Turn 9 - Blood, Guts, and No Glory

The joint campaign of the 8th and 9th platoons
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Turn 9 - Blood, Guts, and No Glory

Post by Pale Rider » Fri Jul 06, 2007 7:39 pm

The Marines of the combined Easy Eights and Delta Dogs fired round after round into the swarming masses at their feet. Both the Alpha Xenos and the Bravo Xenos were attacking the compound and each other. It was a war out there and to the victor went the spoils, and the spoils were the men and women of the United States Colonial Marines. For two hours straight the marines sprayed lethal lead at the Xenomorphs, slowly one by one the Sentry Guns began a dry whine as they fired the last of their rounds.

The assault on the tower began to take on a different front; the Bravo group was taking on dominant numerical advantage. The Alpha group suddenly drew back from the Firebase, and a loud piercing screaming shook the marines to the foundation of their souls. The alpha’s began to congregate around the mouth of the tunnel as a large black shape began to claw its way out of the tight passage way. The powerful search lights lit the encroaching darkness to reveal it as it won free of its prison. It towered above the smaller aliens. It stood some ten feet taller than the tallest of the Bravo Xenos. Again it screamed as it began to tear into the enemies, its assault leading it into the direction of the Firebase. Every swing sent body parts flying, some the Bravos and others the Alphas.


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Turn 9 - Blood, Guts, and No Glory

Post by Dugan » Fri Jul 06, 2007 9:20 pm

Simovic and his squad had been battling for over two hours with the Alien scum he'd used most of his grenades and now only had 1 HE and 1 Incendiary left, his flame thrower had dried up long ago and he'd had to commandeer one of the spare Pulse Rifle from the 8th's APC. He was proud of how his squad had fought and between him Jonnson and Roberts they'd racked up a hefty number of kills thankfully keeping the attackers from over running the north wall.

He heard the shouts from one of the other Marines and looked on amazed as a giant beast ripped its way out of the cave entrance. With the sentry guns now dry they'd have to think fast on how to put this thing down. "Bojan, Morrison is there any chance of getting air support to take care of that? If not we can drive out the APC's and train the turrets on it!".

Simovic knew the APC's would be able to damage this thing as it carried a formidable array of weaponry, not only twin 20mm gattling cannons but also the huge turret twin phased plasma cannon.
Last edited by Dugan on Mon Jul 09, 2007 11:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Image Ssg Dugan Simovic, Platoon Sergeant                 

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Turn 9 - Blood, Guts, and No Glory

Post by Huey » Fri Jul 06, 2007 9:50 pm

The rifle on Huey's barrel was white-hot and still smoking from all the firing he had to get another one in order to keep going. Two hours and they were all alive. Huey had only 5 grenades left and few mags. The whole squad had done well, the field littered with steaming acidic corpses was a testament to what they had done. He thought it was almost over...guess what?

"Jesus!" Huey's jaw almost dropped at the site of the giant queen. "Fox put a rocket up that things ass!" He yelled over to him.

"Captain Hernandez this is Easy Eights requesting immediate air support on a high priority target ahead of my position, over" Huey called into the radio hoping to get one of the Dropships to bring their weapons around.

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Turn 9 - Blood, Guts, and No Glory

Post by Hunk » Sat Jul 07, 2007 3:39 am

Tired from that last two hours of battle with the waves coming, mouth and lips dry. He looked at the horrific sight of the sentry guns out of ammo. Glancing back off into the distance seeing this monstrosity rip threw the heards of advancing Xenomorphs. He was quick to action, looking at 1 clip left for his rifle and 2 HE grenades left. Thinking this was gonna give him one hell of a thrill, he loaded the M5 that Huey previously told him to grab.

"What the hell is that?" fox said dropping the cig straight from his mouth, trying hard to not get into shock. "Its all mine if that air support don't work out."

"Jesus!" Huey's jaw almost dropped at the site of the giant queen. "Fox put a rocket up that things ass!" He yelled over to him.

I have to say thats the most brilliant plain today. Fox said sarcastically.

Fox kneeled down with the M5 on his shoulder against the wall.Fox steadily aimed at the queen. He fired once.

(OOC- M5, Single target.)
Last edited by Hunk on Sun Jul 08, 2007 2:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Turn 9 - Blood, Guts, and No Glory

Post by StConstantine » Sat Jul 07, 2007 6:36 am

Con's face paled at the sight of the giant alien. "Oh shit, not again" he screamed over the sound of gunfire. "Morrison, if your gonna call a retreat I suggest you do it NOW".

Con's rifle was hot, he was on his last 2 clips, all his grenades had been spent, a burn mark ran across his cheek where he had touched his gun to his face.

"We can't keep this up much longer, that thing won't stop for anything, we have no chance. That thing is death incarnate. Jesus Christ, lets get the HELL OUT OF HERE"

Con winced as sweat dripped onto the burn on his face but he kept his eyes forward, sending another spray of pulse rifle bullets into the oncoming aliens.
PFC Karl Sarafian
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Turn 9 - Blood, Guts, and No Glory

Post by Apachetear » Sat Jul 07, 2007 12:16 pm

Sweat rolling down his face, Jacob turned and fired burst after burts, controlled - methodically. Still, as reserved as he had been with his ammo it was running out. He had about a clip left in his webbing and half a clip in his rifle. He spat on his rifle and heard the sizzle appreciatively. This was how a marine was meant to live!

