Turn 4: Down in the Valley

The fifth mission.
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Turn 4: Down in the Valley

Post by Pale Rider » Tue Jan 27, 2015 7:22 pm

Planet: Adullan
Location: Secessionist Space
Date: February 1, 2187
Mission Time: 00:00

The drop ship moaned and groaned as it entered the upper atmosphere, the stress of the entry into an atmosphere from space causing it to sound like a grizzled old veteran. Lt. Colonel McGehee road the movements like a sailor on the open seas, his knees dipping when necessary and straightening out as he stalked the small walkway between the seated Marines.
“Listen up you bunch of Jar heads, I got only one thing that I require of my men and that is that you come back home alive. This mission is going to take all hands on board following closely to my orders. If you so much as fail my orders then you can expect to find yourselves dealing with me.” He paused and looked up toward the cockpit, “Pope, please turn off communications with command at this time.”
Pope reached over and flipped the communication systems to standby, “System is down sir! I have also swept the drop ship for any audiovisual devices not standard equipment for this craft. I wish to report that I found five such devices and took the liberty of ejecting them into space upon leaving The USS Defiant.”
“Outstanding job Pope,” he declared as he turned back to the Easy Eights. “Men, I know that this unit has a lot of combat time logged with the mass majority of this unit! I also know that what happened to Quinn was a load of hog wash. So once we land, I will be staying on board the drop ship and he will be leading the mission from the ground. I will have a constant eye and ear on all of you. It is my belief that some in command wants you folks to fail and by fail I mean be erased. I would not be surprised that the enemy does not know we are coming that is why Vice Admiral Burns and I have devised a secondary plan and logged the original plans with HQ. Each of the units has a primary and secondary objective. Lance Corporal Morse, I want the Dead shots to advance directly to the bunker. Your team has the most experience. Do not engage the enemy, but locate the entrance and set up a forward listening post. You will carry with you two sentry guns and will setup a bunker that is fortified. I don’t need to tell you how important it is that you remain unseen. You will head out as soon as we make planet side. We will give you a forty-five minute head start. Trick shots and Break shots your groups are to each seek and locate the best position that will provide us with a nice killing box. We are gonna use the Dead shots as bait to draw out as many of the Secessionists as we possibly can.” He glanced up at the mission timer on the bulkhead, “Gentleman and lady, we have T-minus 30 minutes until we reach the landing zone. Take this time to catch a few zs because there is no telling when we may get another chance to rest!”

The time slowly ticked down for those watching the clock.”The ride is going to get a little bumpier up head,” the pilot broadcasted, “we are passing through some sort of jet stream!” The drop ship began to buck like an enraged bull at a rodeo, pitching up and down. But as quickly as it started the turbulence stopped and sunlight gleamed through the small windows.
Looking out the windows the marines are treated to a sight that for some brings back memories of boot camp and leave. The map spread out beneath them is field with trees that looked an awful lot like slash pines, cedar, and oak. It was dense and seemed to walk up the valley floor to the peaks of the surrounding hills. They were going to land 15 clicks from the assumed location of the base. A small clearing with a stream passing through the Northeast quadrant presented itself as the most likely location for the LZ. With a soft jolt the drop ship was down and the marines exited into the false dawn light. The ancient trees cloaked the area in shadows, and the dense underbrush prevented anyone from seeing too far in any direction. “The 52nd has inserted forty clicks to our right; they have orders to hold unless called upon for support. Morse, unless you have any questions it’s time for you folks to get on your way!”
<Tag Morse, Action>

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Re: Turn 4. Down in the Valley

Post by Morse » Wed Jan 28, 2015 4:44 am

The transition from being a Corporal to Lance Corporal again was simple and easy. Morse had issues of such things before. It really didn’t amount to much a pay drop, and his responsibilities were still essentially the same. The only thing that was really any different was that in the chain of command he had dropped to roughly fifth or sixth in line, a burden of responsibility he didn’t mind.

