any signs of resistence, but that can change at anytime. Especially since we are in a training op.
"On it", Dar replied quickly.

He rechecked his gear and loadout to ensure he had nothing free that would snag or come loose. Properly tucked in, Dar stood and headed forward. He was carrying a somewhat heavier load than would be usual for someone on point recon... M41A1, six mags in reserve, VP70 and spare mag, one set of reloads for his grenade launcher, and of course, his combat knives. On top, he had spare rations in his pack, intentionally loading heavy. This was a training op, and he took his training seriously. Dar was far from out of shape, but he wanted to be sure when they went in, he was ready. The humidity was likely to take care of that as well.

Dar walked to their perimeter, and waited for Eagle's signal before moving into their training area. He used his newly learned hand signal to indicate "ready" and prepared to move out.

Turn 1 Recon Squad

Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2006 8:19 pm
by Wolfy
Bob, you will bring up our rear, I want you to make certain we have left no traces behind. Remember, that what we bring into the bush we take out and that includes all bodily wastes, thats what these little canisters are for.
Bob grimmaced, Crap duty? He thought to himself, he made a visable chocking gesture before he began checking for anything he needed to pick up after. Quickly he grabbed the small canisters and began bagging them. Nothing was left, he attached them to his own bag, as tight as he could to keep as quiet as possible, before waiting for the rest to move.

Turn 1 Recon Squad

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 7:39 pm
by Pale Rider
Date: 17th August, 2080AD, 1747 UT
Location: Barnard's Star, PT-554 (In Bush)
Operation: Training Op

"Okay men we have under fifteen minutes to get the area scouted and send in for the rest of the boys. Remember the only live ammo we have available is in our sidearms which are in your backpacks right!" James reached behind his back and drew his revolver from the holster strapped to his back. He slipped the clip out and dropped it back in place quickly chambering a round. He looked at his squaddies. All of them had been on the last campaign, but not all of them had actually encountered the aliens because they were located outside of the engine room. He picked up his backpack and laid it down flat in front of him. None of my men are going to bite it because some jarhead officer thinks he knows best! Shielding his bag from view he undid the secret pocket that he had spent five days installing on the bottom. He withdrew four clips for the Pulserifles and distributed them to his men.
"Fellas these are illegal and not to be used unless it is a last resort. Secret them on your persons. I will not, I repeat I will not suffer the loss of another of my mates at the hands of bumbling upper brass." At this he looked them all deep in the eyes until he was satisfied each one had understood him. He reached into one of his pouches and pulled out his warpaint kit and made his face up. He withdrew his new tomahawk. His old one had been lost in the battle against the aliens and the new one had been built to his specifications. Gone was the gleam of silver metal, instead it was chemically darkened so that it did not give off his presence when light hit it. He grinned a wolfish grin as he scanned the area around him. His grandfather's upbringing was definitely paying off.
"Okay according to our orders during briefing we are to gather intelligence on the site and once we have done so we are to call in the strike teams. Once they have arrived it is our responsibility to support those squads. Any final questions before we advance," his fingers ached from this form of speech, but they had to get used to it.

Turn 1 Recon Squad

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 8:19 pm
by Nick
The jungle was quiet, eerily quiet. No animals, no insects, no nothing. Just meaty leafed plants and trees entangled with creepers everywhere. The nearby Barnards Star took up a large proportion of the sky, but the reddish light failed to shed much light even as it was midday. The shadows beneath the thick canopy was inky, and the light conditions could best be described as murky: It was incredibly warm and moist, Athena had a one hundred and ninety day cycle around Barnards Star and out of those one hundred and ninety days, one hundred and fifty were rainy.

All of the recon soldiers wore a Ghillie suit, making them look like four large heaps of grass and leafs. From a distance it was impossible to discern them from the background - Even their weapons, two carrying M42 Scoped rifles and two carrying M41A1 Pulse rifles was camouflaged. They where also all four equipped with the M3 BiMex day/night goggles - Making them look somewhat like insects.

With a growing rustle a gush of wind swept through the canopy, for a fleeting moment the murky stale air was replaced with colder more fresh air. Looking through the small gaps in the green canopy 50 feet up, inky black clouds could be seen at the horizon. The distant rumble of thunder rolled over the landscape: A storm was coming.

Turn 1 Recon Squad

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 8:52 pm
by AstroBoy
He withdrew four clips for the Pulserifles and distributed them to his men.
"Sir, I'm just wondering what you think we may need these for. Local fauna?" Bojan found a place to put the clip anyway.

