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Re: M1T16 (1, 2, 3rd Squad)

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2008 12:54 am
by exowolf
Simovic then contemplated what the female in the room below said, there was someone else on their way. "Marion get up stairs and keep and eye out with your Scoped Rifle any enemies take a step near the door and you take them down".
Windrider pulls up and makes his way to the 3rd floor as Simovic ordered.  Keeping an eye as he steps his way upstairs looking around before he makes his way to his roost.  Once again, its time to protect the squad.  He instinctual method of setting up is like clockwork.  Each movement of his hand as he sets up a rest to scope from the best vantage point window.

Windrider in place, on overwatch looking for targets.  Firing at will.

He breathes and looks at all the high points and sniper spots before he starts to comb the property looking over every nook and cranny trying to find someone to touch...slow breaths...waiting and watching...


Re: M1T16 (1, 2, 3rd Squad)

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2008 5:18 am
by Jocke
The surge of adrenaline had made the fetid bronze-like smell of poor Roberts blood almost sting in his nostrils, and the gunfire that Dugan had unleashed on the unfortunate man seconds earlier had made his one good ear ring in a flat and very annoying tone. Conrad was working his jaw rapidly, hoping to disperse the sound. 
He had posted himself up near the door, so that he could sneak the muzzle and sensor-package of his M-56 into the doorway for a quick look through his viewfinder.

"Stack up on me fuckwads." He hissed to the men behind him in the staircase.

As he started to creep the M-56 through the doorway, he felt that familiar square weight of having to make bad decisions and liking it settling on his shoulders- in a few short moments of a second, he would see what was going on, and that would determine the outcome of a whole bunch of lives very quickly. His fingers trembled slightly.

(OOC: Anything unfriendly-looking in that room will be hit with the full force of the almighty Smartgun.)

Re: M1T16 (1, 2, 3rd Squad)

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2008 9:09 am
by Kurosaki, Ichigo
Kurosaki was astounded how quickly the situation changed.

"Alright. Collins, use your judgement. If the mine looks familar, then defuse it. If not, then leave it. Hoffman, guard Quinn well. He's the only medic we've got."

Kurosaki quickly reached for his radio, but he realized that it wasn't there anymore.

Re: M1T16 (1, 2, 3rd Squad)

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2008 7:10 am
by pants
Time had slowed to a crawl as Octavius waited for the situation to resolve itself.  Holding the smartgun steady was a simple matter when it was connected to the stabilising harness but it was still an energy sapping activity over long periods of time.

Risking a quick glance around Private Mongo checked the disposition of Third squad before returning his attention back to his sector.  He could hear shots and then yelling coming from down the stairs but couldn't make out what was being said.  Well whatever was going on he knew First and Second squads had it under control.

He just hoped that things didn't get out of control for his squad.