Turn 2

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Re: Turn 2

Post by Morse » Wed Oct 26, 2016 5:09 pm

Hearing Dirk say he didn't see anything, but was agreeing with Morse's assessment was reassuring notion. In spite of his off putting demeanor, Morse's history with Dirk had left them sensitive towards each others notions of danger. This was no exception, and Morse agreed that it was strange that they saw nothing at all.

"One thing the Corps teaches ya..." Morse said looking around. "If there aint nothin' there.... there's somethin' there. N' I aint got the feelin a losin' anymore toes today." Morse tapped down on his robotic leg with the barrel on his Smartgun and it gave a solid "clunk" sound.

< Tag Dirk

But then something moved.

That time Morse definitely saw something. His eyes darted right, and his whole head shifted. On the one hand he likely looked like a mad man, jerking around looking for something that was not there. But as he watched a rock slide down the hill to the right without anything around to disturb it, he knew something was not right.

His whole body moved right, and he panned the Smartgun barrel towards the area, hoping the targeting system might detect something. He played with the sensitivity and sensors, hoping that a wider range might show something off.

< Roll Awareness
Image-SSG Allen Morse - Squad Leader
-3rd Bn, 2nd Reg, 1st Co, 8th Plt
- M41A Pulse Rifle - M4 Pistol - Med Kit
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Re: Turn 2

Post by Quicksilver » Fri Oct 28, 2016 8:18 pm

"Ma'am" Mark replied from his position among the first squad, confirming the order. He already had the motion tracker out, he hardly ever put it away during missions, and looked back down at the readings. It still wasn't picking up anything. Holstering the pistol for a minute, he carefully adjusted the sensitivity readings, even letting in a little noise to ensure any real motion wasn't lost in the low yeald signals.

"To be honest," Mark noted almost under his breath, "I liked the orders that had us in a brightly lit area sooner, myself."

<Motion Tracker>
Pvt. Mark Giosso
3rd Bn, 2nd Reg, 1st Co, 8th Plt
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Re: Turn 2

Post by Medic Guy » Sat Oct 29, 2016 4:35 am

Listening in to what was going on with the others in the platoon, Clint took up a position of cover and checked through his various visual imaging systems built into the scope of the rifle to see if he could pick up anything on their perimeter. "Too quiet out here ain't it?" he asked to second squad.

Roll awareness and perception
<Tag 2nd Squad>

Private Clint McKenna
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Re: Turn 2

Post by Dirk Pitt » Sat Oct 29, 2016 5:46 pm

Dirk turned to answer Morse's comment, but before he could he felt a shutter in the ground under his boots. Like when you are standing by a road and a large truck went by. No sound, but the vibration was there none the less.

"LT, this is Pitt. There's something out here. Something big. Recommend the APC move up for support and the dropship take off for close air support." He said into his comm.
<Tag LT>

"Get ready second. Something big is coming. Morse, fire when you have a lock. The rest of you, get ready to move fast. Engage all targets when they show. Whatever this thing is I want it to know not to fuck with us." Dirk said still scanning all around.
<Tag second squad>

Roll awareness>
Cpl Dirk Pitt
First squad leader

Pulse Rifle w/ 4 grenades, 8 canister shells
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Re: Turn 2

Post by maxvale76 » Mon Oct 31, 2016 11:41 am

Samantha grinned at Giosso's quiet comment about how he'd rather be ordered to somewhere more brightly lit and replied to him, "Me too Mark, me too"; and then responded to the various developments going on around her.

She heard Gruber's orders for Mark to call out any Motion sensor readings while the LT moved forward with 3rd Squad and thought to herself; 'So....are we just supposed to stay here next to the APC?' Then, she shrugged her shoulders and decided to get a little clarification; "LT, this is Hall. Do you want my squad to stay in position covering the APC?" She was starting to feel a little uneasy and exposed, so she took a tight grip on her Pulse Rifle and maintained a very vigilant eye and ear on the surrounding area while she awaited further orders....

<Tag Giosso>
<Tag LT>
<Roll Awareness>
ImageSGT Samantha "Sam" Hall

M41A Pulse Rifle
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Re: Turn 2

Post by Whisky » Mon Oct 31, 2016 7:17 pm

Colson had stayed in formation when Morse stopped, as the conversation happened around him he also kept his head on a swivel. Looking for somewhere close for cover if needed.

When Morse snapped his head round to the right Colson followed suit, flipping down his helmets IR sensor he scanned the area, at that range his SMG wasn't much use, but another pair of eyes hurt while he waited to move as orders required. Keeping his mouth shut as more talk wouldn't help.

<roll awareness (with IR sensor)
Pvt. Thomas Colson
2nd Squad - Medic

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Re: Turn 2

Post by Quicksilver » Fri Nov 04, 2016 12:14 am

Mark returned the smile and gave the small shrug as though to say Glad we agree, to bad there's nothing we can do about it.. Suddenly, the motion tracker pulled his attention back.

