Turn 9 - Blood, Guts, and No Glory

The joint campaign of the 8th and 9th platoons
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Turn 9 - Blood, Guts, and No Glory

Post by bull30548 » Thu Jul 12, 2007 6:04 pm

Having turned on his comm to platoon channel. "All right people just settle down a little bit here. Keep up your fire and keep the bastards at bay. All medics your going from body hauling to ammo hauling. Get in the APCs and get as much ammo as you can carry and re ditribute it to all positions." Wrench pulls off the line sliding his excess ammo to the Konterran and shouldering his rifle. "I would just like to remind the commanding officer that we have orders to the contrary on big black one out there. We are to not terminate but capture." Reaching out and shimmying down one of the support beams rather than take time to run down the stairs. He jogs over to the APC and begins firing up the weapon systems and jockeying it into position to give that queen as many weapon barrage as he can. "That being said lets see how much it likes a multi gun salute. Firing APC A now sir." Using overhead satellites and the APC's own telementary targeting system he lets loose a volley. That being done he runs over to the other APC allowing the first one time to cool and recharge. Doing his same dance he does it again just to be sure. "Firing APC B now sir." He keeps his little dance going giving the marines some heavy mortar fire support from the APC's while he waits on the medics to get their buts in gear. "Don't forget to reload the turrets to make our lives easier boys and girls."
ergeant Gavin 'Wrench' Jones
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Turn 9 - Blood, Guts, and No Glory

Post by Corporal Hicks » Thu Jul 12, 2007 8:56 pm

Eric’s anger had been building ever since he had seen the queen come out of the hole. Now he was shivering with rage. He was holding down the trigger in a constant burst. “You f-fucking b-bastard! You goddamned f-f-fucking bitch!!!â€
ImageSgtMaj. Danny Sykes - Platoon NCO
USCM Special Forces Recon Team
Serial Number: D26/TQ6.3.48412E9
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Turn 9 - Blood, Guts, and No Glory

Post by - JR - » Thu Jul 12, 2007 9:28 pm

Without a word, Jonsson grabbed the marine by his IMP and dragged him backwards, moving while he was still off balance and staggering, before he could get a running start.

"Stay with us, damn it!" he shouted in the disoriented soldier's ear. Noticing the overheated gun, he pulled his new VP out of its holster and slammed it into the man's hand. "Sword didn't work, neither will a knife- Give 'em lead!"
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Turn 9 - Blood, Guts, and No Glory

Post by Jocke » Fri Jul 13, 2007 12:37 am

[quote=""bull30548""]Having turned on his comm to platoon channel. "All right people just settle down a little bit here. Keep up your fire and keep the bastards at bay. All medics your going from body hauling to ammo hauling. Get in the APCs and get as much ammo as you can carry and re ditribute it to all positions."[/quote]

Morrison could barely believe his ears. "Wrench, if you value your pension, you will keep your transmissions on this channel down. Is that clear, Lance Corporal?"

[quote=""bull30548""]"I would just like to remind the commanding officer that we have orders to the contrary on big black one out there. We are to not terminate but capture."[/quote]

"Yeah..." Morrison's eyes scanned the mass of aliens, through the haze of smoke and acidic fumes he could see the queen, towering her subjects "...you get right on that, and I'll meet your afterwards."

Morrison shot another short burst into the ocean of aliens, when he saw what Wrench was up to.

"Sorry for being so hard on ya kid- now kill those bastards!"

"Konterran- help him out, on the fucking double! I'll take your spot, just move!"

LcCpl Conrad Heart

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Turn 9 - Blood, Guts, and No Glory

Post by Dugan » Fri Jul 13, 2007 7:53 am

[quote=""Corporal Dwayne C. Hicks""]Eric’s anger had been building ever since he had seen the queen come out of the hole. Now he was shivering with rage. He was holding down the trigger in a constant burst. “You f-fucking b-bastard! You goddamned f-f-fucking bitch!!!â€
Image Ssg Dugan Simovic, Platoon Sergeant                 

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Turn 9 - Blood, Guts, and No Glory

Post by Corporal Hicks » Fri Jul 13, 2007 4:25 pm

Eric pulled out his own pistol as well and fired them both dry at the queen alien. Then he heard Dugan's order. He handed Jonsson's pistol back. "Y-Yes Sir. Sorry Sir, I dunno.. what happened." he said to Dugan.

Then he picked up the M56 and went down the stairs to assist Wrench. On the way, he quickly switched the barrel on his M56. When he got there, he saluted and said, "Sir, Corporal Simovic ordered me to assist you on the turret."
ImageSgtMaj. Danny Sykes - Platoon NCO
USCM Special Forces Recon Team
Serial Number: D26/TQ6.3.48412E9
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Turn 9 - Blood, Guts, and No Glory

Post by Dirk Pitt » Fri Jul 13, 2007 5:45 pm

"Hay Con!!" Dirk said as he continued to fire into the mass of creatures trying to get to him and his fellow Marines"Man, If we get out of this I am going to cut the teeth and claws off of one of these fuckers and wear it around my neck!"

"Hay Roberts and Fox. How you guys doing over there? Are you haveing as much fun as I am?!" Dirk said as scarcasticly as he could."It just dosen't get any better than this!"
Cpl Dirk Pitt
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Turn 9 - Blood, Guts, and No Glory

Post by Hunk » Fri Jul 13, 2007 5:54 pm

Not paying attention to the clutter that was going on with Roberts. Fox unloaded then last M5 round into the barrel of the gun. Looking around for a soldier near the armory. Dropping the M5 to pick up his rifle trying to suppress the closest ones advancing to the fire base position.

Now running over to Jonsson's old position.
I'll cover you're spot while you get things worked out with Roberts over there.

Im all out of the M5. Is there any other ammo for this gun.

I hear you on that Dirk.

Last edited by Hunk on Sun Jul 15, 2007 6:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Turn 9 - Blood, Guts, and No Glory

Post by AstroBoy » Sun Jul 15, 2007 2:08 am

Bojan had continued firing methodically not making a noise except for the chatter of his rifle. Shouting was not a thing that Bojan did, it was easier to think when not talking.

Bojan's section seemed to be doing well except for the widespread problem of lack of ammunition. He said to Morrison, "Do we have an exit strategy that I don't know of? More ammunition, air support, somewhere to run to?"

William Jones


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