But the transition from being on base to being in a combat zone, was even easier. Morse hated month long garrison duties at that point. In some ways he found it easier to be in cryo. Now that he was on his way down, strapped with so many ways to kill people that it would make a Viking raider weep, he felt right at home.

The small briefing that he got from the Lt. Colonel put him on Morse’s list of favorite officers almost instantaneously. He clearly had a firm grasp on the people he was dealing with, and was giving Morse an assignment that could have only appeared in a dream.

“Move up quietly, set up a bunker, and shoot everything in sight until they ran out of bullets.” He thought “Simplest mission I’ve ever had.”

”Nothin’ like dead indi’s to fert the dirt.” Morse referenced “indis” as an abbreviation for ‘Independents’, another slang for secessionist colonist.

He did not catch any sleep as suggested. All he did was check his equipment and prepare to move. Months of waiting and getting ready to jump into a situation that could get one killed was not something that left one readily sleepy. Instead he just sat up and chewed on some gum waiting for the moment they were supposed to roll out.

As they disembarked and Morse was asked if he had questions, he assumed he and the rest of the Dead Shots had nothing to say. They tended to figure things out once they had to figure things out as it was.

”Don’ worry, sir. This Mad Dogs gon’ make sure Dead Shots gon’ do what we do.”

He then looked over at his squad, with the new addition of Bell. He knew how to issue the orders and they had a simple job. Get the guns and set up a nice and covered killing spot to shred the enemy.

”Coleslaw! Bluegrass!” He spat ”Yer draggin’ the guns.” Morse ordered, knowing that the Sentry Gun Cases were heavy but more then durable to survive the drag. ”Eyeball, you n’ me’r on cover duty.” Morse couldn’t readily drag one of the guns himself since his M56 Smartgun was rather massive, and required both hands. ”Stay on my ass, n’ be ready fer whatever the fuck. I aint never shot a colonist what wasn’t a sneaky fuck, so keep yer eyes open.”

Morse did a last check on his weapon, and waited for the others to gather their equipment, and as they finished he started to move. ”Dead Shots up.” Morse said as he began to head to find their ideal position.

< Tag Eyeball, Coleslaw, and Blue Grass
Image-SSG Allen Morse - Squad Leader
-3rd Bn, 2nd Reg, 1st Co, 8th Plt
- M41A Pulse Rifle - M4 Pistol - Med Kit
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Re: Turn 4. Down in the Valley

Post by Corporal Hicks » Wed Jan 28, 2015 5:22 am

Eric Roberts was impressed with the Lieutenant Colonel. Even coming in on their dropship showed uncommon bravery for brass. McGehee showed himself to be firmly on their side, something that should have been assured by the flag he wore on his arm. Eric wasn't pleased with the politics of the recent months, but he knew that he himself stood firmly on the side of the Colonial Marine Corps and the United Americas. More importantly than that, with the Easy Eights. He didn't like thinking that someone could be bugging their equipment and trying to sabotage them. It made his job that much more dangerous.

2nd Squad would get a 45 minute head start. Roberts was secretly glad he wasn't with them: he much preferred to dig in and wait.
"Lance Corporal Morse, I want the Dead shots to advance directly to the bunker. Your team has the most experience."
'More like the squadleader with the most experience,' Roberts thought to himself. 'All those guys are green. They'll be lucky if three of them come back alive.' He didn't say this of course.
“Gentleman and lady, we have T-minus 30 minutes until we reach the landing zone. Take this time to catch a few zs because there is no telling when we may get another chance to rest!”
30 minutes... Eric took off his green baseball cap and put his head back against the metal wall. He shut his eyes and sat nervously for about ten minutes. Of course he couldn't sleep... Too much adrenaline probably. He finally gave up and sat in silence.

As he sat there, he had an idea. Setting up a killbox made him think of sentry guns. "Chief," he said to Quinn, "I have an idea. If we're digging in somewhere, we should bring sentry guns too. They break up into 6 parts. if each soldier takes one or two parts we should be able to carry two of them without much extra weight."

