Turn 6 - Lower Level of Hell

The joint campaign of the 8th and 9th platoons
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Turn 6 - Lower Level of Hell

Post by Pale Rider » Mon May 28, 2007 10:15 pm

As the men of the Easy Eights descended deeper into the depths of the labyrinth, the temperature continues to escalate and the humidity is so thick you can almost chew the air. As the Marines finished descending into the lower tunnel the arrive in a small chamber ten meters wide and twelve meters long with the western and eastern end opening into further tunnels. The gloom was much darker here, fifty meters below the surface, the make matters worse, the com links were spastically breaking in and out forcing the Marines to verbal and hand gestures. PFC Roberts stumbled under the weight of his combined backpack and Smartgun, smashing two of his precious flashlights causing the darkness to close in around him.
Standing up, his hand brushes against a something weight and sticky. Shining the light down before him he is greeted with the frightened death mask of a human being. The forehead looks to have been bashed in by a hammer, and the stench of rotting flesh permeates the air, within the harsh glow of the flashlight the gray brain matter of the once living person can be seen leaking out of the silver dollar sized hole. A low moan can be heard echoing in the dark, its location being hard to pinpoint as it seems to be coming from all around the men and woman of the Easy Eights.
LCPL Chappell turns to Sergeant Bojan and motions with his hands indicating the two tunnels, “Sarge, which direction do you wants us to go?â€

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Re: Turn 6 - Lower Level of Hell

Post by Corporal Hicks » Tue May 29, 2007 5:17 am

Pale Rider wrote:As the men of the Easy Eights descended deeper into the depths of the labyrinth, the temperature continues to escalate and the humidity is so thick you can almost chew the air.
Eric was very uncomfortable, the pain of the nose injury still there, but numbing, the humidity was keeping the blood on his face from drying. They came to a chamber, and he scanned it, walking in quickly, but the speed, combined with the weight of his gun and backpack, pulled him over, face first, smashing two flashlights on his gun, the ones facing up and right. "I'm down! Cover me!"
ImageSgtMaj. Danny Sykes - Platoon NCO
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Turn 6 - Lower Level of Hell

Post by AstroBoy » Tue May 29, 2007 10:48 am

Bojan motioned for his platoon to come close so he could speak to them.

"Ok, I want you Hawkins, to have a look and see what you can find out about that dead body. Roberts at the west tunnel, Jonson on the east and Simovic, keep an eye on the way we just just came in, thats floors walls, ceilings, everything. Williams, I want you to see if you can contact the other platoon and tell them about our discovery and whatever Hawkins finds out."

Bojan gestured towards Chappell and Khan to stay with him.

"I'm thinking of marking the wall here and then we keep to the left and head on. So if we come to another intersection, its left again. Means we stick to the right on the way out. What do you guys think?"

Things weren't too bad yet, just a few minor injuries. Bojan grinned when he realised that his medic had been one of the ones injured; the eights never seemed to be able to keep a medic safe.
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Turn 6 - Lower Level of Hell

Post by Dugan » Tue May 29, 2007 11:16 am

This mission was going from bad to worse the claustrophobic tunnels were now really humid and Simovic's whole body was sticky with sweat. So much so that every now and then he had to stop and wipe his hands on his shirt just so he could keep hold of his weapon.

Simovic heard the commotion that Roberts made and looked over when he sparked the flare and noticed the decomposing body lying on the floor. He didn't doubt for a minute that they weren't a victim of the creatures they'd seen.

[quote=""Bojan""]"Ok, I want you Hawkins, to have a look and see what you can find out about that dead body. Roberts at the west tunnel, Jonson on the east and Simovic, keep an eye on the way we just just came in, thats floors walls, ceilings, everything. Williams, I want you to see if you can contact the other platoon and tell them about our discovery and whatever Hawkins finds out."[/quote]

"Ok no problem, just hope the 9th don't decide to follow us up the tunnel, as I don't wanna burn any friendlies".

O.O.C Looks like Rednus Chappel is bowing out (check his post in the General Discussion forum). I don't know how his departure will be handled but I suppose it makes sense if Bojan takes over first squad, as everyone else is a Pvt.
Last edited by Dugan on Tue May 29, 2007 12:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Turn 6 - Lower Level of Hell

Post by Atypicalkiller » Tue May 29, 2007 12:16 pm

Khan pressed his finger agaisnt the side of his nose and shot out a snot rocket. The humidity was loosening up his sinuses. A body, Khan thought of his old Friend Altair, he would of by now started analysing it and figuring out a cause of death. Tarik missed his old friend, for the first time. He snickered to himself wondering what Altair would say about Tarik's promotion.

Tarik readjusted his grip on his M56, and took a look around Left or right...? either way most certainly lead to death, with the radios cutting in and out splitting up the squads was a GREAT idea. Khan shook his head and lit another smoke, he had a pack and a half left. Bojan seemed to want to mark the tunnels, a good idea for Hansel and Gretel, but at this point they had left a breadcrumb trail of flares marking their path. Khan looked back as the Flares slowly burned out one by one. Tarik thought of the crows eating up the breadcrumbs..

Khan picked up what appeared to be limestone and dragged it along the wall it's white chalky markings showing up well against the dark walls. When he had finished it appeared to be a skull and cross bones.

"Bojan, squad 1 has the medic, sounds like theres an injured man down that way, I suggest if we are to split up they head towards it..."
Khan felt like an ass pointing out the obvious to Bojan but Khan didn't really have much to say about anything other than what he would do in Bojan's shoes.

