Turn 3: Where Eagles Fly

The fifth mission.
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Turn 3: Where Eagles Fly

Post by Pale Rider » Wed Dec 17, 2014 7:11 pm

Planet: Goliath
Location: CSC Space
Date: August 8, 2186
Mission Time: 1500
"Lieutenant Quinn, based on the evidence presented in this Military Tribunal, on the charge of destruction of government property equivalent to 18 to 26 million dollars, under Article 108, I find you guilty as charged. You will be returned to Earth for sentencing. This court is adjourned."
A loud fracas ensued which was quickly silenced by the Rear Admiral. Lt. Sixtus Quinn was removed from the courtroom in handcuffs and escorted to his holding cell. Vice Admiral Burns and Lt. Colonel McGehee turned to exit the assembly room. "Commander Soles, join me in my office if you will."

Burns entered his suite and settled behind his desk, "Commander what kind of chicken crap organization do you think this is. I refuse to allow this travesty of a verdict to be carried out. We will handle this situation here onboard my vessel here and now. Colonel McGehee, what options do we have under Colonial Marine protocol to reprimand Lt. Quinn?" He leaned back and looked at his cohort.

"Sir, I believe we have two options: we can let Quinn go to Earth and we will be down a reliable officer who has more successful missions under his belt than any other Platoon Commanders under my command. Or we can demote him from 2nd Lieutenant to Chief Warrant Officer 5th class and reduce his salary by $3,457 dollars a year. He can spend four months in the local garrison's brig. During that time the Eights will restock and regroup under the watchful eye of Sergeant Dirk Pitt. Once the four months is up we can return him to our ship and he can resume command of the Easy Eights," McGehee said the final words looking directly in Commander Soles eyes.

Vice Admiral Burns stood and moved to stand over Commander Soles, "Amanda, I can call you Amanda right?" He continued without waiting for an answer, "I know exactly what game your beloved Admiral Exum is about and I will not sit idly by while some traitorous dog gets pissed because his little toy didn't get delivered as he wanted. You will wipe the records of your verdict and you will turn Lt. Quinn over to Colonel McGehee to handle. This is not a threat but an order and it will not be disobeyed or I will see to it that your career is over."

"SIR, YES SIR!" Secretly she was glad things happened this way.

Lt. Sixtus Quinn, was quietly demoted to Chief Warrant Officer 5th Class and escorted to the local brig on Goliath, mean while the Eights spent four months in training and getting to know the system and their new unit commander Lt. Colonel McGehee.

Planet: Goliath
Location: CSC Space
Date: January 1, 2187
Mission Time: 00:00

Master Chief Gilmore escorted CWO Quinn to meet with Admiral Burns and Colonel McGehee. During Quinn's incarceration it seems that three other vessels were taken and orders had come down the pike for something to be done about it. The Eights were on tap to infiltrate a small base that had been located on a small moon that orbited Adullan. Quinn was being brought in for a mission briefing.

"Quinn, it is good to see you again. Please take a seat," Burns waved him to a seat. Sergeant Pitt was already seated at the table.
"Gentlemen, Fleet Admiral Exum has ordered us to send in an expedientry force against what is believed to be a small contingency of the Secessionists. He has specifically ordered the Eights out on this mission. The 52nd Company will serve as your backup," he nodded his head towards a gray headed marine seated to Dirks left, "1st Lieutenant Matthais Wellner is the Company CO and Sergeant Samba Danzo serves as his eyes and ears on the ground. At this time I will turn things over to Colonel McGehee."

The Colonel stood up and walked over to a small console embedded in the conference table; pushing a button a holographic image of the galaxy appearred. "This is Adullan," he pointed a small pointer at the fifth planet from the sun. She is home to GrantCorp Labs one of Weiyland-Yutani's biggest competitors." The section containing the planet swelled until it occupied the whole space, "The object of our mission is this little hunk of rock." Using the pointer he rotated the lunar satellites until the highlighted one was front and foremost. "The moon shares an atmosphere with Adullan and has similar topographical features of the area surrounding Parris Island. We have not been able to locate the exact location of the base but we know that radio signals have been emitting from the Northwest Quadrant." Again an area was highlighted and enlarged. The terrain appeared to be a low mountain range with temperate forests. "This mountain is riddled with cave systems and has an underground tributary. This is the best location for a secret hide out. Do y'all have any questions?"