<Tag Quinn/Hall/Pitt>

Once the men hit the ground, Roberts removed his smartgun from its holder. He clicked down the visual scanner and activated it. Any enemies who came in range should show up on it. He rushed out of the dropship and fanned out with the others as they made sure the area was safe. When they cleared it he saw the Dead Shots lugging the sentry guns off. He closed his eyes and said a quick prayer for their safety. He didn't think it would make any difference, but what was the harm? At least they had Morse with them. After this he looked carefully around their surroundings for anything noteworthy while he waited for orders.

(Roll Scouting/Awareness)
ImageSgtMaj. Danny Sykes - Platoon NCO
USCM Special Forces Recon Team
Serial Number: D26/TQ6.3.48412E9
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Re: Turn 4. Down in the Valley

Post by Whisky » Wed Jan 28, 2015 11:45 am

Glad to be back moving again sat well with Colson, he wasn't a glutton for danger but sat on a base became drudgery. Sitting in the dropship during it's reentry had become easier, no longer did it feel like his guts wanted out.

Still, he was not taking it as easy as some of the vets, even the C.O. got some respect from the way he rode down with them, even more when he laid out a frank and to the point plan. Only one point sat ill with Colson, bait, again. His first mission had him dangling dropping into the middle a village of clawed alien savages. He wasn't one for throwing himself in head first yet some how had ended up in the dead shots, the Eight's bullet magnets. Still, he knew the game, and as mad as 'Screwloose' Morse was the marine wasn't suicidal, just unhinged.

Sleep wasn't an option, so he prepared himself in the last part of the approach. A simple trick although it took a little practice, clearing his mind of all distractions he stood in the proverbial eye of the storm. As the dropship touched down he unclipped and got ready, doing a quick once over of his gear.
”Coleslaw! Bluegrass!” He spat ”Yer draggin’ the guns.” Morse ordered, knowing that the Sentry Gun Cases were heavy but more then durable to survive the drag.
Colson groaned to himself, he wasn't the strongest of marines, he just wasn't built that way. Yet it made sense, being the squads medic he was lightly armed and armoured so he could move quickly, Bluegrass was a green that left eyeball who had the better hardware and was their motion tracker operator. "Aye." He responded, "Come one Blue, time to hump some boxes." He turned and picked dragged out one of the boxes and fell in behind his squad, gun slung but still to hand.

<Tag Second Squad
Pvt. Thomas Colson
2nd Squad - Medic

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Re: Turn 4. Down in the Valley

Post by maxvale76 » Wed Jan 28, 2015 3:11 pm

It had been a busy few months for Samantha. She had told Dirk in confidence about Dmitri's situation with the strange 'Dear John' letter supposedly from Oksana and upon finding out that the new Marine would be in the new squad with Dirk as his leader and Obi and the new Giant marine; she was happy that he would be with the marine she respected the most leading him.

Now; on the Dropship ride down; she did her best to try and relax and stretch out her muscles as much as possible; knowing full well that these simple pleasures were likely to be denied her for who knows how long once the mission really kicked off.

Upon hearing the mission assignments; she began to immediately consider how best to deploy her 1st squad. The option she was most inclined to go with was to find a position to the side of Morse's 'bunker' position; perhaps a 100 to 200 yards away; and serve as a 'Hammer' to 2nd Squad's 'Anvil' position. When she heard Roberts ask about the Sentry Guns; she turned to the Colonel for the answer, not sure if they had any more of the weapons available to them and in any case, personally preferring to have the option to remain more mobile by NOT having to lug them around; but she waited for the C.O.'s response before weighing in....
ImageSGT Samantha "Sam" Hall

M41A Pulse Rifle
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Re: Turn 4. Down in the Valley

Post by taimdala » Wed Jan 28, 2015 4:00 pm


Dmitri listened to the orders and noted the subterfuge. His regard for the LT went up a few notches as a result. It was heartening to know that their immediate superior was on their side. Of course, that didn't mean Dmitri trusted the situation 100%. Given Dmitri's cultural background, the expectation of double speak and backstabbing was practically genetic. Even if he believed the LT was sincere in word and deed, Dmitri still expected betrayal from another quarter. Glancing at Dirk and Obi and the Irish Mountain MacGreggor and then the rest of the Eights, Dmitri reckoned they'd still have a fighting chance if someone higher up decided to make things interesting.