Khan didn't like the Idea of splitting up anymore than they already had. He would of prefered one squad stay put while the other reconed the moaning.
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Turn 6 - Lower Level of Hell

Post by - JR - » Tue May 29, 2007 3:50 pm

Jonsson continued down the east tunnel, gripping his rifle tightly and intently searching for any signs of danger, keeping an eye on the ceiling the whole time. 'Them bugs seem to know we have to stay on the floor and aren't ready for the ceilings.. I really hope they're not that smart.' He wasn't happy about splitting up, especially after the teamwork needed to send off their last guest, but he wasn't one to question orders when part of a group, not without good reason.
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Turn 6 - Lower Level of Hell

Post by Dugan » Tue May 29, 2007 8:16 pm

Simovic noticed Jonsson heading down the east tunnel on his own and called out to him. "Hold on Jonsson, Bojan only needs you to guard the east tunnel, not go down it". The last thing the platoon needed now was people being split up especially as their comms weren't functioning properly down here.
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Turn 6 - Lower Level of Hell

Post by AstroBoy » Wed May 30, 2007 8:32 am

"Bojan, squad 1 has the medic, sounds like theres an injured man down that way, I suggest if we are to split up they head towards it..."
"Well, we're definitely not splitting up if I can help it.", Bojan replied. With reduced comms it would be even worse if something bad happened. "Keep that rock, as we come across intersections we'll leave a mark but we'll keep to the left, then it should be easy on the way out anyway. We're gonna start moving as soon as Hawkins and Williams are finished. Ideas? Questions?"

"Stay sharp everyone", Bojan called out.

OOC: we need to know about rednus soon, its gonna be hard to keep writing and just let him disappear.
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Turn 6 - Lower Level of Hell

Post by Atypicalkiller » Wed May 30, 2007 1:34 pm

Khan nodded, in agreement he was glad Bojan and him were on the same wavelenght as far as the mission. Khan stubbed his smoke out again on his Forearm. He looked around to make sure no one saw. He was stressed, and this was his outlet for relieving that stress. By no means a healthy one. He flicked the butt...
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Turn 6 - Lower Level of Hell

Post by - JR - » Thu May 31, 2007 6:55 am

[quote=""Dugan""]Simovic noticed Jonsson heading down the east tunnel on his own and called out to him. "Hold on Jonsson, Bojan only needs you to guard the east tunnel, not go down it". The last thing the platoon needed now was people being split up especially as their comms weren't functioning properly down here.[/quote]
"A'right, sorry, echoes actin' strange here I guess." Falling into a modified combat stance that supported his weapon and pack better, Jonsson stood, scanning the tunnel and waiting for orders.
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Turn 6 - Lower Level of Hell

Post by Pale Rider » Thu May 31, 2007 1:49 pm

A large stone came crashing down from the ceiling, it smashed into the center of the crowd and bounced once before it came down solidly on LCPL Rednus left leg pinning the marine to the ground. The motion detector began to whine loudly as the marines flashed their lights on the ceiling. To their horror three of the Xenomorphic creatures could be seen descending from the ceiling and rapidly advancing on the marines.


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Turn 6 - Lower Level of Hell

Post by Atypicalkiller » Thu May 31, 2007 6:17 pm

As the cave in disabled one of the troops, Khan put his hands over his head protecting himself from debris. Once he saw the Xenomorphs he knew this was a trap.
Khan swung around gripped it and let it rip.

OOC Roll Multiple Fire/Multiple Targets
OOC Will be back Monday Morning.
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Turn 6 - Lower Level of Hell

Post by Dugan » Thu May 31, 2007 8:55 pm

Simovic seeing the whole opening up in the ceiling decided it was time to try his Flame Unit out and sent a 5 second burst upwards.

"Burn baby burn!".

OOC roll multiple fire, multiple targets.
Last edited by Dugan on Thu May 31, 2007 10:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Turn 6 - Lower Level of Hell

Post by Corporal Hicks » Thu May 31, 2007 9:29 pm

Roberts heard the sound of the rock falling, and spun around to see his squadleader trapped under it. He looked to the ceiling, spotting three xenomorphs crawling out of the hole. He raised his gun and opened fire on the xenomorphs, focussing on one of them, praying in his head.

OOC: Roll multiple fire, single target.
ImageSgtMaj. Danny Sykes - Platoon NCO
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Serial Number: D26/TQ6.3.48412E9
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Turn 6 - Lower Level of Hell

Post by Huey » Fri Jun 01, 2007 2:50 am

Williams took a swig of water the moment he had a break in the room, when Eric fell it was hard to notice what he found. After he'd been assigned his job he approached the body poked with his rifle. He just felt compelled to make sure that the person was dead for sure.

Huey sent the radio transmission, there had been having comm problems, it was nothing really that Huey could do about down here the comms had only so much power the only way was to boost it but that took time and he didn't really have that luxury at the moment."Delta Dogs this is Williams with Easy Eights we've come to a large room and discovered the remains of a someone, we will be holding for the moment, over"

At the very moment he finished his sentence a rock came down and pinned down his friend Chapell pinned down. After covering his head beeps chimed from his motion tracker. Snapping up his head to see three xenomorphs rushing them. Aiming at the nearest one he fired off a canister round into one of the creatures. Not even waiting after he fired off the shotgun shell he opened up steady busrts with his rifle.

OOC: Roll multiple fire, single target
pl. Huey Williams
8th Platoon, Section A, 2nd Squad
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