"Contact, Contact, Contact." Mark calls out as the motion tracker starts to ring in his ear. "Moving fast at Sam's 2. Coming right at us."

He looked up from the display, pistol desperately sweeping as he sought a visual on the creature. The tick in his ear shifted, and he knew instantly what it was telling him, even if it made no immediate sense.

"And it's past - moving away. Same speed." Mark looked around to the rest of his squad. "It went over us, or under. But what ever it is, it's fast."
Pvt. Mark Giosso
3rd Bn, 2nd Reg, 1st Co, 8th Plt
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Re: Turn 2

Post by Pale Rider » Sat Nov 05, 2016 2:13 am

The alarm of the Motion Tracker screamed as the fast moving blip raced away from the group. Just as suddenly as it sounded however, it went silently. The only thing showing that something had been picked up was the quickly fading echo on the monitor.
"LT, this is Hall. Do you want my squad to stay in position covering the APC?"
"Negative Corporal get your squad moving in behind that target before we loose it. It's all we have at the moment." Turning to Pope she orders him to close up the doors and man the Thumpers.

Still on the main frequency she spoke next to Dirk, "Dirk get your squad together and close ranks with the others. Whatever that was has moved within the perimeter of the Main Building and vanished. I want it found. Sergeant change of plans prepare for a bag and tag. If it's sentient it may know where the colonists have disappeared!"

Jacobson frowned. He didn't like changing plans on the fly. He switched to a private link, " Ma'am, I respectfully think that plan is Fracking ridiculous. We have an unknown entity traveling at a high rate of speed and it passed through our squad with no visible sighting. The risk is to high. I say we hunt it down for sure. But let's not go in half-cocked." He motioned his squad forward slowly advancing.


"Sergeant I appreciate your feelings but, we don't have time to be pussyfooting around. For all we know the colonists have been killed or are currently in mortal danger. Until we know it is our duty to die trying to save them. Do I make myself clear?"


"Ma'am, yes Ma'am!" He shook his head as he clicked to the Squad channel, "Alright folks, seems we have orders to do some head hunting. Dirk, I want your squad to spearhead since you have senior members. I will join you as soon as we get to the door. Hall, your squad is Tailgun Charlie. Don't let anything catch us from behind. Third Squad you hold the door. If we fall back expect us to be coming fast. Is everyone clear on their assignments?"

<Tag Eights>

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Re: Turn 2

Post by Morse » Sat Nov 05, 2016 6:17 pm

The fact that no one had seen anything was disturbing Morse. He felt justified in assuming that it was an ambush, but it was still not enough to make him overly eager. His tracking systems on the smart gun had picked up nothing, the infra red sensor had seen nothing, and now the contact had virtually disappeared. Without a motion tracker they weren't going have any luck with anything. Either way, arguing the point was going to get them no where, especially with the new command.

"Add this to the list a stupid shit we gotta do in a day." Morse said to no one in particular, as he then turned to suggest roles.

"Coleslaw," Morse called, "watch the ass." suggesting that he needed to watch the rear. He looked to Clint who was new to their squad and had not seen a lot of operation with them. "Click." Morse looked to Clint McKenna with a typical nickname that made learning newer people easier for him. For him Morse had simply opted for fusing his first and last name into something simple, and a tad demeaning. "tight right." This formation was standard for them, but it would get the job done.

< Tag Colson and McKenna

Morse then looked to Dirk after having gotten his troops in order to get Dirk a moment to plan their attack forward. Morse shrugged adjusting the grip on his Smartgun. "Front n left?" Morse asked suggesting Dirk take point and he would stand left. They'd still have a complete view, and they'd all have eyes on Dirk's hand signals. And Morse never really missed, he fired enough bullets at whatever he wanted directly into it that did the job.

< Tag Dirk
< roll awareness
Image-SSG Allen Morse - Squad Leader
-3rd Bn, 2nd Reg, 1st Co, 8th Plt
- M41A Pulse Rifle - M4 Pistol - Med Kit
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Re: Turn 2

Post by Dirk Pitt » Mon Nov 07, 2016 10:48 pm

Dirk scanned the area around his squad as he listened to the serpent and lieutenant discuss the plan of action. He wasn't sure what was going on but he could tell the Seargent didn't like it. At last he got the orders to get moving. They were out in the open, exposed and it didn't set well with him.
Morse wrote:
Morse then looked to Dirk after having gotten his troops in order to get Dirk a moment to plan their attack forward. Morse shrugged adjusting the grip on his Smartgun. "Front n left?" Morse asked suggesting Dirk take point and he would stand left. They'd still have a complete view, and they'd all have eyes on Dirk's hand signals. And Morse never really missed, he fired enough bullets at whatever he wanted directly into it that did the job.