Besides, he smirked to himself, they had Morse. That one Marine packed enough firepower to level a village singlehanded. Memories of blood and fire and pain stirred then. Dmitri shoved them back in their box and locked them up tight. Ekylprillion was another man, another life ago. God willing, Dmitri would never have to return to it.

Then again, God had a notorious sense of humor. Dmitri had already made allowances for that as well. For the nonce, he closed his eyes and leaned back and spent the time remaining going over the orders and his gear in his head. No telling when he'd get another quiet moment to reflect and plan.

Best he made the most of it.
ImageCpl. Dmitri Mikhailovich Barayev
Current Gear
Light Armor
M41A Rifle + 2 clips
VP70 Pistol + 2 clips
8 grenades
Entrenching Tool
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Re: Turn 4. Down in the Valley

Post by EVSA » Wed Jan 28, 2015 7:33 pm

The politics of the Eights senior leadership did not linger in Bell’s mind for more than half a second as he came in and out of an uncomfortable and piss poor excuse for of sleep. Bullets were bullets and thats what mattered now.

Things barely registered beyond the next thing to be done. The next foot forward. Making his way down the ramp. The engines and the dirt under his boots. “Take a breath, relax your hands."
"Come one Blue, time to hump some boxes."
“Relax your hands, sling your rifle.” Bell went at the gun case with frenzied enthusiasm. The soonest he hauled it into place, the soonest he could get his head down and his finger back on his trigger guard. “Breath buddy, breath”
Private Andrew Bell - Rifleman
3rd Div. 2nd Reg. 1st Co, 8th Plt.
USS Defiant

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Re: Turn 4. Down in the Valley

Post by Quinn » Wed Jan 28, 2015 10:06 pm

Quinn prior to the drop checked throughout the Platoon, making sure that everyone’s equipment was secure and ready. The briefing from the Lieutenant Colonel said a lot about the man. Having a high ranking officer in the sky where he could see what was happening would provide a valuable witness for what was about to occur. And better that the officer in question was on his side.

He stepped aboard the dropship with his armor and officer’s hat on, although the camera and IR lens were in place on his shoulders. He carried a Pulse Rifle with spare reloads, his sidearm and not much else. His armor had always been previously unadorned, almost as though he were the only Marine in the Platoon who cared about looking like a professional.

Now he had the image of the Reaper upon it.

On the flight down, he leaned back and closed his eyes. His face was a statue to the world, the cold mask had slipped into place once more.

When the dropship touched down, he leapt out, settling to one knee and scanning the treeline for hostiles with his rifle to hand as the rest of the platoon got out. He felt a moment of nostalgia looking through the trees. They weren’t kidding when they said this place would look like Basic. He had a moment of a too large man in a campaign hat yelling at him, his hand flat in what was referred to as a “knife hand”.

Shaking off the memory, he keyed up his radio.”Second Squad, I’m with you. Third and First, you know what to do. Move out.” he said tersely as the dropship lifted off. Then he moved out with Morse and the rest of the Dead Shots.
Current Gear
M42A Scope Rifle
M4A4 .45 ACP caliber Sidearm, Suppressed
Combat Knife
K52 Medical Kit
Flashlight, Flares (6)
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Re: Turn 4. Down in the Valley

Post by Dirk Pitt » Wed Jan 28, 2015 10:12 pm

Dirk sat silently with his squad and listened to the lieutenant colonial's briefing. It had been a few days sense the fight and he was still unable to face the Eights without feeling the shame that had somehow let them down by starting a drunken brawl. He supposed it could have gone much worse for him, but they needed experienced leaders in the field so they let him off with one less stripe.

