2nd Squad and the APC

The marines find themselves on LV-426 where it all started.
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Re: 2nd Squad and the APC

Post by Medic Guy » Sun Jul 09, 2017 10:02 pm

Realizing that casualties were starting to pile up a bit, Clint called to Knutson "You got him sir? I'm gonna see to the others real quick." Priest came rolling up in the APC about that time.

<Tag Knutson>

Clint picks up his pace and observes what looks like fairly minor wounds on Grayham.
- JR - wrote:"Acid!" she managed to yelp as a warning to the others. "Help me!"
Clint pushes Wang to her hands and knees as the last of the armor falls off. He grabs his canteen and pours it out across the back of her head attempting to dilute the acid that's trying to eat into her face. He pulls her canteen and does the same to hopefully stop any remaining acid in her tissues.

"We'll get you back to the APC Wang and I can take a better look at your burns."

<Tag Wang>
Roll First Aid/Medical - Professional

"Quick thinking Perez, good job man. I can get Wang back if you'll help Grayham to the APC." he calls to the smartgunner as he starts to get Wang back on her feet.

<Tag Perez>

"Looks like I'm gonna be putting on a few band-aids today" he mutters quietly to himself.
ImageCorporal Clint McKenna
USCM Special Forces Recon Team
Serial Number: L69/EA5.2.31782M9

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Pvt. Isabel Orozco - Rifleman; formerly of the U.S.S. Shiloh Marine Detachment, currently on public relations campaign.
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Re: 2nd Squad and the APC

Post by - JR - » Mon Jul 10, 2017 12:20 am

Medic Guy wrote:Clint pushes Wang to her hands and knees as the last of the armor falls off. He grabs his canteen and pours it out across the back of her head attempting to dilute the acid that's trying to eat into her face. He pulls her canteen and does the same to hopefully stop any remaining acid in her tissues.
Sara coughed and sputtered as the water poured down over her head, struggling to keep her hands firmly on the ground and off her burning face.
Medic Guy wrote:"We'll get you back to the APC Wang and I can take a better look at your burns."

"Quick thinking Perez, good job man. I can get Wang back if you'll help Grayham to the APC."
he calls to the smartgunner as he starts to get Wang back on her feet.

"Looks like I'm gonna be putting on a few band-aids today" he mutters quietly to himself.
"Urrghh... Thanks, fellas," she muttered as Clint pulled her to her feet. She made a point of grabbing her smoldering, discarded chestpiece by an unburned corner before stumbling back toward the APC with the medic.
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Re: 2nd Squad and the APC

Post by Hayden Knutson » Mon Jul 10, 2017 4:19 am

Clint called to Knutson "You got him sir? I'm gonna see to the others real quick."
"I got him, Private. Go!" said the Lieutenant. He dragged Sykes onto the APC, and dug around for some morphine. Jabbing it into Sykes' leg, he leaned out of the door. "Hall, Honeysett, get in the APC, RIGHT NOW! McKenna, Perez, get the wounded here ON THE DOUBLE! We are LEAVING, marines!"
<Tag Everyone>

Knutson sat down at the APC command center. He spoke in the comms to First Squad. "Jonsson, Pitt, figure out what brought down that dropship. And be alert, we've got three wounded, here. These things are fast, do not underestimate them."
<Tag First Squad>
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Re: 2nd Squad and the APC

Post by Apachetear » Mon Jul 10, 2017 4:47 pm

It all happened so quickly. Suddenly someone was down, another two slashed across the legs.

The APC rumbled over and he heard the order.

He didn't turn his back. Instead he backpedalled until he was near the APC. People were being hauled aboard, and he waited for the wounded. As soon as he could, he got aboard, breathing hard. He aimed out of the doorway, waiting to lay down fire if more appeared.