<Tag Quinn or Dirk>

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Re: Turn 3: Where Eagles Fly

Post by Corporal Hicks » Wed Dec 17, 2014 8:29 pm

As weeks and months went by uneventfully, Roberts got to know everyone in the unit much better. Until this point he hadn't really gotten a chance to get to know them outside of a combat situation. Of course, he had known Dirk and Quinn in the past, but the grizzled officers bared little resemblance to the young men he remembered. With time, the deaths of Roberts' squad on Ekylprillion faded from memory. Whether he could have saved them or not, life never stopped moving, especially in the marine corps.

Eric spent most of his training brushing up on his smartgun skills. He had been given the smartgun because he had combat experience with it, but that was before he spent several years as a civilian on Earth. With all of the cryotube travel, it must have seemed much shorter to the veterans, but for Roberts it was years ago.

Roberts had grown to like his new squad. Sam's optimism was refreshing, Sal was amusing, and Giosso was smart as hell. He did his best to live in the moment, as he had been taught by years of therapy. But he couldn't stop himself from thinking about the people he had lost, and fearing the loss of these new friends.
ImageSgtMaj. Danny Sykes - Platoon NCO
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Re: Turn 3: Where Eagles Fly

Post by MarcusOTerra » Thu Dec 18, 2014 12:18 am

Sal's reaction to Quinn's return was relief, but also concern. His redacted and rewritten setencing looked like an addendum of mercy from where he was sitting, but something felt off about the whole thing.

Throughout the four month they were cooling their heels, Sal had been keeping his ears open, and his eyes wide. It added to his usual 'alien' appearance and nobody seemed to give him another look. This was an area on the edge of insurrection. Everyone knew that. What wasn't readily clear was where everyone came from.

How many 'local boys' were drilling on the field next to the Eights? How much of the local regiment had grown up in the region, had family on those planets? Bureau Personnel could probably type up a nice pretty report detailing just that; and then it'd get scrubbed and sanitized before Sal would have the paygrade to even request it.

Morse's beef with colonials was making more and more sense by the week, on Goliath. Sal was hating it. He exhales as the briefing goes into swing, and their new brass details the op.

Sal desperatetly wants to know if its the same S.O.B.'s that pegged them a while back, but he was buck private. Had to wait for the LT... no... Warrant Officer Quinn to have his stab at the intel, then Pitt, then it'd be Sam and Morse....

Sucked being at the bottom of the chain. Least it wasn't heavy down here.
Salazar 'Salamander' Boothe: 'Private', 'Medic', 'Marine'.
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Re: Turn 3: Where Eagles Fly

Post by Morse » Thu Dec 18, 2014 12:59 am

(Since I don’t believe we’re at this briefing)

In many ways Morse enjoyed the idea of being on Goliath. While it was far away from Earth, it amounted to the most forefront outpost in the fight against Independents, Insurrectionists, and Secessionists. In his mind he could have just amended that phrase to be ‘Colonists’, but he did recognize that there was a difference between all of the groups.

He took it easy though for most of his time on base. Other then random training drills with newer recruits, or obstacle course wagers that he’d take against other marines, he tended to just work with a makeshift still, or harass the locals with his Earth superiority rhetoric.

Really he was just waiting for a fight. He knew that a major base such as that was set up for a reason, and was just waiting for the day when they would get loaded back up to crush someone else. And though it took four months for that to happen, he was more the ready for it.

The return of Quinn almost surprised him. Morse had been mostly concerned with the loss of their medic, since there was never any shortage of officers to make bad calls. But with his return came a degree of relief. While Morse did not necessarily like the rail roading he took to be demoted, Morse did not necessarily find himself in shock over it either. The Marine Corps did run on a budget, which was not necessarily huge. So the loss of any piece of heavy equipment, especially a fully functioning ship, required a serious explanation. And when it came to fixing the damage, it was easier to punish a lowly soldier then it was to replacing the vessel. So that’s what happened.

Morse always ran with the counter opinion to his fellow marines, it was almost a stigma. But in many ways it was because he did not take most policies seriously. He did not presume that he’d stay in the Marines for his entire life, unless he died doing it. But his lowly rank of Corporal was something that he was surprised he still maintained given his lack of concern for decorum and regulations.

But he was just left waiting for whatever came next like everyone else as he didn’t know what it was they were going to do. He just knew he was ready for a fight for once.
Image-SSG Allen Morse - Squad Leader
-3rd Bn, 2nd Reg, 1st Co, 8th Plt
- M41A Pulse Rifle - M4 Pistol - Med Kit
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Re: Turn 3: Where Eagles Fly

Post by eyeball » Thu Dec 18, 2014 3:10 am

eyeball spent the days training as hard as he could, brushing up his skill on sentry guns and comms skills learning bypass tricks and electronic wizardry from anyone that could show him.

