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Turn 7: The Creatures (Navy)

Posted: Sun May 17, 2020 6:11 pm
by Corporal Hicks
As the six volunteers made their way to the hatch, Knight the synthetic called out the approach of something unusual. Not one among them had ever seen a creature quite like that. Its skin was shiny black and looked almost like armor. Its head was elongated like a banana with no apparent eyes but with rows of sharp teeth visible in its jaw. It ran on all fours at a terrifying pace. The silence in their ears made the situation seem much more surreal and frightening as the silent creature bounded toward them.

“I see two more of them approaching,” said Preacher, the other synthetic. “They look like predators; I think we should assume they are hostile.” His voice was serene as if he was telling them to grab some chow in the mess hall.
xeno 1.jpg
xeno 1.jpg (4.13 KiB) Viewed 6988 times

Re: Turn 7: The Creatures (Navy)

Posted: Sun May 17, 2020 9:45 pm
by Medic Guy
Seaman Darrell Stark:

Darrell watched with dismay and horror at the things that approached them. The long heads swayed slightly back and forth as they glided across the station's hull. What looked like a collection of bones forming a tail wagged back and forth like some sick version of a happy dog. He looked down to see that his suit's indicator for the urine bladder was nearly full without realizing that he had just pissed himself at the sight of the creatures.

Was this what the marines had dealt with down on Capua? Could they not catch a break anywhere in the universe? he thought to himself. This was not Navy work they were doing now, this was marine duty. He'd half to put in for some hazard pay when he got back on board. He looked down at his pulse rifle and was glad to see that it indicated a full magazine.

"Guys do we keep going to the hatch or hold here and kill those monstrosities?" Stark asked the others over the calm, hoping the shake he felt in his voice wasn't present to the others. He looked to Cohen and the others to see how they were responding to the approaching threat.

<roll awareness and weapons as he takes aim on the nearest of the freakish shadows approaching them.
<tag all

Re: Turn 7: The Creatures (Navy)

Posted: Wed May 20, 2020 6:08 pm
by JuanPerez
Knight added in the same serene voice

"... and they seem to be capable of withstanding zero atmosphere and extreme temperature, fascinating."

As the creatures leapt closer one of the seamen asked about dealing with the situation ...

"i would advice to neutralize the threat now. We would never make it through the entrance hatch in time."
<Tag all>

Re: Turn 7: The Creatures (Navy)

Posted: Thu May 21, 2020 7:33 am
by Medic Guy
Seaman Darrell Stark

Hearing Knights comments about the things advancing upon them, he lined up his sights on the closest and started firing.

<kill freakish creature

Re: Turn 7: The Creatures (Navy)

Posted: Fri May 22, 2020 1:52 pm
by LT_Chun
Bryant felt her throat close at the site of the chitinous nightmares leap-crawling toward the small group. Her first rational thought was of Chief Patterson's assertion never to volunteer for anything. He'd said this during boot camp at New Lakes Naval Training Center.
Her next thought was the absence of the Marine grunts whose job this was.
Her third and final thought as she aimed in as best she could around the bulbous dome of her EVA suit was that she'd panic if she wasn't so terrified.

She couldn't get a straight sight picture so she flipped on full auto and anchored both grav boots flat on the hull plating and squeezed the trigger in two four round bursts.

<roll awareness>
<roll gun combat>
<pee in suit>

Re: Turn 7: The Creatures (Navy)

Posted: Mon May 25, 2020 12:21 am
by EvHall
Cohen was briefly gripped with fear. This was the first time he'd be in the middle of this kind of fight. A few seconds later, his senses returned and Cohen reached for his weapon and began firing, hoping to take down the threat before it got to him/