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Re: 2nd Squad and the APC

Post by Nicole Grayham » Mon Jul 10, 2017 6:29 pm

Nicole did not understand immediately what has happened. Her legs hurt like hell, but her mixed feelings let her know how lucky she was - in this damn situation.
A moment later she was clearer and saw to Wang who looked very hurt. "Thank you." She knewed that Wang made the miracle happen.
Perez and McKenna helped Wang and Grayham tried to take her weapon, she hoped the thing wouldn´t come back, but this was the safe play.

And she heard the fall back order by the com. „I think I can walk on my own.“ She tried to stand up but struggled. So she was grateful for the help.

<Tag Wang, Perez, McKenna>
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Re: 2nd Squad and the APC

Post by maxvale76 » Mon Jul 10, 2017 8:54 pm

Samantha Hall was a confused mix of emotions.....satisfaction that her aim had put her burst in a perfect place to eliminate the alien threat.....fear and repulsion over the looks and capabilities of the alien opponent......horror at the acid blood that spilled out of the creature from her burst and landed on one of her fellow marines....

"OH MY GOD, I'M SO SORRY!"; she yelled out to Wang; "I HAD NO IDEA! I'M SO SORRY!".....and then she shook herself back to the moment as she heard the order from the Lieutenant and saw the wounded being dragged onto the APC.

"Sorry mon....I mean El Tee! But I have to wait for Dirk and Caleija"; she said in a rushed an apologetic tone as she realized that the rest of her squad still wasn't in the APC. That said, she swept up her Pulse Rife to eye level again, planted in the crook of her shoulder and keeping her back to the vehicle, she kept a close watch for any more alien nightmare creatures out there. Into the comms she said; "Dirk, mon; the El Tee is getting everyone on board da APC, you're gonna wanna hoof it quick 'fore we roll out".

<Tag Wang>
<Tag LT>
<Tag Dirk>
ImageSGT Samantha "Sam" Hall

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Re: 2nd Squad and the APC

Post by JuanPerez » Tue Jul 11, 2017 10:56 am

He managed to get the body armor off Wang just in time, and McKenna did his job by pouring water over her face.
"Quick thinking Perez, good job man. I can get Wang back if you'll help Grayham to the APC."
"Sure, i'll grab Grayham."

... he nodded approvingly to McKenna ...
"Hall, Honeysett, get in the APC, RIGHT NOW! McKenna, Perez, get the wounded here ON THE DOUBLE! We are LEAVING, marines!"
... shouted the Lieutenant. But he already helped Grayham to get up from the ground and giving her the shoulder ...

"Forget about the pain 'till your inside the APC, 20 yards to go, Kid."

... he said to Grayham, while urging her to the APC. He handed her inside the APC, then unlocked the smartgun, stowed it away and seat inside the APC.
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Re: 2nd Squad and the APC

Post by Nicole Grayham » Tue Jul 11, 2017 12:12 pm

With the help from Perez Niki reached the APC and let herself fall into the seat.
And she had to say again „Thank you.“ Nicole felt not very good, not only because of the pain. The adrenaline in her blood let her forget the pain for this moment.
She was careless only a little moment and the revenge came soon.

Nicole had got the feeling she had put the squad in danger and had to fight with herself. She put her head in her hands and tried not to cry.
Private Nicole Grayham

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Re: 2nd Squad and the APC

Post by JuanPerez » Tue Jul 11, 2017 4:18 pm

Perez sat somewhat exhausted in his seat, watching the scene in front of him, while fingering his canteen out of the belt. His underwear was sweat-swollen, his hands trembeld slightly as the adrenalin rush of the previous battle fell off beat by beat. He opened the canteen absent mindendly and began to sip the military energie drink. One look at Sykes and Wang told him, that they got severly wounded by this scorpion-bugs, Grayham was lucky to get away with a minor injury. Especially Danny didn't looked to well. Once again, Juan pulled out a necklace, kissed the pendant shaped as a golden cross and put it back into the uniform as part of and old ritual. He closed his eyes and sent a short prayer to the lord and thanked him, that nobody of his squad had bought it yet. As the rush of battle slowed down, his brain began to work.