"OK third, on me. Once we hit the ground I want you ready to move out. Questions?"
<Tag 3rd squad>
(OOC sorry for the short post. Have the flu and am doing this on my tablet from bed. Hate being sick. Will post more later)
Cpl Dirk Pitt
First squad leader

Pulse Rifle w/ 4 grenades, 8 canister shells
M1911 Colt .45 caliber Sidearm
Smoke Grenade x2
KBAR Combat Knife
Portable Welder
Ithaca Shotgun

Non Combat Equipment
Zippo lighter

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Re: Turn 4. Down in the Valley

Post by Dakka » Wed Jan 28, 2015 10:39 pm

MacGreggor felt his heart thudding in his chest as the vertigo of re-entry grabbed him and lifted his guts into his throat. He swallowed it down as he always did, his time working for Weyland had him making runs into space on occassion but still rare enough that splashing back down gave him butterflies. He took in a deep inhale and released it slowly as his CO gave his briefing. He used the 30 minutes for rest to go over every piece of gear and re-check the M41 Pulse Rifle, Sniper Rifle and M4A4 sidearm. Demo charges were the last item on his checklist and made sure they were stowed securely and protected lest a sniper get off a lucky shot and kill his entire squad in the explosion.

A "No sir! Just ready and willing to give the sweet kiss o' Mother Death to some Sep bastards!" answered back to Dirk's question, fire entering his col green eyes for a moment o' then thought of his murder kin and friends. They would get justice today and sleep a little more soundly.

MacGreggor had shaved his head smooth the night before and applied leaf pattern face camo after having a protein and carb rich breakfast. He'd noticed the whispers of an unofficial nickname, "Irish Mountain" which gave him a right laugh seein' as he didn't even top out at even at 6', but he'd heard worse. His coworkers had tagged him 'BigMac' which just didn't sit right with him at t'all. What kinda man takes pride in being called a bleed in' burger and not in a good burger at that. He'd lost count the number of times he had found the offensive things in his locker and on his desk. Oh but he'd had the last laugh...

As the dropship's skids hit dirt he was out of harness and moving to retrieve a set of binocs and stored them in his frame pack. He slung the M41's strap across his shoulder and hefted the sniper rifle which felt feather light in his grasp. He took a cursory look through the scope and used the range finder to zer ohis sights on the treeline and quick marched down the ramp with the rest of the Eights. Deja vu was strong as the CO said and used that familiarity to his advantage. He joined up with the other members of 3rd squad and scanned the tree line with his scope.

(Awareness and Scout rolls, Tag Dirk)

Combat Equipment:
- Sniper Rifle (2 clips)
- Pulse Rifle (2 clips)
- M4A4 .45 ACP (2 clips)
- 8 Granades
- Demo kit
- KBAR Knife

Non-Combat Equipment
- Framepack
(20 days rations, Entrentching Tool, Mess Kit, 2 Demo kit)

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Re: Turn 4. Down in the Valley

Post by MarcusOTerra » Wed Jan 28, 2015 11:11 pm

Salazar sat in line with rest of the 'First' squad. He'd not yet qualified for a flamer and was wishing it was part of his kit. A nice swath of flame could turn a line of rebels into fried flesh right quick. But that wasn't for him to decide, and after that invigorating little brawl, he doubted he'd get anything but standard kit from the quartermaster.

He liked that the Co for the drop wasn't up his own ass about Quinn. It also begged the question: how far up the chain did the problem start?

Not his pay-grade.

For a medic, things would be standard. They'd shoot at the bads, get shot at. Someone would get winged where their armor didn't cover 'em. Blood, sanitation, bandages, painkillers. Bread and Butter of trench medicine.

As Morse and his left, Sal did a last check of his guns. The standard rifle and sidearm had seen him through the crap on the last world they'd dropped on, no sense messing with what worked.

