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Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2008 1:56 pm
by Nick
2179 AD 25th August
Location: CSC Sector, Crysalis, Camp Castaway

23.00 hours local time

"Go, go, go" someone hissed over the intercom and with that the first of the Marine squads leaped over the edge of the dune. They were almost invisible in their camouflage against the black sand of Crysalis - Still the radiant sky over the colony sent a vague orange hue over them making them excellent targets for anyone watching in their direction. The laser distance meter in the binoculars of Sergeant Dugan had estimated the range to 452 meters that had to be covered. 452 meters was not a particularly long distance, it would take a 10mm pulse rifle bullet exactly 0.389 seconds to travel that distance in this atmospheric density for example. This was naturally a fact that the Marines were oblivious too, their minds were completely occupied by dodging the jagged black lava rocks that pointed up from the sand like broken glass.

Up ahead the colony was completely surrounded by a 10 meter solid concrete wall, made by huge slabs. The second squad carried a collapsible telescope ladder with them from the APC so they could get over the wall. What happened if someone spotted them half way up the ladder none of the marines wanted to spend much thought on - Instead they focused on the task at hand. Getting one squad over ASAP to secure a footing and then get the Marines over there faster than quick. From the colony the relentless fighting seemed to reach a new crescendo, and the muffled thuds of before had become the sharp cracks of rifle fired much much closer.

By a stroke of luck the Mayors house was only one house away from the colony wall. However it seemed like the mainstay of the fighting was in or around that block. The Mayors house was most likely reinforced concrete and as such an attractive defensive outpost compared to the soft skinned metal colonist housing.

With obvious relief the first Marines landed next to the wall after the harrowing dash over the open stretch.


Re: M1T12

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 7:22 pm
by exowolf
"Report to me when you're done, and don't forget to jump a bit, to see if you rattle. Now come on, don't stand there and stare, get moving. Chop chop!"

Landing in the soft sand Windrider got his bearings and looked around a bit as he check over his gear he checked in with the Boss...

Windrider checking in...where do you want me to set up with the scope?  Anybody have a distance read on the building?


Crouching down as not to be an obvious target on the ridge, he starts to look over the area he started to see the potential choke points and where snipers might be hiding and decided to raise his binoculars to see what might be out there...


Re: M1T12

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 3:52 am
by eyeball
pvt patch was breathing heavily as he arrived at the wall, he was relieved that open area could have been a nightmare to cross under fire.

cpl heart was near and squad 2 were sorting out the ladder quickly patch unslung his motion scanner and checked to see any movement on the other side of the wall or anything that was not tagged "friend"

Re: M1T12

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 4:29 am
by pants
Private Mongo looked around at the rest of his section, Third and Fourth squad, and waited for one of the squadleaders to give out orders.

"Orders Sergeant Honeysett?  Corporal Silvanus how do you want the squad deployed?" he asked over his commset.

Checking his motion tracker continuously Octavius kept his smartgun centered towards any possible threats within his assigned sector. 

"Ishizawa, Roberts you guys got any movement in your sectors?" he asked to his squadmates over the squad frequency.

Re: M1T12

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 4:35 am
by Quinn
Quinn, as the second one across the wall after Kurosaki, kept his eyes open along with his ears. Forgoing infrared because of the fires, and nightvision because the light from the fires would render it almost useless, he had to rely on his own eyesight.

As soon as his boots touched the street, he sprinted to the nearest available cover and almost slammed himself into it. His adrenaline was spiking, flooding his body and increasing his eyesight, hearing and situational awareness. He felt as though he could see and hear everything, and react to it just as fast. Although a little bit in his mind near the back reasoned that any opponents were feeling the exact same thing that he was in this situation.

But for now, he paid attention to covering those who were coming over the wall.

Re: M1T12

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 10:01 am
by Dugan
Simovic had covered the distance with the rest of the platoon in a little over a minute, which wasnt bad going considering the amount of weight each man was carrying. 2nd Squad quickly setup the ladder and together with 1st Squad moved over the wall and into defensive positions covering Command and 3rd Squads entrance into the colony.
Simovic clambered over the ladder and then ran a short distance before pinning himself against the building which was next to the Major's house. He could hear the gunfire raging very close now and he knew a frontal assault would cause high casulties.

He patted Lt Jones on the shoulder, motioning to the building they were leaning against "Permission to move into this building and setup an observation post so we can work out our plan of infiltration on the Major's house?"

Re: M1T12

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 10:59 am
by Apachetear
pants wrote: "Orders Sergeant Honeysett?  Corporal Silvanus how do you want the squad deployed?" he asked over his commset.
"Deploy in cover, each fireteam ranging down a different road for optimum cover. Mongo - Silvanus doesn't look like his pulling his weight, wanna step in? Once the LT has decided on a course of action, we'll follow."