Hearing the cries of the other men he turned round and saw the massive alien pounding towards them.

He blinked.

It was still pounding towards them.

He looked at the scurrying creatures moving up to the base, and how people had suddenly become preoccupied with the beast.

He took out a bottle of pills from a pocket and promptly swallowed one.


He dropped to one knee and continue to fire at the closest creatures. He was fairly sure the marines would obey him, well, they'd die if they didn't.

He hadn't moved from his position, and there were 3 empty cartons of cigarettes at his feet, and 59 cigarette ends. The 60th one quickly dropped to the floor. There was a brief pause in his shooting as the sounds of a packet being opened, a cigarette being withdrawn, and a lighter lighting the cigarette ocurred.

He carried on shooting, working out in his head, the odds of them surviving. The odds were low enough for him to not care any more...he started laughing, quietly at first - but gradually louder and more manic as it went on...If he was going to die it would be best in a noble last stand!
Pvt. Jacob "smiles" Honeysett

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Turn 9 - Blood, Guts, and No Glory

Post by Dirk Pitt » Sat Jul 07, 2007 3:45 pm

Sweat was stinging Dirks eyes as he fought. It had been two hours, it might as well been two years for all he knew. Wave after wave of the creatures crashed against the walls only to be beaten back by by the withering fire he and Con's squad put down.

The fear Dirk had felt at first was soon replaced with anger and then rage. He eyed the aliens with cold hatered. They would not pass as long as he lived. Keeping an eye on the ammo was getting to be second nature by now. Reloading in one quick motion he saw that he was running out. He would have to find some more ammo or get a different weapon, he thought as he poured more fire into the next wave, sending another alien spinning backwards to its death screamming that high pitched scream that he knew would haunt his dreams...If he lived

"Hay, Con!! Man I don't even want to know how many beers you owe me by now!!!" Dirk said with a smartass grin

Then one group of aliens drew back. Dirk almost felt like they would win, until he heard the scream. Looking over he saw it. Time seemed to stand still. It was 16 feet tall, clawing it's way out of hell, and it was comeing for them. Fuck, this keeps getting better and better he said under his breath with a small sarcastic laugh.
Con's face paled at the sight of the giant alien. "Oh shit, not again" he screamed over the sound of gunfire. "Morrison, if your gonna call a retreat I suggest you do it NOW".
"Con, if the L-T calls for a retreat. I want to volenteer to cover the squad as it falls back." Dirk said over the com befor he thought it out. If this was his last stand he would make the aliens remember how much it cost.
Cpl Dirk Pitt
First squad leader

Pulse Rifle w/ 4 grenades, 8 canister shells
M1911 Colt .45 caliber Sidearm
Smoke Grenade x2
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Turn 9 - Blood, Guts, and No Glory

Post by Jocke » Sun Jul 08, 2007 12:31 am

Morrison saw the bigger creature out of the corner of his eye, and turned to face it as he cocked the under-barrel launcher.

"Put some grenades on that big fucker!" He shouted frantically. The rifle grenades had put one down before- hopefully they would be enough this time as well. The smell of gunpowder, coupled with the sharper stench of the aliens acid burned his nostrils. But still, he couldn't help but to smile. This (and variations on this theme) was after all, why he had signed up.

"Looking good over there, Smiles!" he shouted over the prone Marines. He then patted Bojan on his armor-clad shoulder; "Just like last time, eh? Now help me out with this one too, would ya?" He asked, as he took aim with his rifle at the huge head of the closing monster.

"Too bad about the grenades, really. They'd make a kickass wall throphy." Morrison said to noone in particular, before he pulled the trigger.
LcCpl Conrad Heart

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Turn 9 - Blood, Guts, and No Glory

Post by Corporal Hicks » Sun Jul 08, 2007 1:34 am

At first Eric was firing quickly because he had so many spare clips. Then when he’d used up the smartgun clips from his backpack, he realized he’d better be more conservative with his ammo. He pulled out his pistol and set his smartgun beside him. After using up all eight clips from his backpack, he picked up the smartgun again. He pulled a clip out of his Utility Holdall on the ground. But when he tried to fire the gun spat a few bullets out the end and sputtered out. He unplugged the battery and grabbed the spare in his backpack, loading it into the gun. A little bit later his canteen ran out. Then he remembered that he had brought those 5 spares in his backpack. He pulled out three, tossing two in the direction of his squad mates, Dugan and Jonsson. He tore off his dust goggles, too fogged in sweat for use. He’d gotten rid of the poncho a while back.

