Turn 12: Murder on the Dance Floor

The Devil Dawgs' sixth campaign.
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Turn 12: Murder on the Dance Floor

Post by wargamerGM » Sun Mar 27, 2022 7:35 pm

Outside the club Henniger saw Sokalova come sprinting down the side alley and quickly handed off the motion trackers to her whilst Lt Harper Williams kept an eye on the corralled civvies and Lt Harper watched the drones readout, maintaining tactical overwatch over her platoon . At the other end of the alley, Paulson's eye's were glued to his own motion tracker but the readings he was picking up were to confused by so many marines in close proximity to make out the individual signal which might be the xenomorph.

Back inside the club Sykes was leading the way out of the way out of the back room towards the main entrance. directly behind him were Kelly and Davros, supporting the sedated fugitive between them. Sykes was pleased to see that the remaining two active former marines fell into formation and covered their sectors with immediate discipline and professionalism. whatever their crime had been, it wasn't incompetence. Hall's little party took up the rear with the injured Grisham sheltered in the center, cradling his wounded arm.

The little squad was just passing the stage and heading for the exit when a black blur popped over the bar with a blood-curdling shriek and launched itself at the rearmost marines exposed back. Frank Williams yelled in terror as he felt the heavy impact of the creature slamming into him and flailed wildly with his M41A to try and dislodge the thing as he heard it's claws start to tear chunks out of the titanium and carbon composite laminate that formed the back-plate of his armor in an effort to get at the soft meat within.

<Tag Everyone>
MGySgt John Abrams
1st MSF, 2nd Div, 1st Batt 30th MIR
Serial Number: A11/TQ1.95.60390E9

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Re: Turn 12: Murder on the Dance Floor

Post by maxvale76 » Mon Mar 28, 2022 1:31 am

Samantha was sweating from lugging the (probable) corpse of her fellow Marine out of the building when the little xeno re-appeared and launched itself into the back of Williams. Shrugging the (pardon the pun) dead weight off, she brought her Pulse Rifle up to her shoulder, switched it to semi-auto and aimed while yelling out; "EVERYBODY, GET OUTTA DE BULDING NOW! WILLIAMS, STAY STILL MON!" as she kept her aim at the creature, took a breath, let it go and then fired a single shot.....

<Tag Everyone inside>

<Shrug off body, aim for 4 actions, Fire once; Sam is Master rank in Gun Combat>
ImageSGT Samantha "Sam" Hall

M41A Pulse Rifle
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Re: Turn 12: Murder on the Dance Floor

Post by BarbarianMathematics » Thu Mar 31, 2022 4:04 am

Having heard the radio blare with life along with Hall's remark, Sokolova looks up from turning on the motion tracker as she reaches the back entrance. Steeling herself with a quick catch of her breath, she opens the back door and prepares the shotgun in one hand and the motion tracker in the other, keeping the door slightly ajar with her body to make sure the other marines have a clear way out and the extermination of the beasts can begin. She calls out to the marines nearby, "Motion tracker is here! Back door is ready for evac! Scanning for other hostiles!"

During this time, holding the motion tracker up, she flips it on and watched the screen closely while keeping her eyes alert for any sudden movements in her peripheral vision.

<Tag Hall and 2nd squad>
<Roll motion tracker>
ImageLCpl. Tanya Sokolova
USCM Special Forces Recon Team
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Re: Turn 12: Murder on the Dance Floor

Post by eyeball » Thu Mar 31, 2022 4:36 am

Paulson stopped heading down the side ally there was no point in having both motion trackers at the back area. he quickly headed to the front door and joined the other marines there.

checking the motion tracker again he was confused by its readings there was just to much movement by multiple sources, even though it could filter military and non it was not clear enough to give anything but vague readings.

"tracker is unreadable , to much interference and multiple movement sources" Paulson reported. Staying glued to the entrance, pistol readied, in case anything else decided to drop from a ceiling he continued to scan in case the signal cleared or another source showed up.

<roll awareness>
<roll tracker>
ImageLCpl. Robert Paulson
incinerator, 2 spare fuel bottles, motion detector, first aid kit, pistol, knife, 2 frag.
special weapons tech
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Re: Turn 12: Murder on the Dance Floor

Post by Corporal Hicks » Wed Apr 13, 2022 11:27 pm

Sergeant Major Sykes felt the vibration in the floor as he heard the terrified scream of Williams. The butt of his rifle was in his shoulder within a heartbeat but his brain stopped the reflex to fire. "Hold fire," he said softly to the Marines around him as he saw Sergeant Hall lining up a shot. But he wasn't going to leave it to one shot, no matter how skilled the operator was. He raised his own weapon, aimed at the outermost extremity of the creature and squeezed off a short burst of maybe five rounds.
(Roll: gunfire)
ImageSgtMaj. Danny Sykes - Platoon NCO
USCM Special Forces Recon Team
Serial Number: D26/TQ6.3.48412E9
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Re: Turn 12: Murder on the Dance Floor

Post by wargamer » Sun Apr 17, 2022 6:19 pm

Panic erupted around Darren as the immature Xenomorph launched itself up from behind the bar into the midst of the Colonial marines. Darren could see Sgt Hall ahead of him bringing her rifle up to fire at a target outside his field of vision. He couldn't get to his own weapon because it was inhibited by the body of the fugitive marine he was half-carrying so Darren did the only thing he could sensibly do and protected his patient. Darren pushed the man leaning on his shoulder down to the floor and placed his own armored bulk between his patient and whatever it was that Sgts Hall and Sykes had just opened fire on.
ImagePFC Darren 'Doc' Kelly - Medic
USCM Special Forces Recon Team
Serial Number: D44/TQ9.21.47645E2
Current Equipment
M-41A Pulse Rifle w/ 4 Mags
M4A3 Pistol w/ 2 Mags
K-52 Field Medical Pack
2x M-18 Smoke Grenades (Red)
6x M-94 Flares
2x K-Bar Combat/Survival Knives

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