Turn 9 (2nd Squad)

The sixth mission. The marines are faced with a new horror that affects the mind and body.
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Turn 9 (2nd Squad)

Post by Corporal Hicks » Tue Jun 28, 2016 8:28 pm

Sergeant Abdulov didn't seem to agree with Morse's suggestion of calling out. He came around the corner with his rifle out, ready to fire. He briefly saw a large turret sitting in the hallway, looking like a primitive sentry gun. Two men were ducking behind cover, and as he came around the corner, one shouted, "Fire!" Abdulov dove for cover just as the gun opened up. The bullets were loud and fast, the marines saw dozens of holes appearing in the door and wall. Dirk helped Abdulov get to his feet again and the gun stopped.
ImageSgtMaj. Danny Sykes - Platoon NCO
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Re: Turn 9 (2nd Squad)

Post by Morse » Wed Jun 29, 2016 5:45 pm

Watching the sergeant walk willingly forward into what Morse had assumed was a trap, he stood there still before the bend waiting for whatever would happen. When the bullets began to fire Morse took a shot of adrenaline up his spine, but did nothing to help Abdulav.

Dirk moved to get him to his feet, but Morse couldn’t help but think that the man had now had two close calls from his own ignorance, and he doubted that there was going to be a third. People got lucky in the Corps sometimes, but not that lucky. Morse had been shot and burned enough times to know that for a fact.

”Told you it was a trap.” Morse said moving forward and placing his eyepiece over his eye.

He moved his M56 Smartgun around the corner, adjusting it to be able to hold it left handed. The weapon itself would do most of the work, so he held it up right and placed his left hand on the rear trigger.

Some people found it strange seeing two images in separate eyes, but Morse was well used to it by now. His back was against the wall where he was not exposed, and he took aim with his weapon.

”Fancy gun.” Morse mocked quietly looking. ”Mines better.”

He then unloaded a high volume of volleys down the hallway at the turret gun and those that manned it.

(The eye sensor on the Smartgun feeds to a sensor at the front of the weapon, so Morse doesn’t have to expose himself at all to see. Plus he’s got a grandmaster ranking with a Smartgun)

< Roll Machinegun
< Roll Awareness.
Image-SSG Allen Morse - Squad Leader
-3rd Bn, 2nd Reg, 1st Co, 8th Plt
- M41A Pulse Rifle - M4 Pistol - Med Kit
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Re: Turn 9 (2nd Squad)

Post by pants » Thu Jun 30, 2016 11:13 am

"What the frag was that!" yelled Terence over the thunder of the turret gun.

Terence couldn't really see what was going on up front but he thought he could make out Morse returning fire, and he could definitely hear the distinctive whine of the Smartgun. Keeping his eyes out for any more trouble coming from the rear, Terence spoke into the squad comms.

"Yo Colson. You know who Morse is firing at up there?" asked the private.

<Tag Colson>
<Tag Second Squad>
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Re: Turn 9 (2nd Squad)

Post by Whisky » Sat Jul 02, 2016 7:20 pm

As Sergeant Abdulov went round the corner and back again even quicker followed by a hail of gunfire Colson raised an eye brow at the sergeant making it back in one piece.
”Told you it was a trap.” Morse said moving forward and placing his eyepiece over his eye.
"Well, I don't remember arguing with you. That'll be those two contacts." replied Colson as Morse moved up to the corner. Once positioned Morse started to open up on the targets.
"Yo Colson. You know who Morse is firing at up there?" asked the private.
Colson snorted, "Rather pointless question right now I'd say. You and I both know Morse aint going to leave enough to ID them." Looking back down at his tracker he worked at it to ensure there was nothing else sneaking around.

<Roll Motion Tracker
<Tag Morse & Pants
Pvt. Thomas Colson
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Re: Turn 9 (2nd Squad)

Post by pants » Tue Jul 05, 2016 10:21 am

Whisky wrote:Colson snorted, "Rather pointless question right now I'd say. You and I both know Morse aint going to leave enough to ID them." Looking back down at his tracker he worked at it to ensure there was nothing else sneaking around.
Feeling his stomach rebelling slightly at the thought of what kind of mess the Smart Gun would leave when it splattered it's target all over the nearest wall, Terence tried to keep his bile down.

"Frag! Morse is one stone cold mofo! Glad he's on our side. I would feel sorry for those poor bastards on the receiving end but then I remember they are responsible for turning our buddies into monsters, so frag them and the horse they rode in on," spat Terence.

<Tag Second Squad>

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Re: Turn 9 (2nd Squad)

Post by Corporal Hicks » Sat Jul 09, 2016 5:08 pm

As Morse fired, they heard a scream that cut short from down the hallway. In his eyepiece, Morse saw one guard ripped to shreds. The other dove under cover before he could meet the same fate, but Morse thought he might have clipped him.
ImageSgtMaj. Danny Sykes - Platoon NCO
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Re: Turn 9 (2nd Squad)

Post by Morse » Sat Jul 09, 2016 6:31 pm

Just behind the hail of Smartgun Fire a scream could be heard. Morse had worked quickly as he always did. The rounds that struck the first target resulted in a death. He guessed that from the mass of blood it left spewing up in the air just after he’d done it. The other one moved at the last second, but Morse wouldn’t be any good if he hadn’t left some mark on him, which he was fairly certain he did.

