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Evaluating Change

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 8:08 pm
by Morse
Fort Jorhal, South Carolina - Earth
1500 hours - September, 2180

A video recording shows a rather sterile yet comfortable room. Inside there are two men seated in comfortable black chairs. One is dressed in a nicely pressed officer’s uniform and sits with a datapad in his hand writing things down as time passes. His name reads Lt. Gavin. The other is wearing a green M2 Flak Jacket, with his arms folded leaning back. On his jacket one can read the name Cpl. Morse

Morse – S’classified.

Gavin – I’m aware of which portions of your file are classified and what aren’t. You don’t have to get into detail regarding where. I’m only asking if you’ve noticed any changes in yourself as a result of these missions.

Morse – Kinda changes you talkin’ bout?

Gavin – Well over the last several deployments your commanding officers have reported increased incidents of miner insubordination. They’ve shown you to request, and be utilize more aggressive tactics in situations that may not be calling for them.

Morse – So what. Aint like I’m runnin’ in a combat zone n’ you figure you find yerself shot at much as I been you get a bit testy with the trigger too.

Gavin – That’s not my point. I’m not declaring an indictment of your conduct on the battlefield. I’m trying to establish a personality profile, so that I can better assess your mental health.

Morse – And what you got so far. Figure yer already jumpin’ to bunches a conclusions just cus a what’s in that pad there.

Gavin – Well that’s not really for me to say.

Morse – Fuckin’ humor me. Please.

Gavin – Well, from what I have so far, I believe your suffering from some post traumatic stress. Your psych evaluation from your first exiting boot camp to now shows a dramatic shift in certain behaviors.

Morse – Behavin’ like how?

Gavin – Well your increased aggression, desire to use the most brutal tactics. And audio logs of pre and post deployment reveal an extreme bias against citizens of the colonies.

Morse – What’s that gotta do with shit?

Gavin – When someone is showing increased aggression and is noted as having what appears to be a hatred of the people that are in the majority of his deployment zones, its my job to determine if that’s detrimental to the efforts of your platoon and the USCM.

Morse – Everyone makes damn jokes. But I aint gonna deny I aint gotta a lotta love in me fer space dwellers.

Gavin – And why do you think that is.

Morse – Upbringin’.

Gavin – Upbringing? You come from a racist household?

Morse – I come from right here in the south a these United States. N’ my uncle wasn’t none too keen on em whats causin’ shit twenty four-seven up where were tryin’ to expand to. N’ I plenty a em tryin’ to kill me over the years to back up that claim.

Gavin – But you have members in your own platoon from the colonies?

Morse – So?

Gavin – So are you suggesting that Corporal Hall, or Private Boothe are also in the trouble maker category.

Morse – Fuck no. Look aint no one in the galaxy got themselves livin’ without preference. I got Earth, I got the Country, n’ I got the south. Aint nothin’ in the galaxy gonna match those, n’ I’m just a bit verbal on it. Aint seein’ me wastin’ civilians over it. Course I seen em do plenty attemptin’ to do that shit to me.

Gavin – Alright, so in your opinion, it’s nothing.

Morse – Aint nothin’. Just words n’ shit. Just doin’ whats ordered to the best I can n’ I got plenty a people’ll prolly back that up.

Gavin – So a slight change of subject. Are you looking to re enlist?

Morse – Don’t know yet.

Gavin – Well your service end date isn’t exactly close, but I’m sure its something you’ve thought about.

Morse – Yeah, I done thought on it a bit.

Gavin – So what have you concluded so far.

Morse – That I aint sure if I wanna re enlist’r not. Figure I will, but I aint sure yet.
Gavin – Well lets analyze this. Why do you want to stay?

Morse – Cus I’m one a the best goddam gunners there is. I’m good at this shit. Fits easy fer me. Pays pretty ok, n’ I aint gotta worry bout lotta other shit. Doin’ somethin’ worth doin’ n’ getting’ paid. Aint nothin’ too wrong with that. Plus I don’t think I’ll handle the world too good right now.

Gavin – And why’s that?

Morse – Why’s what?

Gavin – Why won’t you handle the world too well at the moment.

Morse – I don’t know. Kinda don’t wanna just jump right into a completely different way a everything at the moment.

Gavin – I’m not quite sure what you mean.

Morse – I mean goin’ from bein’ with the people I’m with, n’ doin’ what I’m doin’, to switchin’ to some factory shit’r store. That’s quite a shift.

Gavin – Well its just a team environment with less danger. That doesn’t seem too difficult to switch in to.

Morse – Nah, you aint gettin’ it.

Gavin – So enlighten me so that I can understand.

Morse – I… I… fuck… how to explain it. Look, you aint a combat type right?

Gavin – I am a Marine Psychologist, so you are correct. I rarely even leave this post.

Morse – Right, figured, and uh, you got much trigger time at all?

Gavin – I am rated for combat with the rifle, if that’s what you’re asking. But this isn’t about me.

Morse – I aint sayin’ it is, just getting’ a baseline. So you never worked with what I’m usin’r seen what it does.

Gavin – No I have not.

Morse – Mmmk. I get rigged with the M56 Smartgun. Pin point accurate up to a thousand yards, independent target trackin’, fires twenty five rounds per second of LAPET head a bit bigger n’ what yer average M41A’ll do.

Gavin – Alright.

Morse – So when you get a target’n that weapon, gun’ll have slight tendency to either kick up’r do a little circle in the target zone.

Gavin – I see.

Morse – Does it so’s to make sure yer doin’ maximum damage n’ not just cuttin’ through the same hole. Meanin’ on a single burst you’ll more’n likely get least five rounds with separate entry wounds within’ a couple inches a each other.

Gavin – Alright.

Morse – Can you imagine what that does when you hit the enemy? Half the time I shoot n’enemy their body explodes. Just a red splash n’ all that’s left’s there legs and some mangled shit that you might be identifyin’ as there torso.

Gavin – That’s rather gruesome.

Morse – Ya, its weird. N’ I been leavin’ corpses like that fer years now. Got used to it. Good at it. Saves lives n’ gets the job done. N’ I got people round me all what done n’ seen the same shit I have. Saved my ass n’ I saved there’s. I don’t think I’d cope too well with some factory boss what aint done shit fer keepin’ this galaxy safe tellin’ me what to do when his ass is just there fer a check.

Gavin – I understand. But you can’t see the Corps as prison, or your only place to go.

Morse – It aint. Got plenty a private security firms n’ such what’d take my ass. But this place is what I know, n’ its what I’ll prolly keep on with fer some time to come.

The session continues for several minutes and concludes with the two shaking hands

-Psych Evaluation For Corporal Morse Concluded
-Result – Approved for Combat Duty.

Re: Evaluating Change

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2014 6:54 pm
by Corporal Hicks
OOC: I like this. It's good to flesh out our characters.