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New Additions to the Gaming Format

Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2017 1:01 am
by Pale Rider
I am going to add a few new features to the game to try and increase the level of enjoyment if you will! First off like traditional table top games there will be an awarding of Experience Points at the end of the Turns. I am going to start viewing Turns like Gaming Sessions. In order to help the readers and the players get a better feeling for just what exactly they know about the Xenomorphs I am adding what will be known as Conspiracy Levels. I am garnering this information from a website that seems to be defunct as far as updating things known as so I give credit to that site for the following information:

Conspiracy Levels
CL1 takes course around the time of the movie. A Narcissus Shuttle is towed from Outer Reaches to Gateway station. On the basis of the report from the survivor, a CMC Cruiser was sent to a planet on the Outer Rim. The Aliens are only known by that survivor. This setting is a pre-threat scenario. Marines usually don't even consider any non-human threats in known space. The human quotient is another story. The Aliens still exist in deep, deep space, and on the planet Acheron, quarantined after the Atmospheric Processor there went critical.
EG: Aliens

Tech Levels
These are all technologies from the start of the series. Everything from the Aliens movie is present. All technology is considered TL1 unless stated otherwise.
EG: M41A Pulse Rifle, M51 Smart Gun

Finally, as some already know I have been toying with a new Character sheet on Excel. But I am not quiet happy with it or even the D20 Gaming system. So I am going to insert a poll to ask those players who are actively playing or even those who are simply following along to vote on. One of my favorite systems that I have played and that lends itself to a little more creditability is the StoryTeller system by White Wolf. I played many a game in the original system Vampire the Masquerade and a few in Werewolf the Apocalypse as well as a few custom games. So I may turn around and scrap what I have going in the D20 realm and look at redoing the game in the StoryTeller system. Doesn't mean that I will stop the current game until we get things done. But I will gladly accept any assistance from people who want to help with the creation process. Once the group as a whole decides on what they would like to do I will start a new Google Docs for the Players and GMs Guide and then we can move to Google Spreadsheets for the Character Sheets. I will let the poll run for two weeks then I will go from there.

Re: New Additions to the Gaming Format

Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2017 2:46 pm
by Corporal Hicks
Just cast my vote for whatever Pale Rider thinks is best. I have no clue, sorry

Re: New Additions to the Gaming Format

Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2017 5:34 pm
by Medic Guy
Like the idea of a conspiracy level so that we can get a set level of knowledge on what we're up against rather than just guessing at how much we know.

Re: New Additions to the Gaming Format

Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2017 2:17 am
by Medic Guy
Our current system seems to work okay from a player standpoint, both the storyteller and serena dawn systems both seem to have some potentially good things. I say whatever works good for you Most of us don't see/realize the difficulty on the GM side as often.

We can always change it up slightly if it doesn't seem to be working well in game.

Re: New Additions to the Gaming Format

Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2017 6:43 am
by Corporal Hicks
Me and Pale are going to tag team writing a new game system and character creation. I vote for making it way simpler. Pale will push for more complicated so we will find a balance

Re: New Additions to the Gaming Format

Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2017 2:04 pm
by Medic Guy
I don't mind assisting with that like the worksheets for nick and pale's revision.

Re: New Additions to the Gaming Format

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2017 12:41 pm
by JuanPerez
Hi All,

here are my opinions on the topics

Experience Points
Nice idea, but i have to ask further questions:
- when do i spend "Experience Points" (XPs) to improve my character's abillities? at the end of each turn? at the end of a mission?
- how many XPs must be earned to improve?
- on which basis are XPs awared? i hope, not only by killing xenos

Conspiracy Levels, Tech Levels
Excellent Idea

Game System (D20, Story Teller, Fusion)

Corporal Hicks and Pale Rider have teamed up already

Further Suggestion
In addition to award XPs after each turn, i suggest the following:
an out-game time limit for each turn, issued by the game master before each turn ("speed-up-rule"), aka "No posting, no earnings of XP" in this turn.

Re: New Additions to the Gaming Format

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2017 3:46 pm
by Pale Rider
XP would be awarded at the end of the current mission to be used to improve stats, learn new skills, etc. The experience points will be covering more than just killing Xenos. But we can visit the idea for points by the turns.

The idea of not giving out is basically inherent in the systems we are looking at.

Also anyone can assist in the developing of the game materials.

Re: New Additions to the Gaming Format

Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2017 5:25 pm
by maxvale76
Hey peoples;

I voted for the system as is; but if another option is used....I'm cool with either the Storyteller system or one I didn't see mentioned; the d6 system (a la Star Wars 1st Edition from West End Games, 1987). It's fast, simple and would work just fine (in my opinion) for this Universe.

I do NOT want anything to do with d20. So, please NO! to that system! :)


Re: New Additions to the Gaming Format

Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2017 11:29 pm
by Pale Rider
Agreed D20 was way to complicated. I forgot about the D6 system. LOL