Turn 6: Hotter the Fire

The fourth mission
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Re: Turn 6: Hotter the Fire

Post by Whisky » Wed Jun 18, 2014 7:37 pm

<<OOC Don't worry about it, I doubt he ran through the flames. Most people where knocked off their feet remember, and you are burnt badly, 2nd degree remember.>>

The sudden thwump from upstairs had him duck his head a moment, it didnt' sound good. But he wasn't given time to think about it, Morse was shouting orders.
Without a word, Morse knew they needed to keep evening odds. ”Eyeball! Coleslaw!” Morse called out. Though he did not have orders, he was tired of waiting. ”I need them fuckin’ buggies back here now. We want there hard guns! Run yer ass’s n’ get em both back here fuckin’ now!”
"Aye, will do." Replied Colson, turning and running for the exit, intending to make it to the buggy before anything else came snapping at his heels.

<<OOC: Can I have clarification on the buggy's location I think we only have one and there are two maps, showing different locations.
Pvt. Thomas Colson
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Re: Turn 6: Hotter the Fire

Post by Dirk Pitt » Wed Jun 18, 2014 9:19 pm

Disregard last post... Editing
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Re: Turn 6: Hotter the Fire

Post by Dirk Pitt » Thu Jun 19, 2014 12:11 am

Things seemed to go into slow motion as the Queen burst through the door. With a hiss of anger she slammed her enormous, barbed tail into and then through Duncan's torso, spraying Dirk and Roberts from head to toe with a thick coating of blood. The dieing man's eyes flew open wide as his last sight faded into death. Seeing Duncan die the way he did didn't affect Dirk as much as the deaths he had seen on the operations before. There would be no new cut on Dirk's arm to remember the man.

Tasting blood in his mouth Dirk raised his Pulse rifle, ready to join Roberts in his attack on the threat. Before he could open fire the queen screamed with rage as Robert's rounds found their mark. The spray of the acidic blood came out as a high pressure but fine mist, landing on Dirk's shoulder armor and his upper arm. The blinding pain from even a light misting was intense and made Dirk cry out in pain as the acid ate through his uniform and into his bicep. Luckily the wound was more painful than damaging as the small amount of acid was partially diluted by the large amount of blood that coated him.

"Damn, that fuckin queen bled on me." He said through gritted teeth."Fall back! Fall back"
<Tag Roberts>

Steadying himself Dirk shook his head and fought through the pain. Standing up he once again raised his M41A to engage the queen. A split second before he pulled the trigger A bright flash of light caught his eye. Turning he saw that the flash was followed quickly by a fireball from below. While the fireball didn't hit the two Marines fighting the queen the heat and concussion did, sending Dirk flying.

Dirk was sent through the air, away from the creature and into the wall. His head ringing Dirk felt the burning pain from burns the intense heat radiated. After being burned by acid, blown burned and then slammed into a wall all within a few moments he had to smile grimly. Spitting out blood, both Duncan's and his own, he slowly stood looked around as he quickly regained his senses..

"Son of a bitch, what next?" He said over the comm as he quickly regained his senses.
<Tag anyone>

Sam's sudden appearance snapped Dirk out of the daze the concussion had sent him into. She was right. They were trapped by the flames. The only way out was to go through the queen. There was no need to issue orders, no need to tell the Marines on fire on the creature. It was a fight now and everyone of the Marines in the platoon was the best and knew their jobe and what needed to be done. Opening fire, he sent a stream of armor piercing rounds into the raging xeno queen.

(Roll gun combat)
(OOC Sorry about the first post. It was rushed.)
Cpl Dirk Pitt
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Pulse Rifle w/ 4 grenades, 8 canister shells
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Re: Turn 6: Hotter the Fire

Post by MarcusOTerra » Thu Jun 19, 2014 1:57 am

Boothe's eyes were wide as the fire bloomed in front of him, the wave of heat triggered his reflexes and he closed his eyes to the wave of heat that scorched over him. He'd lost his eyebrows in a similar way, but there had been fewer aliens, none exactly, and it was an accident really.