He could see over the cover that the other was hiding behind, and noted that he wasn’t running away. If he was Morse would put ten rounds through his back.

He heard the banter between Colson and the Doorman. He wanted to comment immediately, but he was still looking for the target. With no movement and no sound he held his position.

”One dead, one’s kickin’” Morse announced regarding the targets that were in front of them. The last one was still dangerous, so he did not immediately want to move forward. Instead he went with his original plan.

”Surrender or die!” Morse called down the hall. ”Don’t make no difference to me which!” His voice was stern and cold. Even Morse knew he was a scary sort of person from time to time. ”You have ten seconds!” Morse continued.

He turned his head, and with his free eye he looked over at the others and grinned. ”That’ll get em’ thinkin’ a bit.” He had a light chuckle before turning back to the corner.

”NINE! He roared keeping count on how much time he had before they played catch with a grenade.

< Roll Awareness
< Tag 2nd Squad
Image-SSG Allen Morse - Squad Leader
-3rd Bn, 2nd Reg, 1st Co, 8th Plt
- M41A Pulse Rifle - M4 Pistol - Med Kit
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Re: Turn 9 (2nd Squad)

Post by Dirk Pitt » Mon Jul 11, 2016 3:36 pm

A cruel smile crossed Dirk's lips as Morse fired his smartgun at the enemy targets. The man knew how to get his point across, with ease. He hadn't done much after helping the sergeant to his feet, but now was a good a time as any.

"I'm not sure they believe you Morse. Maybe you might want to speed up your count a bit." Dirk said as he leaned against the wall.
<tag Morse>

Lighting a cigarette he grinned at the other guys. "Captain Morse, super negotiator." He said motioning to the bias Marine holding the smartgun.
<ag everyone>
Cpl Dirk Pitt
First squad leader

Pulse Rifle w/ 4 grenades, 8 canister shells
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Re: Turn 9 (2nd Squad)

Post by pants » Thu Jul 14, 2016 9:21 am

Dirk Pitt wrote:Lighting a cigarette he grinned at the other guys. "Captain Morse, super negotiator." He said motioning to the bias Marine holding the smartgun.
<ag everyone>
"I'm getting Morse to negotiate my next tax return!" replied Terence with a slight grin.

Holding his position at the rear of the group Terence kept scanning for any threats to his squad. And even though he was a complete newb to this squad it was starting to feel a lot like home.

<Tag Everyone>

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Re: Turn 9 (2nd Squad)

Post by Corporal Hicks » Mon Jul 18, 2016 8:02 pm

Before Morse could finish counting down, the wailing, robotic sound of warning claxons filled the hallway. Red, flashing light filled the hallway and instantly put them all in a state of emergency. A calm, female voice echoed above the claxons.

"Warning. Emergency override in effect. Hangar doors opening. Please exit the hangar immediately and seal all exits. Warning. Emergency override in effect. Hangar doors opening."

As they looked back, they realized that the door they had entered through was cut out of its frame by a welder - It would not be closing any time soon. The sound of Lieutenant Gruber's voice sounded in their headsets, "Sergeant Abdulov, get to safety!" They heard screams and gunfire from the hangar, and they saw a marine sprinting madly in their direction. He had dropped his weapon and was about 40 meters away. The warning sirens and voice continued unceasingly.
ImageSgtMaj. Danny Sykes - Platoon NCO
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Re: Turn 9 (2nd Squad)

Post by Whisky » Wed Jul 20, 2016 5:36 pm

"Warning. Emergency override in effect. Hangar doors opening. Please exit the hangar immediately and seal all exits. Warning. Emergency override in effect. Hangar doors opening."
As the warning rang out Colsons heart skipped a beat. It couldn't have been worse, stuck between a turret and impending vacuum Colson didn't hesitate. Dropping both the motion tracker and his pistol he shouted out. "Ah hell! Someone give me some backup!" swinging his SMG around as he bolted past Morse and into the corridor. He didn't slow, he didn't pause for thought, he brought his gun up while in full run and started firing at the position in front of him.

"AAAAAAGH" He roared, charging the turret's and enemy's position. He knew his squads only hope was to get though that door and get it closed without a manned turret pointing at them, and time wasn't on their side.

<Roll SMG Bursts>
<Tag 2nd squad>

Pvt. Thomas Colson
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Re: Turn 9 (2nd Squad)

Post by Morse » Wed Jul 20, 2016 6:49 pm

The situation was well in hand. Dirk and the others were making jokes regarding Morse’s tactic, and he was well prepared to act on his threat. He was already mentally running through the scenarios of whether he’d be more satisfied by throwing a frag grenade and blowing them to pieces, tossing smoke and then shredding with a hail of high caliber fire. He somehow found it just as amusing to walk over and dare them to try to shoot him first, but he’d learned from the damage he’d taken over the years that such things were ill advised.

