Turn 34

The 1st Eightballs campaign
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Turn 34

Post by Nick » Mon Aug 28, 2006 8:01 pm

The piercing buzz of a claxon suddenly caught everyones attention "Docking procedure initialized" Priests voice could be heard over the intercom. His voice echoing in the vast hanger.

The light in the hanger had been reduced and two large lights had been brought up, the thought to initially blind anyone...or anything for that matter, that came out from the ship. The Marines where placed in a half circle around the airlock. The reason they where not surrounding it on all sides was to avoid a crossfire situation. Things would be hairy anyway if a firefight ensued with all the aerofuel and ammunition stowed in the hanger.

A subtle clonk could be heard as the grappling arms beneath the USS Costaguana grabbed the first life boat. A hydraulic whine ensued as it was pulled in. Another clonk was heard and a slight hissing sound as the air pressurized inside the airlock.

The seconds ticked by. Very slowly.

Then the gates opened with a slight rumble and another hydraulic whine. Twenty seconds later the lifeboat slowly started to rise from the airlock. It was painted brightly white and where covered in small cheramic plates, on top of it an orange light flashed every two seconds. The small craft was about ten meters long and five across, slightly pointed with tinted windows in the front.

The motion trackers ticked slowly. Someone moved slightly to avoid his leg cramping, a subtle shuffling sound. The seconds ticked by. Still no movement.

"Im sending in the probe" Priest suddenly said.

The probe was a robotic arm with an attached multi-layer doppler frequence scanner. A sort of sensory arm mounted on a small robot with caterpillars that was used for these occasitions. The robot approached the lifeboat and the access door opened. The robot sent in its arm and the scan ensued. A few very long minutes passed.

"Its empty..." Priest said.

A quick glimpse inside verified what Priest had said. The spartanly decorated craft was utterly empty, nothing inside to leave a clue.

The ship was quickly disposed through the airlock and the Costaguana approached the next one.

The same procedure was repeated again. The next lifeboat was identical to the first one, part from having a five painted on in rather than a three.

"The door is jammed...we'll have to cut oruselves inside" The robot, of course, was equipped with a powerful plasma cutting device. It made a peculiar electric sparking sound as it initiated. Soon the buzzing sound of surging electricity could be heard. The sparks showered all over the hangar floor. A smell of molten metal spread and a thin layer of smoke spread across the floor.

The door fell into the craft. The robot backed up a few meters and then approached again with its robotic arm extended.

"I cant see much it is very smokey inside...wait...there is something!"

At the same time the motion tracker went alive.

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Turn 34

Post by Pale Rider » Mon Aug 28, 2006 8:54 pm

"I cant see much it is very smokey inside...wait...there is something!"

At the same time the motion tracker went alive.
(OOC:How appropriate the theme to Halloween just came on)
"Okay Marines look alive it seems we have a sardine can with the sardines still kicking. Jacob, get ready to flash fry anything nonhuman that comes out; Green, shift a little to the right so that you can cover anything coming out from the left end of the lb. Con you shift left to cover the right interior. I've got point. If nothing comes out in 15, we make a sweep."
James checked out his squad to make sure everyone had fallen into their ordered positions. "Priest, can we draw some of that smoke out with the probe?"

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Turn 34

Post by Nick » Mon Aug 28, 2006 9:40 pm

"Negative. This model does not apply such technology" Priest replied instantenously.
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Turn 34

Post by Pale Rider » Mon Aug 28, 2006 10:01 pm

"Negative. This model does not apply such technology" Priest replied instantenously.
"Priest, switch the probes scan over to thermal and adjust the registry for the lower end of the spectrum. I want to see if the movement shows up that way."

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Turn 34

Post by Nick » Mon Aug 28, 2006 10:02 pm

"Wait..." Priest said.

A few seconds passed before he came back online.

"There is thermal readouts...two at least. One of them moving..." Priest replied.
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Turn 34

Post by tashw » Mon Aug 28, 2006 10:16 pm

Eileen stood well back from the smoking entrance, clear of the lines of fire, making a futile effort to see any sign of movement beyond the smoke.

With a slight shrug, she shouted towards the lifeboat entrance, "This is Lieutenant Eileen Vincent, USCM. You're on board the USS Costaguana. Leave the lifeboat and identify yourself."
nd Lieutenant Eileen Vincent
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Turn 34

Post by Nick » Mon Aug 28, 2006 10:24 pm

A few seconds passed without anything. The motiontracker suddenly picked up movement. For a brief moment something moved inside the ship.

"Don't shoot! Please don't shoot!" A voice cried from inside. "We need help...his hurt really bad!"

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Turn 34

Post by tashw » Mon Aug 28, 2006 10:39 pm

Eileen turned to Lance Corporal Eagle, "Alright, first squad, get in there and check it out. Remember we don't know exactly who we have here, make sure they're unarmed and until we confirm otherwise treat them as potentially hostile."

"Morrison, once it's clear, second squad will remove all occupants to decontamination."

As the marines went to work, Eileen turned to Priest, "As soon as they bring them out, I want you to confirm identities against the Andromeda's passenger and crew roster. I want to be sure who we've got here."
nd Lieutenant Eileen Vincent
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Turn 34

Post by Apachetear » Tue Aug 29, 2006 9:34 am

Leaning over the gantry, Jacob strained to see what might be there, but the smoke was too much.