"Want me up in a tree, Sam?" He broke rank protocol and addressed his squad leader. "I can keep an eye out, call targets?"

<Tag Sam>
Salazar 'Salamander' Boothe: 'Private', 'Medic', 'Marine'.
Load out: As Turn Two of Watch Dog
Pulse Rifle: Clip loaded +4 on person.
1 Field Surgery Kit
3 First aid Kits
4 smoke grenades
Breather Mask.

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Re: Turn 4. Down in the Valley

Post by Quicksilver » Thu Jan 29, 2015 12:29 am

… Kongercat re-civs are pretty easy to distinguish from the run-of-the-mill SI patrons, what with their hereditary facial lesions, papery skin, and Chinese heritage. Generations of excessive radiation exposure from smartwars and general malnutrition have a way of muddying up the breeding, and those two were no exception. Loud, too. Eight drinks into a mean-drunk loud. The women held knives to two of Koko’s best boywhores’ throats, and from the look of things, they were raising their elbows and getting ready to saw.
Mark looked up from his reader as the LtCol started giving them an update on the briefing, and it was quite a revealing update. The political subtext was crystal clear and quite fascinating, at least in a theoretical sense. Being caught in the middle of it made it a whole lot more annoying than if he'd been hearing about it from the outside. Still, the idea that there would be five A/V bugs on their own craft was worrying, if not downright disturbing. He tried not to think about it too much. If there was one thing he couldn't afford to do, it was start thinking the USCM might be against them.

With a deep breath, he tried to focus instead on what the officer was telling them – the change in mission plan. No more infiltration, it was a killbox setup. Victory through superior positioning and firepower. He though back through the equipment he packed. The physically weakest of all the eights, equipment was always hell on him, a situation made worse by all the specialist gear he needed to do his job. The last few times he'd gone out with just the VP70, and had been hoping to do that again. He made a mental note to make sure he grabbed a target designator as well – they meshed well with sentry guns. His backpack was good though. He was sure – he'd packed it three times before they got in the drop ship. With thirty minutes left, Mark put his head back in his book.
Koko didn't hesitate. On the landing outside her room, she kicked open the bamboo trunk braced against the railing and snatched up the Belgian sub-cutter. A hell of a weapon—favored for street-sweeping action. Of course, when those two re-civs saw the huge gun in her arms they drew sidearms concealed beneath their vests. Expected, of course, and a quick finger-squeeze and a wipe left to right was all it took…
Pvt. Mark Giosso
3rd Bn, 2nd Reg, 1st Co, 8th Plt
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Re: Turn 4. Down in the Valley

Post by Dirk Pitt » Fri Jan 30, 2015 1:28 am

Dirk walked down the ramp of the dropship, the dirt still swirling around. Pulling out his binoculars he scanned the tree line looking for any sign of movement. Seeing none he put them back and lit one of his cigarettes. This was it. Whatever he had done, what ever had happened to the platoon, none of it mattered anymore. He was back in a combat situation. It was where he, and the platoon for that matter, belonged. Turning he faced the men of third squad.

"OK people. Do one last check on your weapons. I don't want anything unexpected like a jam to happen in the middle of a firefight. Once we get the order to move out we'll get into a tactical diamond formation. MacGreggor, I want you at the rear. You' re reach is better with that thing so at first contact we'll all keep low and give you a clear field of fire. O'Brian, you take left and Dmitri you take right. I'll take point first. I'll get with Sam and figure where we want to deploy."
<Tag Third squad>

With that said Dirk walked over to Sam, a thin stream of smoke following him."What do you think Sam? You go right I go left and we'll catch them in a cross fire?"
<Tag Sam>
Cpl Dirk Pitt
First squad leader

Pulse Rifle w/ 4 grenades, 8 canister shells
M1911 Colt .45 caliber Sidearm
Smoke Grenade x2
KBAR Combat Knife
Portable Welder
Ithaca Shotgun