< Tag Dirk
< roll awareness
Dirk nodded at Morse's formation. The diamond had always been second squads go to formation, and today wasn't going to be different. "Sounds good to me Morse." He said as they got ready to move out.
<Tag Morse>

"Ok second, we're moving towards the buildings. I wand you to stay tight and alert. Whatever this thing is it could be the reason why there was no one around, good or bad. That means it is more than likely dangerous as hell so make sure to engage any aggressive targets as you see them. Let's move."
<Tag second squad>

Dirk moved into the point position and walked cautiously towards the buildings

(Roll awareness and scouting)
Cpl Dirk Pitt
First squad leader

Pulse Rifle w/ 4 grenades, 8 canister shells
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Smoke Grenade x2
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Re: Turn 2

Post by Whisky » Tue Nov 08, 2016 11:34 pm

"Roger that." Colson acknowledged, now falling into position with practiced ease. Keeping the formation tight he kept his eyes to the rear, only turning forward enough to keep an eye out for obstacles.

His nerves had gone into overdrive when the contact passed them, yet he had seen nothing. Once moving again he calmed himself down but there were still those nagging thoughts about what had just got past them.

"What do you think that was? It moved off the scopes so damn quick. I didn't hear squat either." Colson commented. Despite Dirks order about lighting up aggressive targets he had quickly fallen inline with second squads approach of fire first, and let someone else ask questions after, and didn't need to be told twice. He still remembered the stairwell from a couple of deployments ago.

<Tag Second
<Roll awareness
Pvt. Thomas Colson
2nd Squad - Medic

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Re: Turn 2

Post by Pale Rider » Wed Nov 09, 2016 12:13 pm

A low rumbling sound came from before the squads in the direction of the building they were approaching.

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Re: Turn 2

Post by maxvale76 » Wed Nov 09, 2016 3:19 pm

Samantha's nerves were rapidly getting frayed as SOMETHING came and went without a single marine seeing or hearing anything. She was racking her brain to make sense of the situation when the orders came in for her squad to chase the.....whatever....

"Roger that, 1st squad in pursuit"; she acknowledged her C.O. before turning off the platoon wide frequency after the LT called out the mission to everyone. "She wants to 'bag-and-tag' whatever that thing is? With what? A stop sign and a firm tone?", she half mumbled to herself. Shaking it off, she called out to her squad; "Okay, people, you heard the boss-lady, let's chase that thing and watch out for anything coming in from behind." Turning to the veteran members of her squad, she called out to Roberts, "Eric, you've got point with the big-ass-gun. If you see anything that's not us or a colonist, waste it. Rabbits, earth-worms, terrors from our nightmares, whatever." She then turned to Mark, "Giosso, stay right next to me and call out anything on the motion sensor over the platoon wide frequency." Turning to the newest member of her squad, she said; "Okay Scarlet, that leaves you on drag as Tail-end Charlie. Back-pedal and call out anything out of the ordinary to us." Once again, encompassing the whole squad, she called out; "Alright people, stay frosty and look sharp!"

As the squad got into gear, her brain kept wrestling with an idea in the shadows of her mind, before she finally saw the light. "That's it MON!", she said to herself....and anybody nearby. Turning her comms to the platoon-wide channel, she called out'; "This is Hall, I think I know why we didn't see anything. Remember the briefing about the Harvester thing-a-ma-jigs? I bet it's either one of those, or some half-xeno/half-harvester monster that's burrowing through the ground! Keep an eye on your feet people!"

<Tag LT Gruber>
<Tag 1st Squad>
<Tag Everyone>
ImageSGT Samantha "Sam" Hall

M41A Pulse Rifle
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Re: Turn 2

Post by Corporal Hicks » Thu Nov 10, 2016 6:24 am

maxvale76 wrote:"Eric, you've got point with the big-ass-gun. If you see anything that's not us or a colonist, waste it. Rabbits, earth-worms, terrors from our nightmares, whatever."
"Copy that," Roberts said. He wasn't too pleased with chasing some damn signal that didn't appear to be on their level. But he was settling into his role as the one who goes in first and carries the biggest gun. He had also grown to respect Sam quite a bit as his squad leader and had no issues following her into combat. He couldn't undervalue his luck at still being alive after the last mission, let alone still with his squad.

"Just stick with us. You'll be alright," he attempted to reassure the rookie Scarlet.
<Tag Scarlet>

Roberts moved quietly and efficiently as he could. His training as a scout returned to him as he moved.
(Roll Scouting lvl 3)
(Roll Infiltration lvl 2)
ImageSgtMaj. Danny Sykes - Platoon NCO
USCM Special Forces Recon Team
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Re: Turn 2

Post by Quicksilver » Sat Nov 12, 2016 2:19 am

"Ma'am." Mark said by way of acknowledgment, not taking his attention off the ticking machine. "Keep your eyes up and down, Roberts, good chance this thing is either flying or tunneling."

Not for the first time, Mark wished he could head back and dial in the APC's more sensitive detection and motion tracker systems. But that was just wishful thinking - the important thing now was to be the eyes, ears and ESP of the squad.

<Motion Tracker>
Pvt. Mark Giosso
3rd Bn, 2nd Reg, 1st Co, 8th Plt
Security Systems Master
Communications / Computer and Motion Tracker Operation Expert
Surveillance Equipment Operation Professional


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