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Final Turn: Revelations

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2021 3:47 pm
by JuanPerez
Shortly after finding a strangly disfigured corpse of something, that clearly was once a human being, the marines entered the secret underground facility as cautious and quiet as possible. It was obvious to everybody that something bad happened in here. Dead bodies of men in Chinese commando fatigues, more of these disfigured corpses, tons of shell cases and swimming pools of dried blood on the ground, mixed with broken down walls, cracks in the ceiling and clear marks of a explosions and fire damage. It was a carnage. Paulson's motion tracker picked up weak and sporadic signals of movements, but nobody or nothing showed itself. Just the sounds of a distant scratch or a sporadic grunt. As the marines moved in, it became apparent, what happened. The EMP detonation must have taken out the security systems of the holding cells and whatever was held captive there escaped and took revenge on its captors. Through a wall of security glass Sykes spotted something in an adjacent room, what could be the crates they came to look for. Suddenly Paulson's motion tracker came to life, showing at least six strong signals from different directions incoming. Beep Beep Beep ....


Re: Final Turn: Relevations

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2021 9:42 pm
by Corporal Hicks
It looked like the whole facility had turned into a bloodbath. Sykes was not eager to allow the same thing to happen to his men and women. "Ready, squads! First Squad, cover the left hallway. Second Squad, move up to that bulkhead and watch the doors. Third Squad, move ten meters that way and cover the right hallway."
<Tag everyone>

Re: Final Turn: Revelations

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2021 1:05 am
by eyeball
Paulson lept into action to cover the left hallway, the tone on his motion tracker urgent and piercing "whatever is coming is coming soon" he said to anyone listening. he took a knee so someone could easily fire over him and let his shoulder lamp shine down the corridor. conscious that they had had one incident of mistaken identities already Paulson checked his breathing and prepared to make friend or foe type decisions knowing that yet again lives could depend on it.
<ready action to fire when enemy targets present>

Re: Final Turn: Revelations

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2021 2:05 am
by maxvale76
"LOOK SHARP PEOPLE!" Sam called out to her squad as the motion sensor went off. She levelled her Pulse Rifle and looked around alertly. "Talk to me!" she called out to those with motion trackers....

<Tag Everyone>

Re: Final Turn: Revelations

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2021 5:14 am
by Medic Guy
Clint saw the remains of mercs and the experiments laid around floor of the lab facilities intermixed with casings and other debris. "Third squad take this corridor and lock it down" he called to his men. He moved into the right side of the hallway stepping over bodies and broken glass. Taking a position far enough from the closest door to allow for response if something comes out.

The pulse rifle pulled back into his shoulder. "Bennett, Sokolova, and Mills cover the left side of the corridor, McGreggor be ready to cover where needed."

<tag third squad>

Aim and fire at verified threat targets
<perception, firearms

Re: Final Turn: Revelations

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2021 2:05 am
by LT_Chun
<roll perception >
<roll reactive carbine combat>

Re: Final Turn: Revelations

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2021 1:42 am
by Corporal Hicks
The echoing roar of the sentry guns met their ears and everyone flinched slightly at the suddenly broken silence. “What the fuck is that?!” cried a voice from the reserve squad back in the mine tunnel. Morse and First Squad saw two of the Privates backing up down the tunnel before the left-hand Marine turned and ran toward them. PFC. McMagnus fired his smartgun but the abomination overtook him and snapped him like a twig. It clenched its hideous jaws on his head which made a crunching sound. The second abomination was hot in pursuit of the other Marine, PFC. Funker.

Paulson and Henniger both opened fire as soon as they had targets. Henniger’s shot was wide as he tried not to hit PFC. Funker but Paulson splattered the rear abomination that was gnawing on the dead smartgunner. Its black blood splashed all over the walls and the body of the Marine. It was dead.
<Tag First Squad>

Meanwhile, Sergeant Hall and Second Squad saw two of the abominations emerge from doorways. One was behind the squad and one in front. Spittle dripped from their eager maws as they lurched forward in disturbing inhuman motion.
<Tag Second Squad>

Just as the sentry gun distracted Third Squad, two of the abominations fell through a grate in the ceiling and landed on top of PFC. Bennett and PFC. McGreggor. Bennett screamed as his leg snapped backwards at the knee and McGreggor just grunted as he tried to fight it off. Corporal McKenna fired a burst which killed the creature on top of McGreggor. Its black blood splashed across his large frame and its heavy corpse pinned him down. The other beast was moments away from killing Bennett.
<Tag Third Squad>
abomination.jpg (129.2 KiB) Viewed 14233 times

Re: Final Turn: Revelations

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2021 2:21 am
by eyeball
Paulson was in two minds, risk the shot now or aim and wait for a better one?
he chose to wait
<aim 4>
OOC happy to spend whole extra turn waiting if no shot.
< shoot 1 ,when clear shot available , if PFC Funker about to be over run shoot anyway>

Re: Final Turn: Revelations

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2021 4:59 am
by wargamer
The corridor stretched away from Kelly with a multitude of doors opening to left and right. Kelly knelt in the cover of a doorframe to the left of the corridor and trained his M41 down the hallway, ready for a possible attacker.
Behind him, he heard the thunder of the sentry guns opening up on something and a chorus of screams and yells from the other squads. He was just in the act of turnign to see what was going on when a door down the corridor burst open and two of the most hideous creatures he had ever seen leapt into view, running right into his sights. Kelly squeezed the trigger on instinct. One quick burst to to observe where the rounds impacted, then he readdressed and fired again.
<Shoot 1> <Aim 3> <Shoot 1>

