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A firefly tabletop (sort of) Game.

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2015 9:32 pm
by MarcusOTerra
So I've bought the Cloud Nine Board game of Firefly. I've also JUST opened up the Blue sun expansion.

I like it, but the solo games are a little... a lotta... lonely. For a creative RP, the 'misbehaving' cards and the job cards are a great starting point for gameplay.

Just a thought, I mean there is the tabletop simulator on steam that someone is actually putting the game in, piece by piece, and that's a hell of a thing.

But I dunno. *shrug*

Not sure how much Firefly fandom intersects with Aliens affection; anyone interested in a discussion or brain storm, I'm here.

Re: A firefly tabletop (sort of) Game.

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2015 6:29 am
by Morse
I put up a firefly site ad here years ago, we got Quinn out of it. Put an Aliens ad on Firefly years ago, and we got Rina and you in that..... guess it kinda goes on a 50% ratio.