Bojan looked around to try and see anything but the forest was too dense.
A storm was coming.
"Bojan looked up at the sky and grimaced, it wasn't fun being wet but he'd deal with it anyway.

OOC:My other post was left in the rifle man section and also what does mean?

Turn 1 Recon Squad

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 10:15 pm
by tashw
Back on the USS Costaguana, Eileen Vincent entered the communications room, draining the remains of her second cup of coffee in the last 3 minutes. The cryosleep cobwebs were finally beginning to clear, and she nodded reasonably cheerfully to Priest as she entered, "Morning, Priest. Have we got a link to Eagle?"

"Yes, Lieutenant." the android replied in calm tones.

Eileen took a seat at the console and opened the channel, "November Five Five this is Vincent, report."

Turn 1 Recon Squad

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2006 3:33 pm
by Grambo
OOC: I had assumed we would have more live ammo available, as though this is a training mission, a hostile environment field exercise would still allow live ammo. Sounds like I was mistaken. I'll adjust according to the revised loadouts. I remain a Pulse-Rifle guy.
With a growing rustle a gush of wind swept through the canopy, for a fleeting moment the murky stale air was replaced with colder more fresh air. Looking through the small gaps in the green canopy 50 feet up, inky black clouds could be seen at the horizon. The distant rumble of thunder rolled over the landscape: A storm was coming.

Dar led the unit into the jungle, sweeping both horizontally and vertically with his goggles. There wasn't likely to be anything out here, but he took the exercise seriously. Besides, if they decided to set up some training surprises, he sure as hell wasn't going to fall for them.

As the terrain got more dense, he signaled for a hold so he could scout a path. He then moved through the patch of dense foliage, looking for a viable path. He then returned, signalled "follow me", and moved ahead once again. This would be a slow trip...

Turn 1 Recon Squad

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2006 5:56 pm
by Pale Rider
Date: 17th August, 2080AD, 1820 UT
Location: Barnard's Star, PT-554 (In Bush)
Operation: Training Op

James heard the tell-tell click of his radio coming to life in his ear.
tashw wrote:Eileen took a seat at the console and opened the channel, "November Five Five this is Vincent, report."
"Bravo Papa this is November Five Five speaking. We are advancing on the site and we are approximately 1 klick from the objective. I repeat we are approximately 1 klick from the objective."
With a growing rustle a gush of wind swept through the canopy, for a fleeting moment the murky stale air was replaced with colder more fresh air. Looking through the small gaps in the green canopy 50 feet up, inky black clouds could be seen at the horizon. The distant rumble of thunder rolled over the landscape: A storm was coming.
"Papa Bravo you can expect a bumpy ride as Mother Nature is showing off her darkside. What are your orders Papa Bravo?"

Turn 1 Recon Squad

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2006 3:07 pm
by Wolfy
Bob took the extar clip spun it around his fingers and quickly shoved it into his leg pocket, securing it quickly. He slung his rifle around to his back and checked behind them again. Another training mission, I thought I was done with these. Damnit. He thought to himself as he scanned the site they were about to leave.

They started moving shortly after as Bob tagged along behind them a short distance, he kept spinning around watching for anything following before he would return to following the rest of the squad. Given that the squad too was stopping every now and again it kept them at a good distance apart, but not enough that if something would happen noone would know. As Bob moved along he kicked a few loose stones off the path they were travelling, suddenly the wind changed, now colder, Bob stopped and looked up in the direction of the wind, the sky darkend and thunder sounded in the distance. "Crap" he said, barely audible to himself, he began to pick up his own pace a bit, no doubt when the storm eventually got to them visability would be halved at least.

Turn 1 Recon Squad

Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2006 1:09 am
by tashw
"Bravo Papa this is November Five Five speaking. We are advancing on the site and we are approximately 1 klick from the objective. I repeat we are approximately 1 klick from the objective."

"Papa Bravo you can expect a bumpy ride as Mother Nature is showing off her darkside. What are your orders Papa Bravo?"
Eileen smiled slightly at that. A rough ride down might be hard on the stomach, but it did increase the odds of getting the dropship down undetected.

"First, find yourself a position to observe the objective. I want to know the number and disposition of hostiles at the objective. Defences, patrols, any weak points you can identify."

"Second, I need to know if they're using that lookout tower and how. If they are I want ideas on how you can eliminate any forces there. Don't engage them at this point, all I want is information."

"Any problems November Five Five?"