M1T8 - Contact

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M1T8 - Contact

Post by Nick » Fri Dec 18, 2009 11:35 am

2179 AD, 1st November
Location: Sol system, Earth, atlantic ocean, ocean floor.
Mission timer: 00.35.54

The contact suddenly stopped, hovering it seemed on the other side of the base - Still out of visual contact from the marines. All around them everything was pitch black, going lights out literally meant going pitch black. Only the very faint glowing hud lights weakly illuminated the faces of the marines. The marines could hear their own heart beats in their ears as they waited. The seconds dragged on, excruciatingly slow.

Suddenly the contact started to move again, but away from the marines in the opposite direction. For a flickering second the marines saw a cluster of contacts echoing just were the big contact had been moments before. Then the large contact, slowly slid out of range from the sonar trackers.


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Re: M1T8

Post by eyeball » Fri Dec 18, 2009 11:14 pm

"well that was odd" patch whispered.

"large contact almost out of range, no other movement scan clear." patch reported. "stay passive or can we switch back to try for more detail?"

patches heart rate was slowly returning to normal, for a while there he was sure he could hear it echo'ing around the inside of his suit.
patch waited for a response from Simmovic he could see nothing of the other squads and only new simmovic and jean were near him as they were siloetted by the faint lights of the base ahead.

<tag Simmovic>

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Re: M1T8

Post by Obi » Sat Dec 19, 2009 10:45 am

Gazing out into the darkness Obi looked hard to see any movement. Hardly daring to breathe, quickly looked to his left to make sure that the next man was still there.
"large contact almost out of range, no other movement scan clear." patch reported. "stay passive or can we switch back to try for more detail?"
"Well, talk about an anti-climax." Obi muttered over the comm as he slowly let out the breathe he had been holding in.

"Did anyone get a visual on the contact? Is it those fucking things?" Obi asked the platoon. If they are, what are they doing? Are they frigging playing with us?? He thought, not really wanting to know the answer.

<tag anyone>

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Re: M1T8 - Contact

Post by pants » Sun Dec 20, 2009 9:30 pm

"Can't see jack all in this murk Corporal O'Brien! I definitely did not see any enemy contacts though," replies Gordon cheerfully, glad that he's still alive and sucking in recycled oxygen.

"We going to hold position here or move on the facility Corp?" inquires Gordon over his comm, as he keeps scanning the ocean depths for any sign of the enemy.

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Re: M1T8 - Contact

Post by Dugan » Sun Dec 20, 2009 10:30 pm

Simovic staired at the contacts on Patch's motion tracker as he thought he spoke aloud. "Looks like the larger contact was a sub of some kind and its dropped off a squad of soldiers. Chances are their corporate soldiers trying to contain the situation. Regardless we still have our orders"

<Tag Platoon>
pants wrote:
"We going to hold position here or move on the facility Corp?" inquires Gordon over his comm, as he keeps scanning the ocean depths for any sign of the enemy.
"We're moving up to secure the perimetre, 1st Squad you got point, Second take the left flank and Third the right. Command squad will be in the centre ready to re-inforce any squad that requests it, remember we only fire if fired upon first. Lt Moore can you pull up schematics or an outline of the habitat?".

<Tag platoon>

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Re: M1T8 - Contact

Post by Dirk Pitt » Mon Dec 21, 2009 1:17 am

"You heard the man third. Swing right and be ready gor contact. Morse, keep it tight and make sure so one falls back. Lets move out. Dirk said as he started moving towards the target again
<Tag Third>

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Re: M1T8 - Contact

Post by Morse » Mon Dec 21, 2009 7:23 am

Morse stayed right with the squad as they began to break to the right. it was an odd momentum that the squad was moving with at the current moment, and the movement in the suits was almost as alien as the environment they were in. They couldn't take cover, and they weren't very agile. They had to rely on nothing but armor, and for someone like Morse, that couldn't have been worse.

"Got it Dirk, just be makin sure aint nothin gonna tearin us apart forward wise, and I'll keep em walkin right." Morse replied. He was the rear guard after all so it was not only his job to watch the rear, but should anyone trip or stumble he had to assist them in anyway possible. Of course in these suits that would be made considerably more difficult, but he was confident they could work their way through it.

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Re: M1T8 - Contact

Post by Obi » Mon Dec 21, 2009 3:09 pm

pants wrote:"Can't see jack all in this murk Corporal O'Brien! I definitely did not see any enemy contacts though," replies Gordon cheerfully, glad that he's still alive and sucking in recycled oxygen.

"We going to hold position here or move on the facility Corp?" inquires Gordon over his comm, as he keeps scanning the ocean depths for any sign of the enemy.

"Thats a roger on seeing jack, stay loose though and keep your eyes peeled though. We can't afford anything to sneak up on us." Obi paused before continuing.