Non Combat Equipment
Zippo lighter

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Re: Turn 4. Down in the Valley

Post by Dakka » Fri Jan 30, 2015 7:07 am

Dirk_Pitt wrote:"OK people. Do one last check on your weapons. I don't want anything unexpected like a jam to happen in the middle of a firefight. Once we get the order to move out we'll get into a tactical diamond formation. MacGreggor, I want you at the rear. You' re reach is better with that thing so at first contact we'll all keep low and give you a clear field of fire. O'Brian, you take left and Dmitri you take right. I'll take point first. I'll get with Sam and figure where we want to deploy."
<Tag Third squad>
Sean gave his gear a 3rd and final check and raising the Sniper rifle to rest against his shoulder plate and eject the mag from the receiver doing a quick spot check for misaligned rounds and slapped it back in once he was satisfied and pointedly charged the rifle and clicked safe on. He formed up at the rear, his senses alert and head on a swivel to sweep the trees, bushes and any mass of foliage dense enough to conceal a hostile. Sean felt his heart slamming in his chest, 'This is for real, not a training exercise with dummy rounds but live ammo that could turn a man to pulp and grease in seconds.' He told himself, 'One mistake is all that I get...better make sure I get him before he gets me.'

He forced himself to relax and bleed the tension in his muscles to keep them from cramping up and slowing his reaction time. 'Just like the ol'bastard taught ya... bout the only thing he did right by ya he did. Taught you to fight, ta finish a man with the first punch, ta take a hit the right way and keep on comin' till yer the only one left standin'...aye the only thing he ever gave ya... the will ta survive anything. Gods I miss the man... I'll get justice for you, for Ma, and sweet baby Michael. For everyone that died that day... for each round that drills into the head of a Sep is another ghost laid to rest. Lotsa hungry dead to feed and plenty of Seps to go 'round.'. He finished his internal monologue and smiled, feeling right as rain.

Combat Equipment:
- Sniper Rifle (2 clips)
- Pulse Rifle (2 clips)
- M4A4 .45 ACP (2 clips)
- 8 Granades
- Demo kit
- KBAR Knife

Non-Combat Equipment
- Framepack
(20 days rations, Entrentching Tool, Mess Kit, 2 Demo kit)

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Re: Turn 4. Down in the Valley

Post by maxvale76 » Fri Jan 30, 2015 5:53 pm

Sam turned to her squad and did her quick version of a pep talk; pretty much echoing all the ones she had heard from Dirk before her.

"Alright First Squad; it looks like we might be getting into it again in a bit. At least this time; the plan is for them to come to us. We're gonna get perpendicular to Morse's squad and hit whatever attacks their position from the flank. Keep your bursts short and accurate; aim before you shoot and make sure your weapons are in good working order before firing. Watch yourselves and each other and nobody be a hero and let's all go home at the end of this mission."

That done; she addressed each individual; "Yeah Sal, get up in a good tree branch and call out anything you see from up there; good idea."

"Mark; keep your back to a tree when you're reading....that way if anyone sneaks up on you they have to garrotte you from the side; in which case we might see them and your demise will have saved us"; she says with a teasing tone and a smile. She was awfully fond of her Comms/Tech. He had been with her the longest and was an extremely bright and likable guy; she tended to think of him as a little brother.

"Roberts; you stick close to me and be ready to hose down any large attacks; but if they're not bunched up; keep your bursts short. No need to chew through all our ammo for small attacks. You know the drill."

Then Dirk came over and though she flinched from the cigarette smoke like she always did; she smiled at the marine she respected most and answered his question with a simple; "I'm on the same wavelength as you Sarge"; she made it a point to still call Pitt 'Sarge' despite his change in rank; "We'll take 'em from one side of Morse's bunker and you get the other; staggered of course so no stray rounds hit each other; and we'll have 'em in a nice little corner of hell if them come".

<Tag 1st Squad>
<Tag Dirk>
ImageSGT Samantha "Sam" Hall

M41A Pulse Rifle
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