Re: Final Turn: Revelations

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2021 11:49 am
by lordstrand
Davros heard "What the fuck is that!!" and turned bringing up his weapon. He had a momentary flinch as a world of shit exploded around him. He just wasn't ready for what he saw running down the corridor at them. Seeing the dead one on the floor was one thing but that one just ripped a guy in half like he was paper and that crunch, he will probably remember that sound forever. Just after that it exploded in a spray of black blood and gore as Paulson's shots landed. Bringing his gun up to aim he felt like he was moving through water, everything was moving a little slower than it should have. "Fuck this" He thought "I'm not loosing another one." He may have yelled that out loud, he wasn't sure. Finally looking down the sights he took careful aim at the second running abomination. "DIE MOTHER FUCKER!!!"
<I'm going to do the same as Palson
Aim for however many I have and shoot 1, assuming i have a clear shot, if Funker is about to die shoot anyway and ill patch him up after>

Re: Final Turn: Revelations

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2021 3:36 am
by Medic Guy
The sentry turrets started opening up somewhere behind his squad, and he didn't like having his back to an approaching enemy. He had to trust the rest of the platoon though and tried to keep his focus on his designated threat area. Something metallic crashed from above and he turned his head back to see two dark shapes come from the overhead ventilation shaft.
The creature looked similar to the xenos that Clint had seen before, but the head shape was all wrong. It ended in a sharp spike appearance. He watched for one to two seconds in horror as the pair of creatures dropped from a vent shaft. He'd parked his squad in a terrible location, vents were always dangerous with these things. As McGreggor was cast to the ground behind him, Clint let off a burst through the creature's torso ripping chunks out the back of it. His peripheral vision showed Bennett down with one of these new creatures on top of him. Mills had backed up towards the T junction and was aimed up at the vent. Sokolova luckily appeared to be paying attention, stepping in towards the center of the hall and firing against the wall into the creature on top of Bennett. Clint took a quick burst at the creature as well

<awareness and perception
<aim, fire at second creature

After firing, he booted the creature on McGreggor, "Come on man, no time to be napping on the job!" he called with a grin and reached his left hand out to help the marine while watching over his shoulder down the hallway they'd originally been facing.

<tag McGreggor

Re: Final Turn: Revelations

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2021 3:52 pm
by LT_Chun
Henniger pulled his carbine up and the left as it sprayed a line of caseless, full-auto fire. His rounds went wide of both the hybrid alien and the Marine in his path of fire.

"Shit! Get down!" He screamed at the Marine. His words were wasted as the alien tore the man down.

Paulson's rounds tore into the other alien and it's scream was almost worse than the aliens he'd faced before. He hit the bulkhead to his left and used the wall to stabilize his shooting stance. He flicked his M41 onto semi and re-engaged the remaining creature that was attacking Third Squad.

<gun combat semi auto>
<tag everyone>

Re: Final Turn: Revelations

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2021 9:40 pm
by maxvale76
Samantha heard and then saw the two xenos make thier move and she quickly aimed at one, cut loose a quick burst, shifted aim and then cut loose a second burst at the other alien....

<Aim for 2 actions at Alien 1, Fire bust at Alien 1, Aim for 2 actions at Alien 2, Fire burst at Alien 2; Gun Combat: Master)

Re: Final Turn: Revelations

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2021 2:33 am
by Corporal Hicks
Paulson lined up his shot but PFC. Funker was directly in his line of fire and he didn’t touch the trigger. Davros also took aim but in the dark he didn’t feel confident of his shot. Henniger was situated at a better angle and he squeezed the trigger. It was an easy shot in theory, but in the dark with sprinting targets and adrenaline pumping it was anything but easy. His bullets tore into the creature’s abdomen and it tumbled to the ground with a gurgling screech. Morse fired the kill shot and finished it off. PFC. Funker dove past the Marines and lay face down covering his head.
<Tag First Squad>

At Second Squad’s position, two abominations burst out on either side. PFC. “Doc” Kelly was already aimed at the rear target and he unloaded on it. It crumpled before his fire and died with one final, inhuman wail. Sergeant Samantha Hall coolly dropped the front abomination with a headshot and turned around to see the other one was already dead, courtesy of Doc.
<Tag Second Squad>

Third Squad was in a tougher position, with the creature already on top of a Marine. Sokolova’s explosive SHARP rifle was useless, MacGreggor was down for the count, and Mills was apparently scared shitless. McKenna acted, however, and his rounds peppered the creature’s back. It howled in pain and bit down into the smartgunner’s neck, blood spraying as the jugular was severed. Bennett was dead but McKenna took another shot and sent the abomination to hell.
<Tag Third Squad>

Two hours later, the Marines returned to the APCs. The whole area had been cleared. It had been a pretty clean fight until the final minutes in the labs. What remained of the complex was rigged to detonate in an hour. If any Jingti-Long mercs came here to clean up, they would find nothing but holes in the ground. The survivors boarded their dropships and returned to the Chimera.

“Marines, ten hut!” shouted Sykes and everyone snapped to attention. “At ease,” said Lieutenant Harper. “You did well in a tough situation. I am proud of you. We are returning to the nearest colonized world; Micor. It’s a pretty nice place, a bit like Earth a hundred years ago. Refit will take a while so you’ll all get some well deserved shore leave. We will review your performance and make whatever staffing adjustments are necessary.”

“What about the kid who got shot?” asked Bobby Mills.

“Sorry, he didn’t make it,”
replied the Lieutenant.