He hung out with Morse a few times even took a bet that he could drink a whole mug full of Morse's "special brew" , three days in medical followed that bright idea, a stomach pump and some serious medication to repair the damage to his stomach and liver. Morse had just chuckled and walked away taking his money, how the hell did he drink that stuff all the time?

The rest of the time it was training MARINE training non of this pussy soldier stuff, the months ticked by quickly Eyeball was in the best shape he had ever been in physically, but the eights were still suffering from lowered moral the new Lt seemed fine but you always paint a rose colored picture with the things from previous events in the eights mind no one could replace their old Lt.
ImageLCpl. Robert Paulson
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Re: Turn 3: Where Eagles Fly

Post by maxvale76 » Thu Dec 18, 2014 5:38 pm

Samantha did her best to keep her squad busy with training and down-time activities to keep morale up and their minds off of the bizarre rail-road job that had led to Quinn's demotion; and she did her best to try and ignore all the anti-colonial flak flying around and do her part to show that some Colonials; like her; were right there with every other marine; taking risks and going in the line of fire just like them.

While on the one hand she could kind of understand the desire of many Colonial worlds' to run themselves and not be at the mercy of a far-off controlling government which was really just a figure head for Corporate heads; but on the other hand she saw how much ill-will was generated when hot-heads immediately starting firing on and killing Soldiers and Marines and civilian employees of Terran government installations or ICC facilities who had nothing to do with policy decisions. She sighed and shook her head and did her best to just be part of the Platoon and as effective a Marine as possible under the circumstances. She would admit though that while the Aliens were terrifying; it was easier for her to shoot at them than fellow human-beings....
ImageSGT Samantha "Sam" Hall

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Re: Turn 3: Where Eagles Fly

Post by EVSA » Tue Dec 23, 2014 12:02 pm

How much free time a marine had on his hands amazed Bell. Having just gotten out of training, he loved his newfound relative freedom. Even after haunting the gym almost every day he still had the leisure of sleeping a lot, reading and watching TV. This turned out to be an issue when he agreed to follow eyeball for a post workout mug of Morse Brew. His only consolation was that he wasn’t the only one to wake up in sickbay.

Following this incident he decided to find a better hobby. He started loitering in the mechanics bay, giving an untrained hand with the maintenance of vehicles that were thought of as the epitome of comfort and luxury during his marine training days: APCs and Ground Exploration Vehicles.
Private Andrew Bell - Rifleman
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Re: Turn 3: Where Eagles Fly

Post by Morse » Tue Dec 23, 2014 7:51 pm

Rather then spend a day wandering outside looking for nothing, Morse found his way into the mechanics bay. He was there specifically to check on the weapon system of the M-242 Buggies in the bay.

He hated small vehicles in a lot of ways. Though they had essentially saved his life, they were extremely exposed. They flipped over easy if not being driven correctly, and of course they had a very limited carrying capacity. Three wasn’t even enough to hold an entire squad.

But he had a certain amount of respect for what he, Coleslaw, and Eyeball had managed to do in one on their last deployment, even if it left every one of them in the hospital.

Morse walked through, his M2 Flak vest on, adorned in his usual war memorabilia, and of course his M4A3 pistol. On his vest the words “Plan B Diplomacy” was still written, though faded from his last mission. And hanging off of his belt was the expected canteen of ‘non regulation’ liquid that had sent many to the med bay.

As he moved through he noticed Bell, the latest addition to their platoon. Morse could all but confirm that he was to be attached to his squad on their next deployment, but he still could not be completely sure. But it didn’t stop him from already figuring out what he wanted to call him.

”Hey Bluegrass!” Morse called out to Bell, having wasted no time assigning a name that he would likely call him for the rest of his time of knowing him. ”How’s that gut handlin’ the new rot?” Morse began to chuckle with superiority at the joke. Most people couldn’t handle it well, and Morse had literally years on all of them. Still he figured he’d ask, because if the Marine died Morse could finally get the dishonorable discharge he always seemed to be working towards.

< Tag Bell
Image-SSG Allen Morse - Squad Leader
-3rd Bn, 2nd Reg, 1st Co, 8th Plt
- M41A Pulse Rifle - M4 Pistol - Med Kit
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Re: Turn 3: Where Eagles Fly

Post by Dirk Pitt » Tue Dec 23, 2014 8:21 pm

Pale Rider wrote:

Lt. Sixtus Quinn, was quietly demoted to Chief Warrant Officer 5th Class and escorted to the local brig on Goliath, mean while the Eights spent four months in training and getting to know the system and their new unit commander Lt. Colonel McGehee.