Positioning the flamer so that the fire would rain down on the walk way, and simply tilting it would make the fire 'walk' along the path, burning anything there that should come out.

"Flaming Eagle, sir, Tell me when to fire - visibility is minimal up here because of all that smoke!"
Pvt. Jacob "smiles" Honeysett

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Turn 34

Post by Zafubern » Tue Aug 29, 2006 10:22 am

Zarb overheard the commotion from the aid station and gathered some basic medical items such as medicines and bandages and went to his squad to see if there are anything that he can do.

"Corporal, I came to see if there is anything I could do. Don't worry about me getting in the way as I left my rifle at the aid station and brought along only my trusty knife. I did not bring along my rifle as I would be going back there anyway."

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Turn 34

Post by Pale Rider » Tue Aug 29, 2006 10:55 am

Eileen turned to Lance Corporal Eagle, "Alright, first squad, get in there and check it out. Remember we don't know exactly who we have here, make sure they're unarmed and until we confirm otherwise treat them as potentially hostile."
James snapped a quick salute, "Alright men you heard the LT, Con and Ron hold your points, I will enter first and then you can follow me in 5 sec intervals. We get in and make a quick sweep and grab.
"Flaming Eagle, sir, Tell me when to fire - visibility is minimal up here because of all that smoke!"
James looked up at Jacob, he grinned at the man's mispronunciation of his name. "Jacob, you are to fire if anyone but one of us come out first. We don't want to risk some nut job getting in too deep and taking us out of commission."

Turning back to the LT and a few of the other soldiers, "Sir, If I might suggest I would recommend pulling yourself and the other squad back out of the hanger until we are confident this lifeboat is secure. We can ill afford to loose both units at one time." James didn't wait to see if his suggestion was acknowledged or if he was being blown off. He had a job to do and he was going to do it.
"Okay men on my mark!" He looked at his watch. "Mark time now. Remember five second intervals. Hurrah, Semper Fi fellas." Crouching so as to offer as small a target as possible, James slipped through the portal and into the smokey confines. He peered both directions and slipped straight ahead pressing his back against the the wall, giving himself rear protection as well as covering both ends of the lifeboat. He could vaguely make out movement to the rear of the lifeboat.

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Turn 34

Post by pants » Tue Aug 29, 2006 11:41 am

"Corporal, I came to see if there is anything I could do. Don't worry about me getting in the way as I left my rifle at the aid station and brought along only my trusty knife. I did not bring along my rifle as I would be going back there anyway."
Nick stood with second squad and watched first squad move towards the lifeboat. The smoke reduced visibilty but they seemed to have the situation under control, so he turned his focus to where Pvt Pyro stood talking to Cpl Morrison.

Overhearing the private's offer made Nick grin at his earnestness.

"Private Pyro, I admire your enthusiasm but your orders are to deal with any wounded that may be aboard the lifeboat. As well as that you should always bring your rifle with you! It's the only thing you can trust, apart from your fellow marines, and it should never leave your side! Return to your station and retrieve your rifle, then come back here. We might need the extra fire power, however you are not to fire unless I give the order. Do you hear me marine?"

Nick waited for Pvt Pyro's answer before turning to Pfc Bojan.

"Bojan, depending on how this plays out it'll be you and me who'll go in and help move any wounded. Corporal Morrison and Pfc Gagarin will be the other team. Of course whoever is still alive in there could be infected and all we'll be doing is spacing them, but lets hope we can save somebody. You ready for this, Pfc Bojan?"
Zoe Barr
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Turn 34

Post by Apachetear » Tue Aug 29, 2006 12:27 pm

Laughing, Jacob called out "Burn anyone who isn't a marine exiting that craft, acknowledged sir."

'Jesus H, that leader is ruthless...innocents could be getting toasty for all I know. Still - it's my place to follow orders I guess' Jacob thought to himself.

Looking down at Green Jacob called out "Green, you best come out in one piece! Good luck man!"

Smiling he lit another cigarette and settled down to concentrate.
Pvt. Jacob "smiles" Honeysett

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Turn 34

Post by HeavyGlenn » Tue Aug 29, 2006 3:16 pm

"Meh, what they gona do?" Said Ronald, sitting on a crate, he kicked in the air with his feet, just waiting until somone higher in ranking came to order him something or until it was time to leave.
an Donaldson

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Turn 34

Post by Jocke » Tue Aug 29, 2006 4:30 pm

tashw wrote:"Morrison, once it's clear, second squad will remove all occupants to decontamination."

"Understood" was Morrison's short reply to his superior officer.

Now what the hell is up with that moron- leaving his rifle!? Morrison thought as he made a mental note to have a long, serious talk with the new marine. Sure- first-mission nerves happen, but only a super-boot would actually leave his rifle behind.

"Hey- be firm and direct- but not unpleasant, ok?" he said to the big marine he'd come to know as 'Gosha', "in fact, you have my full permission to clobber whoever's in there if need be, VIP or not."

Following his Sergeant, Morrison got ready to earn his pay.

Dammit to hell! I'm out of nicotene! Where's that walking chimney from first squad when you need him...?
LcCpl Conrad Heart


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