He'd also been ten.

But that wasn't now. Now was him smiling on his back as he looked at the infuriated monster that resembled the pale horde he'd just obliterated.

"Oh!" Booth managed as Sam helped him to his feet, "Were those you're kids?" As he felt her pull him toward the stairs, "CAUSE THAT'S WHAT YOU GET!" As he held up his flamer, "ECCE HOMO SAPIENS REX!" He struggled through the pain and laughing in his voice. "BITCH!"

He was smiling, even if there was some rage in his eyes. Why? Because of the man who'd died? He hadn't known him, what made the loss painful.

It was his fault. He'd called out the door as being an objective. It had been a trap, or the desire of the aliens to get it free. Now that big bitch was free to go where she wanted. Probably why there was a horde of other bugs heading straight for them.


He moved to where the fire would do the most good against the queen and pulled the trigger.

<Get up, Taunt Queen, Aim, FIRE. FIRE. FIRE>
Salazar 'Salamander' Boothe: 'Private', 'Medic', 'Marine'.
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Re: Turn 6: Hotter the Fire

Post by eyeball » Thu Jun 19, 2014 3:12 am

Hey Eyeball, now you know what I mean about the Motion Tracker eh?"
"no shit dude, good call" eyeball replied whilst checking his load out, all the bugs had run past and two very relieved but confused marines came staggering down the stairs.

after shouting for no shooting they dashed the last few meters just as a huge fireball detonated behind them.
”What the fuck was that!?”
"Marine style BBQ?" eyeball replied looking at Colsen and smiling.

Morse recovered quickest from the surprise of the large blast and quickly surmised that the main threat was probably still coming from behind them,
”Eyeball! Coleslaw! I need them fuckin’ buggies back here now. We want there hard guns! Run yer ass’s n’ get em both back here fuckin’ now!”
"aye Corporal, on our way!" Eyeball replied almost in unison with Colson, they both rowse together checked load and headed out. for the first time Eyeball saw the oncoming horde, they had a large distance to cover but were closing very very fast.

still running with Colson Eyeball asked " you wanna drive or gun? cause we are going to need all the firepower we can get" Eyeball was smiling from ear to ear as he ran, he had never been so shit scared in his life, why the fuck was he smiling.

<tag Colson>
occ where is this map of which Whisky speaks?
ImageLCpl. Robert Paulson
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Re: Turn 6: Hotter the Fire

Post by Pale Rider » Thu Jun 19, 2014 6:06 am

The combined damage of the guns and fire.washed.over the fledgling queen driving her back into.the room and effectively ending her reign. This.was a positive for those remaining upstairs for now there was no enemy left to fight. The negative lay in the fact that they were trapped in between two fires.

A low moan could be heard downstairs after the initial roar of the fireball diminished. Carrying the heavy firepower meant carrying more weight. Louis lay crumpled at the base of the stairwell his entire body smoked from the combined fire and the acidic mist that had been carried in the shock wave.

The forefront of the Xenos drew closer, so much closer the marines could begin to see individual figures.


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Re: Turn 6: Hotter the Fire

Post by Morse » Thu Jun 19, 2014 8:19 am

(Disregard earlier portion regarding Louis position)

Morse noticed something that seemed to fall amidst Xenomorph corpses and pieces of metal from the massive explosion. He had not noticed earlier in all the confusion and the situation that was continuing to unfold, but he noticed what seemed to be the corpse of a person.

Moving over to it slowly, Morse looked to see who it was. He did not recognize the body which was covered in a horrible burns. Morse did not even want to touch it. He’d been around recently deceased people before, and this one was clearly out of commission from the fire, and potentially loose acid flying through the room. Still he was not entirely sure if the person was actually dead, or even who it was.

