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International Zombie Shooting Competition

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 6:08 am
by Quinn
Okay, goal of this is to print out these pages and follow these rules. This is intended for use with airsoft guns, pistols at that. Here are the printouts. You'll need Adobe Acrobat Reader to see these. ... stage1.pdf ... stage2.pdf ... stage3.pdf ... stage4.pdf

1. Begin by printing out the first stage (5 zombies at 100m). Hang it up 2.5m away from you.
2. You have 10 rounds and 20 seconds (this is true for every stage). Shoot until out of ammo, or time is up.
3. Check your hits. If the BB hole touches ANY part of the zombie’s head - even just the edge - that’s a hit. (We’re counting whole-head hits, not just the brain.)
4. For EACH zombie not killed in the stage, you will put up TWO zombies on the next stage (the next closer range.)
5. Continue in this fashion with 10 shots and 20 seconds per stage until one of the following occurs:
-------1. You have at any point killed all zombies facing you (you win!)
-------2. At any point, you are facing more than 20 zombies (you are overwhelmed)
-------3. Any zombies remain after shooting at 25m (you are overrun)

Post your results like so:
# Stage 1 (100m) Zombies Faced/Killed
# Stage 2 (75m) Zombies Faced/Killed
# Stage 3 (50m) Zombies Faced/Killed
# Stage 4 (25m) Zombies Faced/Killed
# Try to post an image of your last target


How to calculate score: 100 - (any live zombies in stage 1) - (any live zombies in stage 2) - (any live zombies in stage 3) - (any live zombies in stage 4)
Add +1 bonus point if you post images of ALL your targets.
Add +1 bonus point if you post a picture of the gun you used.
Add +1 bonus point if you accompany your post with an MS Paint self-portrait of you fighting the zombies.
-50 Points for using a Rifle.

As soon as I can get my digital camera, I'm owning some zombie asses!

Re: International Zombie Shooting Competition

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 11:53 am
by Nick
Can I use my 9mm instead?



Re: International Zombie Shooting Competition

Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2009 12:41 am
by Dire Wolf
The neighbors might not like that too much, Nick.  :)

Re: International Zombie Shooting Competition

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2009 2:40 am
by Ranger2011
Haha. I'll just break out the .357.  :D