Planet: Goliath
Location: CSC Space
Date: January 1, 2187
Mission Time: 00:00

Master Chief Gilmore escorted CWO Quinn to meet with Admiral Burns and Colonel McGehee. During Quinn's incarceration it seems that three other vessels were taken and orders had come down the pike for something to be done about it. The Eights were on tap to infiltrate a small base that had been located on a small moon that orbited Adullan. Quinn was being brought in for a mission briefing.

"Quinn, it is good to see you again. Please take a seat," Burns waved him to a seat. Sergeant Pitt was already seated at the table.
"Gentlemen, Fleet Admiral Exum has ordered us to send in an expedientry force against what is believed to be a small contingency of the Secessionists. He has specifically ordered the Eights out on this mission. The 52nd Company will serve as your backup," he nodded his head towards a gray headed marine seated to Dirks left, "1st Lieutenant Matthais Wellner is the Company CO and Sergeant Samba Danzo serves as his eyes and ears on the ground. At this time I will turn things over to Colonel McGehee."

The Colonel stood up and walked over to a small console embedded in the conference table; pushing a button a holographic image of the galaxy appearred. "This is Adullan," he pointed a small pointer at the fifth planet from the sun. She is home to GrantCorp Labs one of Weiyland-Yutani's biggest competitors." The section containing the planet swelled until it occupied the whole space, "The object of our mission is this little hunk of rock." Using the pointer he rotated the lunar satellites until the highlighted one was front and foremost. "The moon shares an atmosphere with Adullan and has similar topographical features of the area surrounding Parris Island. We have not been able to locate the exact location of the base but we know that radio signals have been emitting from the Northwest Quadrant." Again an area was highlighted and enlarged. The terrain appeared to be a low mountain range with temperate forests. "This mountain is riddled with cave systems and has an underground tributary. This is the best location for a secret hide out. Do y'all have any questions?"

<Tag Quinn or Dirk>
Dirk thought about it for a moment. "Yes sir. What are the rules of engagement? Also, what kind of troop strength can we expect? Weapons, equipment?" Dirk said, then waited for an answer.
(OOC-Sorry. My internet has been out for over a week. I'll post more later.)
Cpl Dirk Pitt
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Pulse Rifle w/ 4 grenades, 8 canister shells
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Re: Turn 3: Where Eagles Fly

Post by Pale Rider » Tue Dec 23, 2014 11:18 pm

Dirk Pitt wrote: Dirk thought about it for a moment. "Yes sir. What are the rules of engagement? Also, what kind of troop strength can we expect? Weapons, equipment?" Dirk said, then waited for an answer.
"Son, the rules of engagement are simple: 1. Capture the enemy base. 2. If fired upon return fire. 3. Keep us one enemy alive in order to interrogate them. 4. Return with proof that they are receiving equipment and information from someone within the ranks of the USCM or Weyland-Yutani," the Colonel explained.

Running his fingers through his iron gray hair; he let out a sigh before resuming. "I wish I could tell you more but, unfortunately that's information we don't have at this time. However, what we do know is they have similar equipment to what we have. As far as specifics in the ways of armament and weapons and vehicles your guess is as good as ours. You'll be the first to lay eyes on the enemy outside of what we receive through your report from when you were attacked and you lost of the Snakefighter."

"Marines, we have had our eye blackened by these so called Dragonlords too many times recently! Especially with the ball busting handed to Quinn. I want to get to the bottom of this cluster and see honor return to the Eights and their leader. Success in this mission will see this happen. If their are no further questions you have 72 hours to prep your squads and requisition equipment."

He looked the marines over awaiting any further questions.

<Tag Dirk and Quinn>

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Re: Turn 3: Where Eagles Fly

Post by EVSA » Wed Dec 24, 2014 1:45 am

”Hey Bluegrass!” Bell didn’t react at first, completely oblivious to Morse’s new nickname. His squad leaders voice came again, with something that made a bit more sense to him. “How’s that gut handlin’ the new rot?”

“Bluegrass” raised the engine oil jug he was pouring into an M-242 in a toasting gesture. “Still trying to clean it out of my system, sergeant”.
Private Andrew Bell - Rifleman
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Re: Turn 3: Where Eagles Fly

Post by Morse » Wed Dec 24, 2014 3:16 am

At being called Sergeant, Morse was not surprised. New people often confused him with a Sergeant, given the way he acted and the obvious amount of years he’d been in. And while he likely had qualified for it, Morse had, as Quinn put it, “a drawer full of reprimands.”