Jacob walked over to a wall in cover and leaned against it. His pulse was slow, his head was clear. This wasn't a new situation for him, and he went about it methodically.

Flicking his comm on he radio'd Dirk "how are things looking man? It's pretty hot down here, so don't get too comfy!"

Peering out into the street ahead he squinted to see what he could see before shrinking back into cover...he put an unlit cigarette in his mouth and hunkered down...waiting for battle.

Re: M1T12

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 8:54 pm
by Tyler Ishizawa
He took a deep breath before the order was given.
Go, go go
Upon the order, Ishizawa immediately sprung up and over the dune, bringing the colony walls into view. He crouched low as he ran, trying to stay as low as possible but at the same time move as fast as he could. Breathing heavily, he kept pushing himself to go faster. He did not want to get caught out in the open, for it would have meant certain death.

After what seemed like an eternity, Ishizawa came close to the wall and slid the rest of the way on the ground, almost as if he was running home in a baseball game. Momentarily losing his balance, he quickly got up from the sand and brushed himself off. Luckily, he didn't manage to get any sand in his rifle. Staying in a crouched position, He waited for the other Marines to reach the wall. All he heard in the darkness was the heavy breathing of the Marines, and the rattling of the equipment on those who were still running.
pants wrote:"Ishizawa, Roberts you guys got any movement in your sectors?" he asked to his squadmates over the squad frequency.

"Hold on I'm gonna check up on the motion tracker", he whispered as he drew his motion tracker and turned it on. He looked down at the screen and tried to see if he could pick anything up.

Re: M1T12

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 9:49 pm
by Nick
The motiontrackers were going crazy with movement all over. Possibly tracking both rounds, people, animals, debris from explosions or even the pressure waves themselves. The trackers were useless in these conditions.

The Marines had to rely on their perception, but part from that they could hear how the firefight escalated all the time on the other side of the wall, they couldn't see anything.


Re: M1T12

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 9:57 pm
by Erika
Erika was set with her smartgun covering her squad. She had a strange feeling but she was ready.


Re: M1T12

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 2:55 pm
by Dirk Pitt
Apachetear wrote:
Flicking his comm on he radio'd Dirk "how are things looking man? It's pretty hot down here, so don't get too comfy!"

"Roger that sir. 4th is ready to move in with or without the APCs at a moments notice. Dirk said as he finished his cigaret.

Lighting another he truned to his squad. "Get ready. I want to move fast on this one. If it's without the APC we move fast and stay low. If its with the APC, we crash the party hard." Dirk said.

Seeing the need he picked up a welder and stuffed it in his pocket. Never know when you might need this he said to himself.

Re: M1T12

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 5:09 pm
by Corporal Hicks
After they reached the wall, Roberts was waiting with third squad.  The sound of the fighting was ominous, but he tried to ignore it.  He had a job to do.  Eric saw Tyler's motion tracker.  "What's wrong with the tracker?  It's picking up too many signals, its no good to us like this." he said quietly into his squad radio.

Re: M1T12

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 9:22 pm
by Dugan
Apachetear wrote:
pants wrote: "Orders Sergeant Honeysett?  Corporal Silvanus how do you want the squad deployed?" he asked over his commset.
"Deploy in cover, each fireteam ranging down a different road for optimum cover. Mongo - Silvanus doesn't look like his pulling his weight, wanna step in? Once the LT has decided on a course of action, we'll follow."

Jacob walked over to a wall in cover and leaned against it. His pulse was slow, his head was clear. This wasn't a new situation for him, and he went about it methodically.
Simovic had an idea while leaning against the adjacent metal building to the major's house. He moved over to Sgt. Honeysett and Lt. Jones.

"You know these colonist buildings look pretty flimsy we could use the portable welders to cut into one and then get inside and use the place as an OP to watch and plan how to gain entry to the Major's house. Plus we can place the snipers in there to add cover while we go in. What do you think?"

Re: M1T12

Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 1:07 am
by tpc
"Gotcha sir",Monks yelled  to the corporal.

OCC: sorry for not posting was kinda busy.

Re: M1T12

Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 4:41 am
by Kurosaki, Ichigo
Corporal Dwayne C. Hicks wrote: After they reached the wall, Roberts was waiting with third squad.  The sound of the fighting was ominous, but he tried to ignore it.  He had a job to do.  Eric saw Tyler's motion tracker.  "What's wrong with the tracker?  It's picking up too many signals, its no good to us like this." he said quietly into his squad radio.

Kurosaki quickly heard one of the third squad privates as he surveyed the area.

"Trackers are useless here; they maybe useful in the buildings. Take weapons off the safe if you haven't already"