Turn 9 Rifle 1 / Recon

The 2nd Eightballs campaign
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Turn 9 Rifle 1 / Recon

Post by Nick » Thu Feb 01, 2007 5:05 pm

Date: 17th August, 2080AD, 2100 UT
Location: Barnard's Star, PT-554 (In Bush)
Operation: Training Op
Mission timer: 04:08:00

The rainfall had stopped completely, and the whole jungle was oozing with moisture. The thunder still rolled distantly and the sky still was was inky. The overall light had also decreased noticably, it was getting dark.

The Recon and Riflesquad marines entered the large tower. The diameter at the foot of the tower was about fifteen meters (50 feet) across.

The inside of the tower was murky, stale air invaded the nostrils of the marines as they entered. The floor was covered in metal tiles that had rusted excessively. The ground felt very solid compared to the mud outside though. The wind howled in the tower and you could feel a very strong chimney effect as you entered the tower. The draft at the door was considerable. On the left hand a rusted ladder climbed the rounded wall of the tower up into the darkness above. An old sign hung on a small chain: "Danger! OFF LIMITS!" attached to the ladder. At the very back a metal door was embedded into the floor and in the wall above it a control panel. Moving closer the marines saw, to their suprise, that one small LED light still shone on the embedded display.

OOC: Image of tower below


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Turn 9 Rifle 1 / Recon

Post by AstroBoy » Thu Feb 01, 2007 9:32 pm

Dar and Bob, I want that sentry gun to the top of the tower and set up for manual firing if at all possible. If not Bojan we need to get the control turned over to us with the computer.
Once inside Bojan put his gear down by the ladder except for his side arm and said to with a bit of a smirk Dar, "I'll go up first, be ready to catch me if the ladder breaks" Turning to the rest of his fellow marines he asked to no one in particular, "Anyone got any rope so we can get this sentry gun upstairs?"

He started climbing the ladder to check out see what was upstairs with his pistol in hand just in case.
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Turn 9 Rifle 1 / Recon

Post by Apachetear » Thu Feb 01, 2007 10:35 pm

Date: 17th August, 2080AD, 2100 UT
Location: Barnard's Star, PT-554 (In Bush)
Operation: Training Op
Mission timer: 04:08:00

"Ok, as secure as we could make this ground floor, I don't want to watch anybody just toss a grenade in and kill us all...so...Bojan, on your way up - think you could assess whether the upper floor could hold 2 squads? I'm not too trusting of that hatch either." Jacob remember how the aliens had come up through the floor in that ship...that hellhole of a ship

Taking another drag on the cigarette he took a look at the sentry gun...

"If the top floor is secure, I'll bring the sentry gun up, bow my head 'n' rest it on my shoulders if someone can keep a hold of it from the top so it doesn't unbalance."

"While we're working all this out, Green - stay out of line of sight and keep the door covered. if any hostiles start to move in - they won't be having a long stay in this world."

"Con, cover that hatch - stay out of Line of sight if possible too. I'm aware that the first thing visible is their head when they come out...so a single burst is probably all you need. If it's a marine's head, remember there are also 'friendlies' on this training mission - and give them the benefit of the doubt, don't forget this is a training mission and the people playing as opfor may still be around"

"Nick, I'm not ranked enough to give you orders - but I strongly suggest making contact with the LT, see what the fuck's going on..."

"John, stay out of line of sight and tell me what the motion tracker displays...you enjoying your first mission by the way?"

"Alright then. Jim, how're you - and where's this would be assassin you shot up?"

Looking around the rest of the recon team, Jacob was impressed by their camoflage and ghillie suits...he couldn't help but noticing a pinkish die over the bottom halves of Dar and Jim

"Looking good boys, Dar...Jim...you got red on you"

Moving to the ladder, Jacob took another drag of his cigarette - exhaling heavily he sat down, allowing himself 10 seconds of peace to sit down in before standing up and looking at how he'd manage the sentry gun...
Pvt. Jacob "smiles" Honeysett

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Turn 9 Rifle 1 / Recon

Post by AstroBoy » Thu Feb 01, 2007 11:10 pm

.Bojan, on your way up - think you could assess whether the upper floor could hold 2 squads?
"Yeah I can do that. As for the pinkness of Screaming Eagle and Dar, that was from a training mine.", Bojan replied and then continued climbing to the second level.
William Jones

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Turn 9 Rifle 1 / Recon

Post by HeavyGlenn » Fri Feb 02, 2007 8:25 am

"Sir yes Sir" Said Ronald and took a good position at once on a spot that seemed to be a good spot to cover the door without being all visible, he looked at the others a bit before he guarded the door, waiting for new orders.
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Turn 9 Rifle 1 / Recon

Post by Nick » Fri Feb 02, 2007 11:34 am

Bojan came four steps up the ladder when the first step broke on him, in a dust of brown rust and old flakes of paint the step simply desintegrated beneath his boot - He barely managed to hold on without falling.