Yet all that smiling and brutal humor stopped before he even got to three. He was not counting terribly quickly, so when the announcement cut him off Morse was rather surprised.

The message it carried was one that immediately invoked a thought of disbelief, but even more painfully the grim reality that they were about to get sucked into the vacuum, a fate that Morse had never fully considered as a possibility given history.

Colson reacted first, racing down the hallway before the sound of his pistol and motion tracker even hit the floor. Ironically Morse had a split second lapse and was trying to consider options. Still Colson had charged, and he may have their only actual option.

”FUCK!” Morse yelled, not bothering to finish his count, immediately running behind Colson as fast as he could. ”Coverin’ fire!”

Morse was experienced enough to get to a run and still fire accurately. He held at Colson’s right, but fired beside him, not at where he assumed the target was to reduce risk.

He did not know what Colson’s plan was, but it was better then the standing there trying to think of one.

<Tag 2nd Squad
<Roll Covering Fire
<Roll watching Colson die
Image-SSG Allen Morse - Squad Leader
-3rd Bn, 2nd Reg, 1st Co, 8th Plt
- M41A Pulse Rifle - M4 Pistol - Med Kit
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Re: Turn 9 (2nd Squad)

Post by Dirk Pitt » Thu Jul 21, 2016 1:48 am

Dirk heard the cold, lifeless voice issue it's warning about the hanger doors. "Son of a bitch." He said to himself as his mind started to quickly come up with ideas to keep his men alive and then discard them one by one. They had to get past the enemy, and fast. If not they would die the second the hanger door opened.

"Morse, we..." He started, but was interrupted by Colson's request for back up followed by his charge.

"Son of a bitch." He said as he watched the man charging at the enemy position. "Covering fire and advance." he shouted, echoing Morse. Then coming from cover he moved quickly to Colson's left, running as fast as he could while firing his M41A at the enemy position, all the while an old poem, the charge of the light brigade, played over and over in his head.

"In to the valley of death" he said to himself as he charged forward, his weapon blazing.

<Tag second squad>
<Roll weapons fire>
Cpl Dirk Pitt
First squad leader

Pulse Rifle w/ 4 grenades, 8 canister shells
M1911 Colt .45 caliber Sidearm
Smoke Grenade x2
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Re: Turn 9 (2nd Squad)

Post by Corporal Hicks » Sun Jul 24, 2016 3:15 am

Colson was pumping with adrenaline and fear, so much that his SMG sprayed wildly and didn't hit anyone. Morse's smart-gun roared again, causing the already crouching guard to cover his head for a second in fear. He looked up at the targeting screen on the turret, and took one last chance. He lunged out of cover and took aim at the charging medic.

The guard squeezed the trigger on the joystick, but slipped and pulled down. The barrel of the turret swung up and unloaded hundreds of rounds into the ceiling above Colson's head. Dirk blasted the prone guard with his pulse rifle, blood splatted across the cold metal floor and the guard went limp. The turret went silent along with the other three weapons, leaving no sound but ringing in their ears.

Sergeant Abdulov turned around, he had taken up the rear of the charge. He pulled the rookie Dooropener through, and waited a few crucial seconds for the fleeing marine from the hangar to come through the door. Without any more hesitation, he slammed his hand on the switch and the door sealed with a metallic whoosh.

The loud sounds of the hangar suddenly went quiet, leaving them standing in a short stretch of hallway, sealed doors on both sides and two bodies splattered across the floor.

(Watching Colson die roll failed.)
ImageSgtMaj. Danny Sykes - Platoon NCO
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Re: Turn 9 (2nd Squad)

Post by Whisky » Mon Jul 25, 2016 4:02 pm

Colson didn't expect anyone to have followed him, but he was sure glad they did. He fired wildly, just hoping the enemy would either keep their head down or, better yet, surrender.

Then the man jumped for the controls and the turret barked. Colson's vision whited out and everything went quiet, except for what sounded like rain upon his helmet. It was a strangely peaceful sound. Was he dead? This wasn't so bad he thought. Then the rest of the world came rushing back like a freight train of sound and light. A plume of crimson erupted from the enemy as one of the others found their mark and Colson skidded to a halt. Pieces of the ceiling still pitter pattering off his helmet like a light rain. Colson stood their in a daze, till his training took over and he reloaded his gun while he started to advance the rest of the way to the turret.

As he come to stand beside it Colson reached out and put a hand on against the wall to steady himself as he drew a deep breath, "Bollocks." he muttered to himself as the rest got through the door. "Cheers lads." he directed to Dirk and Morse. "Let's not do that again in a hurry eh?"

<Tag Morse & Dirk
Pvt. Thomas Colson
2nd Squad - Medic


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