He got down close to it to check, and looked back up, getting rather agitated with everyone upstairs for leaving him and his squad completely in the dark about the entire situation. ”I got a fuckin’ body down here! N’ someone’s gon’ git fuckin’ hit if I don’t get a god damn fuckin’ report on just what the fucks goin’ on up there!” Morse roared into his com.

< Tag anyone upstairs

For all he knew the others were dead or dying at that point and he was in command of the mission. He did not know, and as the only one viewing their most pressing threat of the massive onslaught that was half way too them, he needed an idea of what they were doing immediately.

< Check if the body is alive
Image-SSG Allen Morse - Squad Leader
-3rd Bn, 2nd Reg, 1st Co, 8th Plt
- M41A Pulse Rifle - M4 Pistol - Med Kit
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Re: Turn 6: Hotter the Fire

Post by Whisky » Thu Jun 19, 2014 9:43 am

Colson burst out of the door into the light of the alien world. The buggy was parked right outside, that was small consolation, the xeno horde was almost upon them!

"MORSE! The 242 is right outside. Eyeball, you get on the gun!" Colson shouted before vaulting into the driver's seat and powering up the buggy. Eyeball being on his heels clambered up into the gunners seat. He had no training in either driving or manning the weapons of the 242 but back at the base he had drove it some. That had to count for something right?

<tag Morse & Eyeball

Flipping a switch on the console he changed the drive chain to 'independent' and spun the vehicle on the spot so as to have it's ass pointing towards the oncoming horde before strafing sideways to come within 5m of the front door, wheels churning up the swampy land.

In the distance he saw the APC sat like a green brick. "Is that skin job going to get over her any time soon?" He asked of no one in particular.

He went back to reading the instruments on his dash, the moment the xeno's were to close he planned to lead them on a merry chase.
Pvt. Thomas Colson
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Re: Turn 6: Hotter the Fire

Post by Pale Rider » Thu Jun 19, 2014 10:45 am

With a lurch of machinery the APC raced towards the tower.
"ETA, 3.5 minutes," Pope called out!

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Re: Turn 6: Hotter the Fire

Post by Corporal Hicks » Thu Jun 19, 2014 1:15 pm

For the first time Roberts recognized Morse's call for information as something other than a distraction. Speaking into his comm he said, "Morse, this is Roberts. Duncan is KIA. Multiple walking-wounded. We just fought the queen, she might be dead. We're trapped, looking for a way out. Copy."

<Tag Morse>

Eric looked around and then he had an idea. "We can set off some grenades to blow a hole in the floor. Anyone gonna chip in?" he said, referring to chipping in grenades. In the meantime he knelt over Duncan's gory remains and pulled four grenades out of his bandoleer. He put his hands out so other soldiers could donate to his plan.

<Tag Command Squad/Hall/Boothe/Creed>
ImageSgtMaj. Danny Sykes - Platoon NCO
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Re: Turn 6: Hotter the Fire

Post by maxvale76 » Thu Jun 19, 2014 2:29 pm

Samantha lets out a long breath of relief as the Queen goes down and then the facts that they are stuck between a couple of fires and the pain of the burns kicks in and she hisses in pain and does her best to shrug it off and help others as she can.

She hears Roberts' idea and while she's no Engineer; she does wonder if perhaps anybody still has a Plasma cutter and if that might work in either cutting through the floor or at least cutting into it to help direct the blast of some grenades. She decides to speak up and put the idea out there.

"Anybody have a Hand Cutter for either trying to cut through the floor or at least making a dent to help direct the grenade blast to better open a hole in the floor?"

Upon hearing Morse's call over the comm; she waits for Eric to reply and then asks quickly; "Morse; this is Sam. How're my men doing?"; she asks; concern obvious in her voice....