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Turn 9 Rifle 1 / Recon

Post by pants » Fri Feb 02, 2007 12:24 pm

Date: 17th August, 2080AD, 2100 UT
Location: Barnard's Star, PT-554 (In Bush)
Operation: Training Op
Mission timer: 04:08:00
"Nick, I'm not ranked enough to give you orders - but I strongly suggest making contact with the LT, see what the fuck's going on..."
"That sounds like a plan Honeysett. Get your squad deployed," replied Steel as he watched first squad and Recon start securing the area.

Surveying the tower he didn't like what he saw. For one thing this place was too enclosed if someone threw a grenade in here it was going to be messy. For another thing there was a trap door in the floor, who knew what the heck that held.

"Hey there Eagle, looks like you've got some cleaning to do after this is all over!" said Nick as he eyed L Cpl Eagles pink covered uniform. "What opposition are we facing and what kind of numbers can we expect?"

Nick waited for Eagles reply before he switched to the command frequency.

"Papa Bravo this is Yankee One Zero. Both November Five Five and Yankee One Zero have fallen back to the tower and are now securing the perimeter. What are your orders?"

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Turn 9 Rifle 1 / Recon

Post by tashw » Fri Feb 02, 2007 1:14 pm

"Papa Bravo this is Yankee One Zero. Both November Five Five and Yankee One Zero have fallen back to the tower and are now securing the perimeter. What are your orders?"

Code: Select all

"Hold the tower Yankee One Zero. We've got two people down and hostile forces inside the HQ. The dropship's coming in on our position, I expect to clear the HQ shortly after. We'll co-ordinate regrouping once the HQs secure."
nd Lieutenant Eileen Vincent
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Turn 9 Rifle 1 / Recon

Post by Grambo » Fri Feb 02, 2007 6:11 pm

Once inside Bojan put his gear down by the ladder except for his side arm and said to with a bit of a smirk Dar, "I'll go up first, be ready to catch me if the ladder breaks" Turning to the rest of his fellow marines he asked to no one in particular, "Anyone got any rope so we can get this sentry gun upstairs?"
Dar nodded at Bojan, and started to unsling his gear as well. Stripping off his pack and handhelds, he stablized the bottom of the ladder for Bojan.
"Looking good boys, Dar...Jim...you got red on you"
"Yeah... apparently we're dead. Thankfully, the rest of me hasn't figured it out yet.", Dar responded with a wink.
Bojan came four steps up the ladder when the first step broke on him, in a dust of brown rust and old flakes of paint the step simply desintegrated beneath his boot - He barely managed to hold on without falling.
Dar saw Bojan's foot go through the rung, and braced to stabilize him if he started to come down.

"I don't think you want both of us on that, Bojan. I'd recommend one of us go up with a rope, and then drop the rope to the rest. I don't think we're lugging anything up that ladder".
FC Dar Vaughan
Recon Section - Scout
3rd Battalion, 2nd Regiment, 8th Platoon

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Turn 9 Rifle 1 / Recon

Post by Pale Rider » Fri Feb 02, 2007 6:46 pm

James grinned at his former squad mate. "Yeah, I do believe Pink is my color. Maybe when we get back to shore sailor you can show me your color." Laughing out load, James turned and motioned to the woman on the ground beside the wall. "She has either passed out or expired, but either way she doesn't talk very much and she tends to be like a rabid dog with her language."

Turning to the Sarge, "Sarge, I think it looks like we need to secure the perimeter, and if we have time I would suggest we get out there and drag up some logs or something and make a barricade."

He turned when he heard the sound of the metal step snapping. "Bojan, drop down from there. I"ll go up and see if I can't secure the top. Meanwhile I want you to inspect that door and the control panel. See if there is anything we can figure out about this place."

Looking around he noticed one of the new members of 1st Squad was also a Native American, he nodded to himself making a mental note to speak with him if they survived the situation. He grinned when he saw the rest of his old squad. He walked over to Con.
"Con Man, what is going on? So you feel up to a little climbing. Seems all this tall heavy jokers can't climb that later without tripping over their own feet."

