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Re: Seems we have turned Belly-Up!

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2018 5:39 pm
by maxvale76
Hey peoples!

Okay, my views (and ONLY my views, so hopefully nobody gets heartburn or takes it personally, :) )...

1: I have no desire to add on any kind of Chat/Facebook/etc. feature...I just want to come to this site, read and post....I'm in my 40s...I've never been on Facebook or Twitter and really don't plan too; so old-school 'read and post' on this 'message thread' on 'this site' works for me. Hopefully that's not too much of a problem for everyone else...

2.: I have no issues with the posting being at regular intervals (i.e. every Sunday or every Sunday and Wednesday; or every 72 hours, etc.) or a more generic...'when it seems like a decent amount of time has passed' per GM judgement. I'm good either way. I might not make every interval, but I have no issues with the GMs advancing the action as needed.

3.: While I haven't run anything on this site in a LOOOONG time, I have run games on other boards and the primary lesson I've learned is this: Trying to set up situations where a group of PCs have to figure something out or have a lot of options doesn't usually work very well. As somebody else mentioned; keep the action fast and furious or free-form (i.e. talking in the barracks, etc.).

4: I very much enjoy the stories that the various GMs have run on this site and am happy to continue whether it's a Squad/Team of 3 or 4...or whether we've got a dozen plus posting.

Hope this helps!

Re: Seems we have turned Belly-Up!

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2018 10:40 pm
by Pale Rider
Thank you Quick.
So should I be posting the searches myself. Be the omnipotent storyteller perhaps and advance the stories that way. This is where Kakao helps because I can question you all one on one to get things moving forward.
My Kakao ID: CHTucker
I promise not to randomly chat with you but I also promise that you will find this as an appointment in Gameplay.

Re: Seems we have turned Belly-Up!

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2018 9:33 am
by JuanPerez
Hi PaleRader and all you guys,

1. Is there enough Action to keep players actively involved?
Yes, and if anybody feels otherwise, he has to contact the GM.

2. Do we need to take a break from me as GM and try someone different?
No. In my opinion, you are doing a GREAT job. THANX for that

3. Is there a reason why most folks have refrained from adding Kakao Chat? It allows for a more intimate touch and a quicker turn around to responses by me because it buzzes me immediately. We could also use Messenger for Facebook if it would be preferable.
I use Kakao and it is very usefull to me, especially when i am stuck or if i need more information or background within a storyline-turn.
IMO there is no need for facebook or any other "social network thing".

4. Looks like we only have 3 committed to moving forward. Do we desire to play with this small of a group and do we want to continue as the Easy Eights or do we play the Devil Dawgs which was a Special Forces Unit and run some campaigns with them until we get up our numbers to return to the Eights?
Let's start with a Special Forces scenario and let's see, who else joins in. If there are enough, we reactive the Eights.

I do appreciate the idea of "fixed time-based turns", whatever the interval will be. Personally, i would prefer something like "from monday to monday", but i will stick with whatever the intervall will be.

Let's get going again, guys !!!


Re: Seems we have turned Belly-Up!

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2018 3:02 am
by Morse
1. Yes, but I agree with Max. In a Forum RP setting Puzzles are hard, consensus is hard, and chain of command is hard. In the past we've avoided this a bit and streamlined orders and actions, the players just color in the world mostly, and I think thats best.

2. GMing is not an issue at all. Doing good.

3. I have a lot going on Real life wise and probably wouldn't be active enough on a social media, chat item.

4. I'm a major proponent for the Special Forces section. I suggested this a while ago as our numbers started to slip. I think for our purposes we'd be better off giving the troops a little bit of freedom with their roles and equipment and do specialized missions... against Xenos. Most of us, if not all of us, here have characters with intimate experience in fighting them, and they'd probably be the best to deal with small infestations, or extractions, and cut out the "Oh Man, what are those things!?" trope that I feel we've kind of beat into the ground.

Bring back the Devil Dogs, give us the tools and a mission to stomp on some aliens and save the people. Those were the best and it'll kind of give us a bit more comfort, especially since most of us have been here for years.

- Think the SF group in Predator. They don't really have 'set roles' so much as they are experienced and best set for the job. NPC the leader and we do what we do.

.... but that's just me.

Re: Seems we have turned Belly-Up!

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2018 12:52 pm
by Pale Rider
Thank you Martin and Morse!

Give me a few weeks to set up equipment lists and figure out exp to bump everyone up in ranks and skills. Devil Dawgs will return and I will bring our first Special Forces member back to NPC lead the group.

Also this last Mission was a reboot so none of the characters had encountered them.

Those who are playing can either continue with their older characters prior to this last campaign or use their new ones from this mission.

Martin and I will be writing up a finale for this mission. So that it is completed. So if anyone wants to assist contact Martin and he will link you with our Google Doc.

Missions going forward will have limited puzzles and be more straightforward Bug Hunts.



Re: Seems we have turned Belly-Up!

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2018 8:01 pm
by Morse
I'm personally stoked for this special forces team. Kinda feels like a sequel series to the Colonial Marines game we've played here.

Re: Seems we have turned Belly-Up!

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2018 4:10 am
by Corporal Hicks
Any amount of time is fine. But if a post isn't up on Monday or whatever we need a backup plan. People need to be able to rely on that post.

Re: Seems we have turned Belly-Up!

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2018 11:02 am
by JuanPerez
imo the gamemaster should have at least one person for backup purpose, two for the better. Then, there should be no problem, because it seems very unlikely, that three people have personal issues (for not being able to set the gamemaster-post on monday or any given time) at the same time.

Re: Seems we have turned Belly-Up!

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2018 4:04 pm
by Dakka
I'm back on the scene after my stupid life is now working. Hicks reached out sometime ago and I've got my ass here finally.

Let's get to it!

Re: Seems we have turned Belly-Up!

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2018 5:07 pm
by Morse
Make sure to note your character in the Devil Dogs Roll Call thread in this section so we can keep a head count.

Re: Seems we have turned Belly-Up!

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2018 6:24 pm
by JuanPerez
Welcome, Dakka

Re: Seems we have turned Belly-Up!

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2018 4:22 am
by Pale Rider
Welcome just waiting on Nick to setup a posting portal for the Devil Dawgs

Re: Seems we have turned Belly-Up!

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2018 10:43 pm
by Dakka
I'll file in a short minute gentlemen...