<Tag Everybody in the room>

<Tag Morse>
ImageSGT Samantha "Sam" Hall

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Re: Turn 6: Hotter the Fire

Post by Whisky » Thu Jun 19, 2014 3:44 pm

Seeing the APC's wheels spin and the armoured vehicle lurch into motion gave Colson a brief moment of relief. Standing up on the seat he looked backwards to the approaching horde, then back at the APC. Doing the math in his head the numbers didn't bode well.

"Morse, this is Colson," he spoke into his comm. "Good news the APCs en route, bad news is there is going to precious little time to load up and the hell crickets over running us. You've got less three minutes to be down here and out by my guess. And even then it's going to be tight."

He swallowed and took a deep breath before speaking the next part. "Eyeball and I might be able to buy you some time by running distraction in the 242 but that'll be chancy at best on this terrain."

<Tag Morse

Chancy was an understatement, he wasn't trained in using the vehicle no more than his squad mate was in using the weapon systems. And the swampy terrain could easily render them immobile if he was not careful. He wasn't in a rush to die playing hero but something had to be done and fast.
Pvt. Thomas Colson
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Re: Turn 6: Hotter the Fire

Post by Quicksilver » Thu Jun 19, 2014 4:44 pm

With a groan Mark pushed himself back up off the ground where he’d landed as the back drafted explosion had funneled into the lower hallway. He couldn’t remember ever running faster in his life, particularly not with that level of weight. The back of his neck, the only part of his skin exposed from the back, felt warm, like he’d spent to much time out in the sun. The rest of him, guarded by the marginal thermal resistance of the Marine BDU, had made it through essentially unscathed. As he regained his bearings, he became aware of Morse moving past him. Louis?

Giosso turned and looked over his shoulder. Morse was kneeling next to Louis’ badly burned body. Mark could tell by his posture it the loud-mouthed marine wasn’t expecting to get a positive result. He had a sickening realization that only a handful of steps, a second’s reaction time, had separated him from his squad-mate’s fate. Getting the rest of the way up to his feet, Mark stumbled forward and fully around the corner where the last of Morse’s squad still in the building was waiting. He took a moment to take a couple of full breaths through the atmospheric mask and regain a little clarity in his head.

“Copy Three-Point-Five minutes.” He replied into his microphone to Pope.

Mark looked around the lobby. A research station dealing with something this dangerous might just keep something useful around, anything that might delay or distract the incoming horde, by themselves a few minutes. Still slightly dazed, Giosso searched around the lobby for anything that might prove useful.

<Search/Security Systems>
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Re: Turn 6: Hotter the Fire

Post by Morse » Thu Jun 19, 2014 4:48 pm

As always, there was a sudden flood of responses. That was the daily life in the Corps. You either got no information you needed, or far more then you ever wanted. Fortunately it came just far apart for Morse to be able to think straight on all of it.

Duncan was dead. That was a shame, but Morse did not think on it even for a second. The two had never gotten along well at all, and at the moment their situation was far more dire then to allow even a moment for mourning. Even more upstairs were wounded and coming. Apparently there had been a Queen, or something like it upstairs. But Morse knew what he was seeing running at them down hill was one as well, or just a giant Xenomorph.

Then Sam asked about her squad. Morse then realized who the dead man was on the ground, who he now knew to be dead. ”Yer gunner got burnt up real bad. Figure in that fireball! Whatever that explosion was. Sam’m sorry, he’s gone. Giosso’s good though!” Morse said, knowing the loss of any man in a squad was a rough loss, one that Morse did not fully share yet.

< Tag Sam

Morse looked around and saw the Xenomorph horde as having closed half the distance they had before. ”Aw God! We don’ deserve this shit!” Morse commented seeing them running at them. It was a miserable death that awaited them all for sure, in a very rapid order.

Then another set of calls came through the radio. The APC was on its way. But the worst part was the amount of time it would take to get there. There was no time for anything. They’d hardly have time to load before the swarm was all over them.

Morse realized all that, just as he saw Colson and Eyeball ride up on the 242 buggy. And then Morse had a single idea, which may not have been a good one or anything short of a bad one really. But he also had a singular opportunity to do something he thought was his option, and what he found to be his singular designation.