Intelligence reports were negative about indigenious life on LV-426, nevertheless they encountered a deadly and aggressive life-form, which he never saw or heard before. Much worse, they got ambushed that close to the colonie of Hadley's Hope, which opened up the very possibility, that this bugs did overrun the colonie. How many colonist were on Hadley's ? About 150 of them. Families. Children. Oh god. And then there was the trap. At least, Perez had formed this conclusion for himself. One of them as bait in the downed APC, two more incoming from opposite directions using the terrain to their advantage. They were not just deadly, aggressive and dumb bugs, no, these were clever ones. How many more of them are out there now? Impossible to answer. But he had this gut-feeling, that the show was not over, yet and they would find out sooner than later.

Going through this kind of thoughts, he realised, that Grayham next to him was very silent and seemded to be in bad mood.

"Don't dwell on it. You are alive, and that is all, that counts. Here, take a nip, it will restart the engine."

He handed her his canteen over.
<Tag Grayham>
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Image 1st Lt Daniela Harper - Platoon CO
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Re: 2nd Squad and the APC

Post by Nicole Grayham » Tue Jul 11, 2017 6:41 pm

Nicole raised her head, took the canteen and trank. "Thanks." And he was right, her engine started and she felt a little bit better. Her wounds still burning, but she was realy lucky.
"This was horrible. These Bugs are clever and fast." She looked to Sykes too. She didn´t know the thoughts from him, but thought in the same direction. "The poor settlers, they have no weapons to beat these bugs."
"Do you think we will find some of them alive?"

<Tag Perez>
Private Nicole Grayham

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Re: 2nd Squad and the APC

Post by - JR - » Tue Jul 11, 2017 8:30 pm

Nicole Grayham wrote:A moment later she was clearer and saw to Wang who looked very hurt. "Thank you." She knewed that Wang made the miracle happen.
Nicole Grayham wrote:Nicole had got the feeling she had put the squad in danger and had to fight with herself. She put her head in her hands and tried not to cry.
Sara felt an enormous sense of relief roll over her as she stumbled into the APC. She let go of Clint and chanced to allow her hand to her face. Finding most of it still there, she smiled. "Hey, don't worry 'bout it, really. You'd have done the same, I reckon. Glad you're alright." She peered at the woman's injury. "More or less."

<Tag Grayham>
maxvale76 wrote:"OH MY GOD, I'M SO SORRY!"; she yelled out to Wang; "I HAD NO IDEA! I'M SO SORRY!"
She plopped down into a seat and let out a long whistle as her burned armor clattered to the floor. I'm not sure anyone coulda seen that comin'. Good shooting, though. Who knows what that bug woulda done if you hadn't squished it."

<Tag Hall>

"Gonna need to take a look at this thing," she said, kicking at her discarded chestpiece, "and do some reading." She suddenly looked a little curious. "Say... you don't reckon we could capture one of them things, do ya?"

<Tag Squad>
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Re: 2nd Squad and the APC

Post by Medic Guy » Wed Jul 12, 2017 4:44 am

Clint caught his breath as he listened to the other's conversing and trying to pick one another up mentally. Hearing it lifted his morale as he hoped it did the others. He took a moment to shuck off his bag and pulled out one of the packets of medical supplies. As they got ready to roll towards 1st squad, he slung his rifle and took a look at the injured around him. Running triage codes in his head he looked from patient to patient. Grayham appeared to be a green, while Wang was potentially a yellow at the moment and Sykes appearing to be somewhere in between a yellow and red. He handed some disinfectant, antibiotic cream and compression dressing to Grayham.

"You feel comfortable using this stuff while I take a look at the others? I can give you something to take the edge off the pain in a bit if you need it." he asked glancing at Grayham with a slight smile with the last sentence.

<Tag Grayham>

He reached up into a cooler and pulled an IV bag of saline handing it over to Wang. "Probably best to flush out those wounds some more to help get any acid potentially left out. You can adjust the flow with this little wheel to go faster or slower." As he demonstrated with a little spurt of saline. "It'll help to keep your head tilted down as you do it so anything left over doesn't get washed into your eyes or mucous membranes." He patted her on the shoulder, "That was some crazy shit there Wang, like wrestling with a bear. Glad you all aren't too banged up."