He nodded understanding perfectly well what Con had to say. He gave the marine friendly pat on the shoulder before he walked over to the Jolly Green Giant. "Howdy Green, looking good there. So when I get to the top you think you can make certain we don't get overrun with black creepy crawlies?" With a grin he turned and raced toward the ladder, shedding his ghillie suit and his pack. He reached into his pack and pulled out 100' of 450 cord. Attaching it to his belt he proceeded to climb up the ladder forgoing the rungs he walked his way up the outer brackets. "When I get to the top, I want one of the M42 Scoped Rifles so I can get a view of the land."

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Turn 9 Rifle 1 / Recon

Post by exowolf » Fri Feb 02, 2007 7:50 pm

"John, stay out of line of sight and tell me what the motion tracker displays...you enjoying your first mission by the way?"
"Keepin up Honeysett, Keepin up. Nothing moving yet"

After finding a nice spot out of the way from any line of sight Blackhawked laid prone keeping an eye on the scanner and then the door.
Sweating a bit from all this excitement he started to calm his breath down a bit feeling a bit overwhelmed with the pace of things.

He kept a watch on the scanner as well as periodically scanning the tower for any movement. His mind was racing triangulating possible areas of fire and seeing what would happen next. He knew it was just the beginning of this "Training Mission".
PFC Marion Windrider

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Turn 9 Rifle 1 / Recon

Post by HeavyGlenn » Fri Feb 02, 2007 11:59 pm

Ronald just stared at his former squad leader and gave him the finger when he turned around then he turned on the door again, hoping the man was just joking about black crawlers.
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Turn 9 Rifle 1 / Recon

Post by Nick » Sat Feb 03, 2007 2:33 pm

The motiontracker showed a massive contact due to the north east - At least 20 plus where incoming their position. As they came closer to the tower they divided in half, and quickly circled to surround the tower. The wind howled in the tower above them, and the metal cranked and quirked as the massive tower bent back and forth in the powerful wind - A massive feeling of lonelyness and abandonment struck the marines.

In the distance they could suddenly hear a dropships engine whine.

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Turn 9 Rifle 1 / Recon

Post by Grambo » Sun Feb 04, 2007 3:18 am

The motiontracker showed a massive contact due to the north east - At least 20 plus where incoming their position. As they came closer to the tower they divided in half, and quickly circled to surround the tower. The wind howled in the tower above them, and the metal cranked and quirked as the massive tower bent back and forth in the powerful wind - A massive feeling of lonelyness and abandonment struck the marines.

In the distance they could suddenly hear a dropships engine whine.
Dar only heard the loud beep of the motion tracker, but knew immediately that nothing that loud was likely to be good, as the remainder of the platoon wasn't close enough. He stepped back to allow Bojan to drop the remainder to the ground, and rearmed himself... he had a bad feeling that this was going to get much much worse.

Dar headed to the side of the cylindrical tower base, clearing from the ladder... and also giving himself a chance to see at an angle out the door. The other marines had the cover positions, but his inner voice was telling him to get ready... and he always listened to it.

"Boss, any chance we can get that dropship redirected here to see what the hell is coming?"

FC Dar Vaughan
Recon Section - Scout
3rd Battalion, 2nd Regiment, 8th Platoon

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Turn 9 Rifle 1 / Recon

Post by StConstantine » Sun Feb 04, 2007 7:00 am

"Con, cover that hatch - stay out of Line of sight if possible too. I'm aware that the first thing visible is their head when they come out...so a single burst is probably all you need. If it's a marine's head, remember there are also 'friendlies' on this training mission - and give them the benefit of the doubt, don't forget this is a training mission and the people playing as opfor may still be around"
"Sure thing Boss" Con said "shoot to kill but dont kill friendlies, easy as"
Turning around, Con moved just out of line of site fro the hatch but so that he could clearly see it, kneeling down he pulled up his rifle and took aim"

(OOC: I've been away for a few days, im just assuming everyone has live ammo in their rifles)
"Con Man, what is going on?
Grinning at the sight of his old squad leader, Con grabbed Screaming eagles hand and shook it, "How are ya holding up mate? Keeping up with recon with that scar?" Con said pointing to where James had been stabbed by an alien queen
So you feel up to a little climbing. Seems all this tall heavy jokers can't climb that later without tripping over their own feet."
"Climbing? sure i'm up to it. Whatcha got planned?"

PFC Karl Sarafian
Combat Engineer


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