“Hold the Hallway”. But the order was not to hold in the hallway. Just to cover the platoons back, and ensure they didn’t get to the hallway. Morse assumed that was by any means necessary as always, and he was going to do it, regardless of inevitable write up, citation, or demotion.

”Sam! We’re gonna tryin’ buy you some time! Just hurry up’n’out!” Morse called out to the last person he spoke to.

< Tag Sam and anyone upstairs

He looked at Giosso and Wilks, the two men standing with him. Though they were the same rank, and in different squads, this was not Giosso’s first time in. ”Giosso! Hallways yers! Help em down anyway ya can!” Morse then looked at Wilks. ”You keep him fuckin’ safe! Got it!?” Morse demanded to his riflemen. He wasn’t sure how Wilks would take to that order, but it was the only man he had.

< Tag Giosso and Wilks

Morse then ran out of the hall to the buggy which was right outside, an extremely short run even with all of his equipment. Morse had always been one of the fastest, and in this combat scenario he wasn’t slowing down.

He saw the buggy just outside the door and he came running up. ”You aint goin’ alone!” Morse yelled to Colson, who he likely didn’t expect him to be right behind him as he spoke it. He got up and hopped into the buggy, ejecting the more depleted drum of his M56 Smartgun, and quickly replacing it with a fresh full one, and moving his RPG to between his legs

” We’re gonna do a charge’n’strafe! Right at em! Cavalry Style!” Morse explained, pointing forward and sweeping his hand to the left. Coleslaw, this terrain aint Fredricksburg fucked! So if you flip us over’n kill us Ima kick yer fuckin’ ass you limey fuck!”[/b] Morse concluded, locking himself in so he wouldn’t fall out as he wielded his two handed weapon. ”NOW GO! GO! GO! GO! GO!” Morse concluded knowing the vehicle was about begin charging

< Tag Colson

”Eyeball! Lock’n’stock! Open up when Ima be markin’” Morse yelled, selecting targets with this eyepiece, and seeing so many didn’t make that difficult. ”SHRED THE FUCKERS!” Morse roared squeezing his triggers on the Smartgun aggressively letting loose an immense stream of fire that was fully automatic.

< Tag Eyeball

< Roll Machine gun full actions
Image-SSG Allen Morse - Squad Leader
-3rd Bn, 2nd Reg, 1st Co, 8th Plt
- M41A Pulse Rifle - M4 Pistol - Med Kit
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Re: Turn 6: Hotter the Fire

Post by Whisky » Thu Jun 19, 2014 5:43 pm

”You aint goin’ alone!” Morse yelled to Colson
Morse had heard him and had to grin. He wasn't supprised Morse wanted in on this madcap adventure. Dropping into his seat he buckled up and got ready as Morse climbed into the passenger's seat. Flipping the drive chain into 4x4.
” We’re gonna do a charge’n’strafe! Right at em! Cavalry Style!” Morse explained, pointing forward and sweeping his hand to the left. Coleslaw, this terrain aint Fredricksburg fucked! So if you flip us over’n kill us Ima kick yer fuckin’ ass you limey fuck!”[/b] Morse concluded, locking himself in so he wouldn’t fall out as he wielded his two handed weapon. ”NOW GO! GO! GO! GO! GO!” Morse concluded knowing the vehicle was about begin charging
"Roger THAT!" Confirmed Colson and swung the buggy around to face the oncoming horde before flooring it, kicking up mud and debris the 242 surged forward charging right at the oncoming xeno's, at 150m he would swing left to give Morse and Eyeball the perfect strafing run.

Knuckles white from gripping the controls his lips pressed into a thin line, he concentrated everything he had into trying to keep control of the vehicle and his squad mates in one piece, and the xeno's in as many pieces as possible.

<Vehicle Operation
Pvt. Thomas Colson
2nd Squad - Medic


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