<Tag Wang>

He neared Corporal Sykes and knelt to try and assess the injuries. "One dose of morphine Lt?" he asked turning his head towards the commander while loosening up Sykes boot to check for a distal pulse on the leg with a tourniquet. He gave the Corporal a little shake and started going through a level of consciousness check with him as he watched his breathing to assess the rate and quality. "Sykes, you know where you are?"

<Tag Knutson and Sykes>

Roll First Aid/Medicne - Level Professional
ImageCorporal Clint McKenna
USCM Special Forces Recon Team
Serial Number: L69/EA5.2.31782M9

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Pvt. Isabel Orozco - Rifleman; formerly of the U.S.S. Shiloh Marine Detachment, currently on public relations campaign.
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Re: 2nd Squad and the APC

Post by Corporal Hicks » Wed Jul 12, 2017 6:30 am

"Sykes, you know where you are?"
Sykes opened his eyes. The morphine had done wonders in calming him down. It felt like sweet nectar as it ran through his veins and a certain level of calm came over him.

"US Colonial Marines. APC. Big ball of rock with fuck all but some nasty bugs, Sir,"
Sykes responded.
<Tag McKenna>
ImageSgtMaj. Danny Sykes - Platoon NCO
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Re: 2nd Squad and the APC

Post by JuanPerez » Wed Jul 12, 2017 11:29 am

<Location: Near Headley's Hope, inside APC>
"This was horrible. These Bugs are clever and fast. The poor settlers, they have no weapons to beat these bugs. Do you think we will find some of them alive?"
"That depends on serveral parameters, which we do not know yet. For example, how many bugs are out there? Did the colonists had a chance to prepare themselfs or did the bugs got em by surpise? Maybe these bugs are vulnerable to something we do not know yet, but the colonist had found out? Did at least some of the marines of the Sulaco protect them?"

... he shrugged his shoulders in an attempt to express his actual state of confusion ...

"Too many question marks. I can't say, but i have a bad feeling about this."

... as he answered her question, he took back his canteen and nipped again. Then, something occured to him ...

"i wonder, if those bugs where there all the time and just came out? There are creatures, which hibernate a long amount of time, before getting active again."
<Tag Grayham>

... then Wang came up ...
"Say... you don't reckon we could capture one of them things, do ya?"
"and then? want to train it to fetch your underwear in the morning?"
<Tag Wang>

... at least, Sykes could answered the question from McKenna, which he overheard next to him.
Game Master
Image 1st Lt Daniela Harper - Platoon CO
USCM Special Forces Recon Team
Serial Number A08/TQ3.0.45013E2
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Re: 2nd Squad and the APC

Post by - JR - » Wed Jul 12, 2017 3:43 pm

Medic Guy wrote:He reached up into a cooler and pulled an IV bag of saline handing it over to Wang. "Probably best to flush out those wounds some more to help get any acid potentially left out. You can adjust the flow with this little wheel to go faster or slower." As he demonstrated with a little spurt of saline. "It'll help to keep your head tilted down as you do it so anything left over doesn't get washed into your eyes or mucous membranes." He patted her on the shoulder, "That was some crazy shit there Wang, like wrestling with a bear. Glad you all aren't too banged up."
"Thanks, buddy!" She leaned over and put the bag to use. She winced a little as the saline began to wash over her wounds. "Never had a chemical burn like that before. Good thing you know your stuff."
JuanPerez wrote:"and then? want to train it to fetch your underwear in the morning?"
She spoke from her hunched over position, still pouring the saline over her face and onto the floor. "Whew! I don't know how well that'd go over back at the base! But I'd sure love to take a closer look at one a' them things. Maybe if we could break off a little piece a' one..." She seemed to consider her words. "...Nah, you're probably right. We should make sure they're not carryin' some kinda contagion before gettin' too cozy with samples."
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