Three smartgun clips, a smartgun battery, three pistol clips, three grenades, and a canteen later, and the marines were still fighting. He jammed his almost empty Utility Holdall into his almost empty backpack. All his remaining ammo was on his belt now. The sweat was getting into his eyes now, and he took a quick break from firing to clean off his face with some water from his canteen, then he grabbed his wash kit and wiped his face down with a rag. Then he dropped it and opened fire again. Suddenly he saw the queen come out of the ground. “Look! A big one!!â€
ImageSgtMaj. Danny Sykes - Platoon NCO
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Turn 9 - Blood, Guts, and No Glory

Post by StConstantine » Mon Jul 09, 2007 2:46 am

"Con, if the L-T calls for a retreat. I want to volenteer to cover the squad as it falls back." Dirk said over the com befor he thought it out. If this was his last stand he would make the aliens remember how much it cost.
"We'll see marine, how much amo have you got left, I'm not gonna leave you behind with only a few shots."

Turning back to the swarm of aliens Con let out a howl and fired another round into the closer bunch. "Die mutha f**kers, come and get some i'll kill you all, some one get me some more ammo"

PFC Karl Sarafian
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Turn 9 - Blood, Guts, and No Glory

Post by Dugan » Tue Jul 10, 2007 12:00 am

Dugan had been using his canteen to cool his weapon dousing water over the barrel, he'd even heard of soldiers urinating on their weapons to cool them, thankfully his canteen was still half full...

He didn't know if these weapons would have much effect against the larger Xenomorph with this in mind and hearing Eric's enthusiasm to go out he fired a question over the comms "Bojan, Lt I can take the 8th's APC out there and lay down enough firepower to blow that thing back into the stone age, give me the order and my squad will take care of it".

Image Ssg Dugan Simovic, Platoon Sergeant                 

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Turn 9 - Blood, Guts, and No Glory

Post by Dirk Pitt » Tue Jul 10, 2007 4:16 am

"We'll see marine, how much amo have you got left, I'm not gonna leave you behind with only a few shots."

Dirk took a quick check of his ammo."At this rate I have 30 more minutes. So if we are going to do something we better make it fast"

With that said Dirk turned his attention back to the mass of aliens comeing at him. Fireing at all the targets with as much speed as he can Dirk was still only barely able to hold the tide of alien death back. "Come on you fuckers. They told me you were tough you bunch of alien pussies!!Bring it!!"
Cpl Dirk Pitt
First squad leader

Pulse Rifle w/ 4 grenades, 8 canister shells
M1911 Colt .45 caliber Sidearm
Smoke Grenade x2
KBAR Combat Knife
Portable Welder
Ithaca Shotgun

Non Combat Equipment
Zippo lighter

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Turn 9 - Blood, Guts, and No Glory

Post by tarpshack » Tue Jul 10, 2007 11:02 am

The once harsh noise of the gunfire had drowned out to a dull noise as if they were fighting underwater. Joe's actions were completely instinctive and automatic as he targeted creature after creature. Then he saw it - the largest creature he had seen so far. A tinge of panic set in that caused his senses to heighten and the noise of the battle to return to its original harshness. Joe stood for a moment in awe until the sound of Honeysett’s voice shook him from his daze. He returned his attention to the closer, but smaller creatures still advancing on their position with increased vigor.

Joe checked his ammunition again, "I'm running low on fuel here, somebody better think of something quick."

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Turn 9 - Blood, Guts, and No Glory

Post by Atypicalkiller » Wed Jul 11, 2007 1:55 pm

As the smaller aliens approched Tarik grabbed one of his mens flares and tossed it into the puddle of gasoline that Fox, and Khan had poured out on moments before. A wiked smile was painted across his face as they lit up and the what could be called screams and hisses poured out. "Lite them up boys!!" Khan gave his men the order to open fire on the creatures...they had already been shooting but they knew his order meant to go ballistic on their asses. "Khan grabbed his M56 and without attaching it opened fire, his targeting computer was completely useless without being attached to his eyepiece he shot from the hip, at this range it didn't matter much. He looked over to the prepared fuel containers and Nodded to Fox to start rolling them into the Alien crowd. Khan's smile grew even more when the Largest Alien appear..."The Queen..." he whispered to himself...the creature they sought after had made herself known.

In the game of chess taking the queen out from protection was risky, but effective agaisnt a lesser player, in this instance Khan was the knight that would enevitably take her out of play..he remembered his vow to himself to kill the Queen no matter what the cost..and soon began to think of ways to destory her even if it meant taking his life with hers.

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Corporal Tarik Khan

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Turn 9 - Blood, Guts, and No Glory

Post by - JR - » Thu Jul 12, 2007 9:17 am

"Aye, the small ones are dangerous enough, we can't let a one close enough!"

'Must be quite a bang to force that big one out.. if that one gets taken out does it mean it's over?'

He shook his head. Killing the queen might demoralize the others, but then again it might madden them. Better just to keep it simple unless things started getting out of hand. He clenched his jaw and forced his finger to slow, keeping his firing at short, steady bursts. 'Just don't do anything stupid and you'll get out of here just fine. You go down, so does your squad, you can't afford to slow down or speed up. No heroics.'
Sergeant Sara Wang - Communications Chief

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