"Hold your position Second, till we get further ord...." Obi suddenly shut up and listened intently as Staff Simovics voice came through over the circuit.
Dugan wrote: "Looks like the larger contact was a sub of some kind and its dropped off a squad of soldiers. Chances are their corporate soldiers trying to contain the situation. Regardless we still have our orders"

"We're moving up to secure the perimetre, 1st Squad you got point, Second take the left flank and Third the right. Command squad will be in the centre ready to re-inforce any squad that requests it, remember we only fire if fired upon first. Lt Moore can you pull up schematics or an outline of the habitat?".

<Tag platoon>
Obi pursed his lips in a silent whistle. Well this has taken an interesting turn. Not only do we have to deal with those things but now we have Corporate mercenarys in the mix aswell. Not dwelling any further on the new developments Obi spoke over the comm to Two Section and snapped out new orders.

"Ok lads, you heard the Staff. Looks like we got Corporate mercenarys moving around down there. I don't know what their game is, but stay cool and lets see if we can avoid any shooting if possible. Alright, lets make a move Second, we are taking the left flank. I want a single file formation, Johnson, your on point, Lionmane, keep your eyes on your tracker, everyone else watch your spacing and use the seabed rock formations as cover as much as possible. Lets move it marines!"

<tag 2 Section>

Obi finished his orders and took up is position at the rear of the sections formation as the marines moved out. Keying his comm once again, Obi called up on the platoon net. "All callsigns, Two Section moving out, taking the left flank, over. "

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Re: M1T8 - Contact

Post by maxvale76 » Mon Dec 21, 2009 4:13 pm

As Sam heard the reports of the large blip move closer and closer and then move off; she immediately thought of a sub dropping off people to the habitat. A minute later, her thoughts were echoed by SGT Simovic's voice.

As Simovic and Pitt directed 3rd squad to the right flank, Hall sent a quick, "Aye, aye" response, and started to move in that direction, taking up a position on Pitt's flank and in front of Morse. She was getting used to the suit's strange manner of moving and was soon moving in the "moon-bounce" style that allowed the quickest means of moving into position.

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Re: M1T8 - Contact

Post by Quinn » Mon Dec 21, 2009 9:47 pm

"Copy that Sarge." Sixtus replied, and tied into his squad's commnet and selected the private channel to Sergeant Kurosaki. "Kuro, we got the orders. We're on point. I'll move 'em out."

He moved his eyes over to the icon that read for his squad's commnet and jacked into it. "Alright guys, we drew point. Gaz, you're the front of the diamond. Let's move."

<tag first squad>

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Re: M1T8 - Contact

Post by pants » Wed Dec 23, 2009 7:06 am

Obi wrote:"Ok lads, you heard the Staff. Looks like we got Corporate mercenarys moving around down there. I don't know what their game is, but stay cool and lets see if we can avoid any shooting if possible. Alright, lets make a move Second, we are taking the left flank. I want a single file formation, Johnson, your on point, Lionmane, keep your eyes on your tracker, everyone else watch your spacing and use the seabed rock formations as cover as much as possible. Lets move it marines!"

<tag 2 Section>
"Affirmative Corporal O'Brien!" replies Gordon over the comm.

He waits for Johnson to take point and then falls in behind his fellow marine, while keeping an eye firmly on his scanner.

"No contacts on the scanner so far Corp," says Gordon as he uses the suit thrusters to move him after his squad mates.

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Re: M1T8 - Contact

Post by Gaz » Wed Dec 23, 2009 3:43 pm

Gaz moved forward in the dark. The suits were easier to control than he expected, but it was still difficult. The light mounted on his shoulder didn't let him see very far into the distance, so he kept his eye on the motion tracker to see if there were any contacts in front of him. He tried to keep a cool head, which was hard to do when it feels like the ocean is closing in around you.

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Re: M1T8 - Contact

Post by eyeball » Thu Dec 24, 2009 12:17 am

patch moved steadily forward gently floating about 6 inches above the surface so as to not kick up any silt and ruin visibility..not that you could see far anyway but if this stuff got moved aroud it would be down to about one meter.

staying close to simmovic and jean all three followed behind first squad as they made their approach to the now potentially hostile target. patch checked his scanner every few seconds as they got closer, "scan still clear" he reported.

<roll scan, perception>

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Re: M1T8 - Contact

Post by Apachetear » Thu Dec 31, 2009 4:29 pm

Jacob shivered as he saw the contact move away. A cold metallic taste in the back of his throat materialised, a taste he always had when about to enter a fight or when a mission got that little bit tenser...

Deciding he didnt want to spit in his diving suit, he swallowed, and had to live with the taste...

The adrenaline coursing through him, keeping him aware, he perpetually scanned the darkness for contact...


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