That suited Morse just fine though, since he didn’t really want to be in the upper end of the lowest part of the totem pole, which was exactly what the enlisted corps was.

”That’s Corporal fuck nut.” Morse corrected. ”Dirk hear’s you call me ‘at shit yer likely to make em cry a jealousy.”

Morse adjusted his holster a moment and continued. ”But, s’better ya git’ it outa the way now, rather’n out in the shootin’.” Morse commented. ”I remember Obi took his first out there… puked all over the deck a some corporate lab… shit was funny.” Morse got lost in the thought a moment and paused.

”Anyway, I’m lookin’ to get yer ass strapped to the Dead Shots.” Morse said the nickname of his squad. 2nd squads got long track record a killin’ the fuck outa anythin’ n’ everthin’ what considers itself dangerous n’ I’m a man down. You got arguin’ to do on that point?” Morse typically was just assigned people right of cryo. This time though he was meeting him first and so he figured he’d ask if there was a problem.

< Tag Bell
Image-SSG Allen Morse - Squad Leader
-3rd Bn, 2nd Reg, 1st Co, 8th Plt
- M41A Pulse Rifle - M4 Pistol - Med Kit
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Re: Turn 3: Where Eagles Fly

Post by EVSA » Fri Dec 26, 2014 1:46 am

The private cursed himself for a fool. Addressing his squad leader as “sergeant” made it clear that the only thing that happened between his time in marine school and now was a cryo nap.

Morse said:
”Anyway, I’m lookin’ to get yer ass strapped to the Dead Shots.” Morse said the nickname of his squad. 2nd squads got long track record a killin’ the fuck outa anythin’ n’ everthin’ what considers itself dangerous n’ I’m a man down. You got arguin’ to do on that point?”
Blinking once, twice, Bell stared blankly for a few seconds at the corporal. Not quite sure what Morse was talking about, he decided it best not to upset him. “No argument, corporal”

He figured he’d asked eyeball what a “Dead Shot” was when next he saw him in the gym.

< Tag Morse, Eyeball
Private Andrew Bell - Rifleman
3rd Div. 2nd Reg. 1st Co, 8th Plt.
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Re: Turn 3: Where Eagles Fly

Post by Whisky » Fri Dec 26, 2014 12:35 pm

The down time was spent like any other, the only difference was that Colson had finally been able to get his teeth fixed. Nothing fancy, he pay grade didn't afford him that. Just a set of dentures which made him feel old before his time. At least he didn't lisp any more.

Walking in behind Morse he heard his squad leader giving the new guy the second squad's standard MO, shoot first, don't bother asking questions, just keep shooting. To begin with Colson hadn't been 100% behind that ethos, however it had saved him and his squad a number of times so now he didn't bother to question it. It was far better than trying to stitch up a marine because someone hesitated.

"Hey Morse," Colson greeted without lisping "The the new face you told me about?" he asked. Referring to Bell who had something of a shell shocked expression on his face, common to those who met Morse for the first time. "I'm Colson, Deadshot's medic." He said in way of greeting.

<Tag Morse, Bell
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Re: Turn 3: Where Eagles Fly

Post by Morse » Fri Dec 26, 2014 4:59 pm

The new recruit seemed a bit confused by what Morse was saying, though as for which part specifically he had no idea. Morse’s accent was rather dense and hard to sift through at times. But Morse was not sure if that was what was getting in the way, or if the marine generally had no idea what he was talking about.

Morse naturally assumed it was the latter, still believing that he was the easiest to understand in the platoon since he spoke the most plain and on the nose of anyone there.

There then came the sound of a British man, who was no longer speaking with a toothless lisp, who Morse knew as his current medic. Colson figured out immediately that this was their new recruit, but it seemed plausible that they hadn’t met yet.

”Coleslaw.” Morse immediately referred to Colson by what Morse considered his name to be. ”This here’s… uh, I don’t remember his name. Bluegrass fits him fars’ I’m concerned, given he’s new as shit n’s commin’ from some way out Colony I’m sure’s got enough radiation what’d turn it all em plants funky colors. Just the latest rifle on the line. Aint seen him shoot nothin’, just hopin’ that its semi straight.”

Morse thought it was a decent reason to call him that. Generally he didn’t hide the reason for nicknames, so he just came out with the reason.

< Tag Bell and Colson
Image-SSG Allen Morse - Squad Leader
-3rd Bn, 2nd Reg, 1st Co, 8th Plt
- M41A Pulse Rifle - M4 Pistol - Med Kit
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