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The Birth of a Queen

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2013 8:22 pm
by Pale Rider
Sightless eyes tracked the movement of the rhinocroc as it effortlessly glided through the Mangrove channel. The adolescent male was the penultimate predator despite the fact it was not fully grown. It ruled its small kingdom with an iron fist or in this case an iron jaw. With a lightning quick strike it plucked one of the smaller crocs off the surface as it fled from his presence. Instincts over a thousand years in development guided the sub-adult through motions that had been going on since the creation of time itself. Massive jaws crunched home on a pregnant Abara, as it tried to dart for the shadows and safety of the roots along the bank. Blood cloud the stream as the rhinocroc gulped down massive goblets of flesh and bone. Soon it was back on its tour of its tiny kingdom, smaller crocs and fish darted into its wake to snatch up the tiny morsels that had fallen from its mouth.

All the other animals in the area fled from it, all except the small crablike creature that was trailing from through the trees that lined the swamp. It was patient almost more so than the creature it stalked. Guided by a desire to complete its task the crab scrambled ahead of the creature easily 50 times as large as it was. It was efficient as it determined that the low hanging limb ahead would present the best possible launching point.

Movement above and to its left caused the rhinocroc to whip its head around, jaws opening to intercept the blur that instincts had taken over in response to the stimulus. Before the mouth could open more than an inch finger like appendages down on the mouth forcing it closed. The prehensile tail of the creature quickly lashed itself around the mouth and neck securing the facehugger to the rhinocroc as it began to roll violently within the confines of the waterway attempting to free itself from the creature that had dared to attack the rhinocroc much less invade its small domain. The proboscis like appendage wormed facehugger worked its way down the nostril until it was lodged into the throat of the rhinocroc. Hormones began leaking from the probing appendage placing the Rhinocroc into a coma not too dissimilar from what those traveling via hypersleep experience. It quickly delivers its parasitic organism into its new host. In time the facehugger ceases to live as its primitive bodily functions shut down one by one. The rhinocroc slowly awakens; visually it is no worse for the wear.

Meanwhile, deep within the bowels of the rhinocroc, a larval stage xenomorph begins to develop. Attached to the walls of the abdominal cavity it begins to drawn nutrients from the blood stream. This same blood contains DNA and other genetic coding that begins to alter the appearance of the infant xenomorph. On a cellular level the xenomorph begins to adapt to its hosts DNA, it’s normally smooth hide begins to develop a grainy and rocky texture. Its tail develops a far thicker base and it begins to broaden at the hips and shoulders. It was the first of kind on this planet.

An egg had been placed in a hypersleep chamber and brought to the planetary surface by the scientists of PrimaTek. Their goal was to release it into the environment and study it in hopes of learning away to harness its sheer power as a fighting force.

A mere eight hours upon being implanted within the Rhinocroc, the Xenomorph queen is ready to enter the ecosystem as the dominant species on the planet. The Rhinocroc begins to spasm, rolling in attempts to escape that which was causing it immense pain. Its jaws strike out randomly seeking to destroy everything within its reach. A loud splintering sound fills the surrounding jungle driving the inhabitants to silence. Soon the only sound heard is the wavelets as they lap against the bank. Then a high pitch squeal as flesh and bones separate releasing the xenomorph into its new home. A small greenish black form slithers from the carcass and onto the nearby bank disappearing into the stygian darkness.

Re: The Birth of a Queen

Posted: Sun Oct 13, 2013 9:17 am
by Nick
I like it.

Re: The Birth of a Queen

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2014 12:20 pm
by eyeball
oh everybody is so screwed

Re: The Birth of a Queen

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2014 5:08 pm
by Corporal Hicks
Very cool. We killed that alien bitch, didn't we? 8) Hell yeah